Best places to buy Propecia / Finasteride?

Dear fellow Ozbargainers,

Going pass 30 and I know Age has caught up with me. Also thanks to my dad, hairs on top of my head starting to get much thinner now and I want to prevent and reverse that. If Brad Pitt ever wanted my scalp, at least it got some hairs on it to look good.

I don't trust those mobs advertising regularly on TV like Advanced Hair Studio or Ashley and Martin Hair Loss Treatment, too many negative stories about them. Base on some research (which means asked professor Google and my family doctor), I find swallowing Propecia might be the way to go even though there might be some side effects and risks which I'm willing to take.

To buy Propecia in Australia, the cheapest place I found is Chemist Warehouse, around $80 for a pack of 30 which only last me a month. That's not up to OzB standard! I've found some oversea websites sell cheap generic tablets but I don't have much experience or confidence in them eg:…

That's why I've gotta turn to professionals, appreciate your advices!

closed Comments

    • Yeah, the family doctor mentioned the side effects but that the risks I have to take.

  • +2

    Look into Proscar. It has medical uses so it might be cheaper/subsidised and it contains 5mg of Finasteride where as Propecia contains 1mg. So if you can get it for cheaper (or the same price) just take a 4th of a tablet (easier to do than a fifth - unless you buy some microscales) and you get 4 (5) times the amount.

    Just using the website you provided you can get 84 tablets for $26.31. Essentially $0.08/dose (4th a tablet).

    • I might miss something, couldn't see the link for Procar 84 tablets for $26.31?

    • Found it, need to search for Proscar, the price on the website might be out of date, also gotta factor in the freight as well.…

    • A friend of mine went to Ashley & Martin a few years ago and i think it was Proscar tablet that he was on and it was instructed to cut it into quaters and take 1 each day. They also have the topical oil/medication - minodoxil i think. So you could try that too. (Rogaine/generics) A&M also do an initial ""laser"" treatment too - but you pay thousands for the whole package…

  • Don't buy online, it's a sure fire way for problems. Also, I wouldn't recommend scoring a tablet 4 or 5 times. If the tablet itself only has one line for scoring, stick to it. There is no guarantee that when chopping it into four pieces, one piece has active ingredient (or two pieces, in the case of a once scored tablet) and the other pieces are just filler.

    • Yeah, i don't trust those online stores much so I want to see if anyone here got some reliable sources or feed back on those websites.

    • This would never be the case. But if you're that paranoid crush the whole tablet (or 10 tablets) up mix it around and divide it into 4 or 5 (or 40 to 50) capsules (pick empty ones up from the chemist).

      Do it in bulk and you'll save time as well as thousands of dollars a year.

      • I'm a pharmacist… It does happen!

        When it comes down to it, it's your own health you're messing with. Finasteride isn't something you want to stuff up.

    • I'm a Pharmacist as well and this is the worst advice you can give in regards to this case.

      Proscar into quarters is fine. It is common practice for those who would like save money to take 1 quarter of a 5mg Proscar tablet instead of 1mg of Propecia.

      The only concern I would be is due the size of the tablet, the quarters are not exact so your dose could be fluctuating, but only slightly if you quarter them with a bit of care.

      Just out of curiosity, what tablet has one side the active and the other fillers? Maybe you should go back to your books and re-read up on "fillers" and answer why your comment makes practically no sense.

  • +1

    My younger brother has had great success with finasteride. Unfortunatey I think it's a little late for me. You're doing the right thing getting in early with the treatment. I'm pretty sure my brother buys from Canadian online pharmacies. I'll ask him and post here when he gets home from work.

    • Thanks, awaiting your reply. May I ask how old was your brother and what was state of his hair when he started on finasteride?

      • He's 32 now and been taking finasteride for nearly two years I think. He got on to the treatment early when he starting balding on the crown. I let it go for too many years and am probably stuck with it now. He was lucky and the medication basically gave him a full head of hair back.

        • Good to hear, i know some has succeeded, some not and i want to try my luck.

        • +1

          He buys finasteride from Not sure if it's genuine or generic though although he's used both before. Anyway, Good luck.

  • +2

    Just do what I and many other males do. Shave your head.

    If Prince William and rich Hollywood actors with MILLIONS of dollars in the bank can't save their hair, what hope do we have?

    Plus with a shaved head you look BADASS.

    • Who says you can't save your hair? Why should he give up before he tries the medication? If he's one of the lucky ones that responds well to the drug then I say go for it.

        • +1

          Yes there can be side effects but not everyone experiences them and they may only be temporary until the body becomes used to the drug. I guess it's up to the individual to decide what they are willing to put up with. It's also highly likely that it wont work but I think the pain of regret from not trying and not knowing will out way any cost.

        • Sure. However latest research is saying that impotence is increasingly becoming permanent in a lot of long term users.

          It's a big gamble, either way!

  • +1

    Find a cheap price - get it matched at Terry White (price match policy). Some owners/managers/pharmacists end up beating the price.

    • This is the safest way to do it!

  • +1

    i take provillus every day with minoxidil and i use a micro needle for better absorption. I did alot of research on provillus and alot of people said it was a scam and not to waste my money, i took a chance and 6 months later you can't tell i was going bald. im not saying it works for everybody but it seems i am one of the lucky ones. i also use regenepure shampoo (contains Ketoconazole) which is proven to regrow hair.

    i got heaps of info from this guy on youtube

    here are the products i take and use………

    also just to add if you are using any product and you notice more hair falling out this is a good thing.. dont freak out it is normal for hair to fall out as new hair is pushing though and replacing the old ones.

    • That micro needle looks scary! Does it actually puncture the skin, or is it just meant to be like a roller and spread out the product?

    • It's proven that minoxidil works, maybe it's that working by itself?

      I wouldn't use a micro needle to increase absorption.. increases side effects of medications.. Minoxidil can cause a drop in blood pressure, problems with the heart..

      • i stopped using minoxidil for a period and just took the provillus (saw palmetto) tablets, i noticed the hair i had didn't fall out but no new hair grow so i believe the two work hand in hand. each to there own about the micro needle, it does its job in increase absorption and i wouldn't use minoxidil without it. ive heard stories where minoxidil on its own created erectile dis function which shows how each drug effects people in different ways. This is an extremely rare side effect in my opinion.

  • Two things have worked for me; regular head massage and shaving it all off. The massage increases circulation and feels good too - if you have a 'friend' to do it for you. And shaving it off eliminates the problem entirely - you can't be conscious of losing hair when it's all gone … :)

  • Hi there,

    Has anyone actually managed to successfully order Propecia etc online or have any other worthwhile experiences to report back on?!


  • I was using Finasteride (5mg tablets) a few years ago. Worked well for hair growth and no sides for me.

    My research indicated that the 1mg a day dose was perhaps unnecessarily high. In the end I was cutting one tablet into 8 and taking it every couple of days. A lot cheaper and still got results

    • Worked well for hair growth and no sides for me

      No hair on the sides? :P

    • Ive just started taking Propecia, and see how it goes. Why am i so sceptical of your site? Are you based in Australia? Or india?

  • +1

    It looks like Lloyd and now Adam are treating this like their own advertising page but I certainly don't trust them and neither should you
    I ordered Dr Reddy's Finax from them because I thought I could trust an Australian rather than risk some Asian website
    It didn't arrive and then I got an email from Lloyd saying he couldn't source it and offered me a substitute which I didn't want
    Two weeks later (19 October 2013) Lloyd promised a refund and sent me a copy of a "refund transaction" to my credit card
    But the "refund transaction" was dated 6 October 2013
    Don't know how the refund can be issued 2 weeks before?
    Surprisingly the refund STILL hasn't arrived
    I sent another email and Lloyd said his bank is in CHINA!!! and his web site is registered in BELIZE!
    Unfortunately Lloyd isn't in South Perth - he's OVERSEAS

    Very Australian LLoyd

    Now they have changed the web site to .net

    Wonder what else is going on


    They Lie and don't deliver and don't refund

  • Hi Adam

    All I am asking for is the refund Lloyd promised me that hasn't arrived after 2 weeks

    I really don't see what a phone call can achieve when all I've asked for and already been promised is my refund

    Hollow promises on the phone are just as hollow as via email

    maybe you could use an australian bank account to effect the refund instead

    I'll gladly post a response when the cash comes back


  • Well thank you Lloyd

    Got the bank transfer today and my refund is now complete

    It's just such a pity it took so long to resolve

    Perhaps Chinese banks aren't really the best option


  • Well guys I may be late in posting but regardless of your views if you need to get these meds for the same or similar non PDS prices without prescriptions then a safe site to buy from overseas is 4cornerpharmacy's google them. Main distribution is from Vanuatu and I've been there when on holidays so recognised their site. I've ordered numerous stuff over the years and never had an issue, they do carry a limited range of most drugs and mail sometimes takes a couple of weeks to Australia. Just remember custom delays may add a week or two. Orders marked as over $1,000 per item/combined order, will attract customs duties so keep your orders under that to prevent a nasty customs fee. Good luck with the hair and remember side effects above that you all mentioned are possible in some people but not all, and if your getting any seek medical advice. Sam

  • I remember reading articles and forum posts regarding lost lasting/possibly permanent side effects from taking these drugs. Some men suffered a near complete loss of sexual desire/function. Sure its only a small chance and everyone always thinks it won't happen to them but thoroughly do you research before starting this. Scared me too much to try that's for sure.

  • Resurrecting this old thread.

    I'm considering this myself. Been gradually balding for years. Still a bit up top, although it's hard to say how much as I shave it pretty regularly. Would be nice to grow some back.

    But I'm only interested in doing it if it's;
    * safe. I'm aware of potential side effects and can deal with those, but I'd be worried just popping pills from some seller on the internet without feedback from others, especially OzBargainers. :)
    * inexpensive. I'd like to have a bit of hair again, have the option to grow it again, but I'm not interested in spending thousands each year. Some prices in this thread seem reasonable, but again, I worry about what I'm actually getting.

    I assume with things like this if you stop taking it your hair will go again?

    Then there's the question of which one to actually get! Finasteride? Propecia? Proscar? Some sort of combination?

    I'd love to hear peoples experiences with this stuff. Being bald doesn't worry me that much, but if I can re-grow a little hair without any major danger or expense, I'd certainly entertain the idea. Cheers guys.

    • +1

      Wisepage to aid your understanding:

      Propecia- Finasteride 1mg

      Proscar- Finasteride 5mg

      Finasteride 1mg is off patent now and generics in Australia are significantly cheaper now (around $30 for a month supply)

      You can use topical treatments (such as Minoxidil 5%) with finasteride and you can get stronger topical therapies on prescription

      I have seen the best results using MInoxidil 8% with either retinoic acid 0.01% or Azelaic acid 5% (either is around $100 for 3 month supply). Finasteride can be used with this and I would suggest a zinc/silica supplement as well

      Source: Compounding pharmacist

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