10% off computers (excludes Apple)
10% off TV's (excludes Soniq & Senzu)
20% off receivers & floor speakers
JB Hi-Fi Pre-Stocktake Sale till Mon 19 Apr - 10% off Computers & TV's & 20% off Some Sound Gear

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Wrong, 10% most probably means it's below cost.. you can try but I doubt you will succeed.
How do I know? I work in that department :)
I don't work for JB but it's hard to believe that the mrgin is less than %10 of the ticketed price.
Just me though and I might be wrong.I went in today to have a look at a Nikon DSLR, the dude said best he could knock off a $1380 cam was $20!!!
see ya later and out the door I went!
It says on the front page of the website, and in each subsection, that the 10-20% is off the ticketed prices.
I think 10% off a LCD tv is pretty normal. Hardly below cost?!?!
nothing is ever below cost they always make profit that's why salesperson get commission
Agreed. Every store reserves the right to sell products and no one is going to sell for less than cost - There is no reason to! People who have been told anything else (staff or customers) have been lied to for an ulterior reason.
im sure if a store had to get rid of stock that wasnt moving they might consider cutting their losses and selling for less then cost…though i do agree that "cost price" can be very deceptive like those "cost price + $1" sales which imo are bs…
yeah tru, some rly cheap 'first hour only' sales seem to be AT cost price or just under. Thats only coz they know they'll get a mass of people to buy other stuff and make a killing neway.
I always thought that most companies jst sent these leftover items back to the supplier who buy them back, and reuse the parts (for electronics). Or they sell it on the black market to pay for the exorbitant incomes of their CEOs :P. Never worked in retail, neone know wat actually happens?
That's true but I was talking in context of negotiating a reduced price with salespeople (see earlier comments above) rather than stores clearing leftovers/damaged stock or limited doorbuster sales bait.
There is "cost price", then there is their final price, inclusive of additional discounts and sales rebates. ;)
Bigger stores sell below cost all the time. To suggest otherwise only highlights ignorance. Take a basic business class and you'll learn what loss leaders & break even leaders are.
I don't think many OzBargainers are aware of just how tight (generally) retailers are with some of their margins. They just have the additional weight on the prices of logistics, overheads for stores / running costs, as opposed to smaller etailers that do not.
Take for example nearly every new release DVD that you see sub 25 dollars… That's below cost. (Easy example) Many large supermarkets and retailers constantly sell certain products at or below cost, because it gets people in the doors to purchase the high-margin impulse buys.
JB definitely do have some inflated prices in order to create some wiggle room for customers to bargain, but it's not going to be 20% on most goods as some people seem to imply.
I think people are missing the context here (see my post before yours). We are talking about negotiated purchases (ie, your "wiggle room" above) with sales people (not a $2 DVD from a sales bin) and hence the nature of this sale. A salesperson is not going to sell you a tv without covering their costs and making some profit (one way or another. eg. extended warranty, etc). There is no point in being in business doing this and that was the point being made by IgnitionS15.
So telling us about loss leaders (We know. We are bargain humters…) and that we are ignorant about them(!) is irrelevant here. It's about the context of the discussion thread.
You may know about them, but evidently, not everyone (to the contrary, very few actually) seem to. My post is not just a reflection on this particular discussion topic, but right across the board with OzBargainer's responses in general.
The notion that "nothing is ever sold below cost" is absolutely incorrect; pertinent to the issue in its entirety, or solely in the context of this discussion - incorrect. This is what I'm responding to.
ozbargain (the user, not the site) also brings up another valid reason for selling below cost.
In this particular instance, you're right, most of the TVs probably aren't below cost - although some will be. They have to intentionally exclude their housebrands from this promotion obviously. You can ask mizazn for clarification on which models are and which aren't… but he'll likely be neg'd (again) for such an inconvenient truth.
People are welcome to continue thinking that big businesses don't/can't afford to drop prices below cost — but that is ignorant. Neg'ing me for that particular statement (however unpleasant it may be) doesn't really void it. LCD production has been ramped up considerably (and prices reflect this), JB is evidently getting in (somewhat) early in contrast to their competitors and offloading older stock before, say, 3D comes along. It's not really a stretch of the imagination that some of these are below cost, no?
If you can't negotiate at least 15-20% off ticketed priced on TVs at JB, you're not trying.
it's a rare thing to get a bargain at HN or JB. Don't waste your time and go eslewhere and save heaps. They are good for seeing whats avail nothing else.
thats right.. JB started off cheaper.. but as market share improved they increased their hype AND their margin. as for heavy norman, again i agree, good for research and price matching for convenience (when u can get it).
so where could we buy cheap TV's from then?
wish i could give u a definitive answer, but i can say ive found the good guys to be consistently cheaper than JB and HN.
what happened to my reply on this post… got deleted/censored! why?
I sad I went into a JB store to talk prices on a $1380 DSLR and was only offered a $20 discountwhat gives?
Lol, relax, its still there. You replied to mizazn's comment, which has been voted down so his comment and all replies to that comment is hidden. For you or anyone to see hidden comments, you need to log in and check the "Show all hidden comments" box which is located just above the first comment on every post.
ha, thanks for that, now I know.
What makes you think you deserve a larger discount? Ever thought it might have been a reasonable price to start with? There is a reason prices are similar at most of these discount electrical places, because thats the best reasonable price for both parties. If you want stupid low prices, buy on-line sight unseen grey imports with no Aus warranty/support, or be repaired to give a little to shop at a bricks and mortar store.
hey if you're happy with that amount of discount, and promote the "buy from your local shop" then why are you even on this site?
beats me!Please read my above post. Many OzB'ers are under the impression that many retailers have margins of 10, 20, 30% on their items… This is untrue (most of the time). TVs for instance, don't really get a significant markup, but cables do. Cameras don't, extended warranty and SD cards do. You can even look at the number of people that have buried someone who actually works at JB for stating otherwise… although I'd venture to say that, quite simply, he knows more about JB's prices than you/we do (although he may not be aware that JB's computers probably don't show the real cost price, rather the store's cost price)
The extra cost you pay at JB as opposed to joessmallbusiness.com stems from logistics, brick and mortar overheads and proper support. That's not to say you have to buy from JB (or even that they are the best options), but businesses aren't always some big evil guy trying to take the little guy for a ride.
It's good to be price-savvy, but it's also good to have a grip on reality and manage your expectations from the brick and mortars. You can (usually) always get the same thing online cheaper (especially with our current exchange), but you may not have heard of or have experience with the etailer.
@pais: Assuming that you don't buy any added stuff and just buy computers and TVs under this sale isn't it fair to say they either have at least 10% margins on these products (otherwise they would be selling PCs/TVs with no profit in this 10% off sale and relying on powerboards and extra warranties for profit - Good luck to them if that's their business model) or (less likely) they have jacked up the prices for the 10% off sale?
If they can take 10% off their regular price for most PC/TV stock now I think it's reasonable to suggest you could -possibly- negotiate 10% off the regular price at other times (with them still making profit). It would just take more effort with no guarantee of success.
The point you make about "cost" price and it's interpretations are a valid one and often leads to misunderstandings/confusion in discussions.
@daydream: Simply put: on most, yes, there will likely still be a margin.
Few will still be below cost. I'm sure you can ask mizazn up there for clarification, although he'll likely be neg'd into oblivion for posting his own experience. Kinda silly, but it's the internet.
@pais: Pais, your posts are a beacon of common sense in the choppy OzBargain seas of conspiracy and baseless claims.
10% sale appears to have been extended to Monday 26th April
10% of ticketed prices? Its very easy to haggle them past that