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$5 off Who Gives a Crap Orders


Excerpt From Email: It’s true. The planet needs your bum like never before. 15 billion trees are being cut down every year and a big part of that is to make toilet paper, tissues and kitchen towels. We think that’s just crazy – and not the ‘let’s eat dessert before dinner’ good kind of crazy.

So in honour of Earth Day, we’re giving you $5 off your next order. We don’t normally discount because we try and put our money towards making the best possible product we can. That way, we can get it to more homes and help give more people access to toilets with our profits.

But this is a special occasion. It’s for Earth, ya know?

Tell your friends, family and Steve down the street about switching your toilet paper to soft, quality, recycled. This discount is only for one week, so get your bum into gear.

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Who Gives a Crap
Who Gives a Crap

closed Comments

  • +7

    Got some of this as a gift and it was terrible

    • +21


    • +5

      Something about this smells a little off…

    • +13

      Someone gave you toilet paper as a gift?!

      • +2

        Not a birthday present or anything, just was given some from a family member…

    • +2

      Sh1t happens!

    • +7

      One of my old housemates used to get this. Hated it, it is really poor quality and the paper disintegrates in your hands while your using it…

      To add insult to injury each roll comes in individual wrapping and has colour printing on the wrapper and the card roll in the middle. If they were going to so much effort on making it look cool they could have used that energy and cost to make the paper itself more usable or saved it to help the environment! And I'm not convinced having each box being individually delivered is particularly great for the environment either.

      I'm happy to pay extra to save the environment but this product is significantly worse in my opinion than the much cheaper toilet paper you get at the supermarket and contradicts itself on being environmentally friendly.

      If it's actually good for the environment then I encourage you all to buy it, but I'm definitely not going to use it and let me know to bring my own paper if you invite me around to your house! :)

      edit: Their tissues seemed good quality though!

    • +1

      Can't you just recycle normal bog roll by turning it over and using the other side, or folding in half?

  • +3

    15 billion trees are being cut down every year and a big part of that is to make toilet paper, tissues and kitchen towels. We think that’s just crazy

    I think you're crazy. Cellulose aka trees are a renewable resource and further they are net negative as far as carbon released - in other words they sequester carbon as part of the production process.

    Why are you insisting we cut down less trees like it's a good thing?

    • +7

      In Australia, 95% of tissue products come from old growth rainforests, which are not sustainable at all. They take hundreds of years to grow but they are not even replanted after they are clearfelled.

      Just did a quick google and found this

      A 2005 NSW government study found that for every tonne of toilet paper that's recycled, 400kg of greenhouse emissions are saved.

      According to the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) every tonne of paper recycled saves 13 trees, 2.5 barrels of oil, 4100 kilowatts of electricity, four cubic metres of landfill and 31,380 litres of water.

      Read more at http://www.ninemsn.com.au/article/326567#4RMrTleMHJw6zqeq.99

      So that might be why.

      • +6

        95% of tissue products


        • try clicking the link.

        • +7


          95% of tissue products come from old growth rainforests

          It doesn't say anything remotely like that. If it were true it would be an absolute outrage.

          What it says is this

          "Only five percent of the toilet paper we flush away in Australia is made from recycled paper," Dee says. "The rest is virgin fibre from plantation or native-forest trees."

        • +3

          "In Australia, 95% of tissue products come from old growth rainforests, which are not sustainable at all."
          "Only five percent of the toilet paper we flush away in Australia is made from recycled paper," Dee says. "The rest is virgin fibre from plantation or native-forest trees."

          What a silly way to word it, key word there being the 'or'. That's like saying "5% of all men are celibate, the rest are not celebite or pedophiles", therefore, "95% of men are pedophiles."

        • +2

          @LoopyLou: zzymurgy is a deductive reasoner.

          See: http://goo.gl/vOlvr5

      • +1

        A 2005 NSW government study

        There's been a lot of changes in the last 11 years. Do you have anything more up to date?

      • +1

        95%? why not 94% or 96.23%? since we cant find the Source

      • That's interesting, if my calculations are right then if you are just comparing the water used vs the paper, 32g of paper uses 1L. 8 sheets is only 3g in the brand I have at the moment which is actually not much. I just checked and I probably use about 250mL of water, which is the equivalent of 8g. As you all would know sheet usage fluctuates, but maybe 8 is a decent average? However I would also be saving all the electricity and oil, and everything it takes to make the recycled paper which would be very significant. If anyone has the similar cost breakdown of of what it takes to make recycled paper that would be interesting to know, as that whole amount is also saved if you are using a bidet.

        I think the govt needs to legislate against paper if they are ever going to get rid of it like they did with the old filament light bulbs

      • +3

        for every tonne of toilet paper that's recycled

        And how do you recycle toilet paper, you ask? You hang it on the line and beat the crap out of it, of course.

  • +1

    Just bought some of this and it's great. Pity I don't need to order any now :-(

    • +2

      I don't think its a product which expires very quickly.

      • +1

        I'm pretty it's a use-on-date! ;)

  • +13

    Why don't we have bum guns Or bidets in Australia?

    • +4

      Agreed, Japan's toilets changed my life.

      • +1

        First time using a bidet in Japan was certainly an experience.
        Heated seats would be amazing in Winter here too.

        • If you can spare around $1500 plus someone to wire a PowerPoint in your loo room you can get one installed.

        • @shanakatak: You can get a Bidet Spray from Masters for $36. However unsure of the cost of getting it installed. But cannot imagine it to be as high as $1500.

          Personally I like this it has Hot and Cold water options.

        • @smarter_fool:
          I meant specifically the Japanese replacement seats with heated seats and water heating abilities. The one you pointed to requires a hot water inlet and my toilet has one water point, not a hot and a cold.

          But im running the classic $20 ebay bidet

        • @shanakatak: Wow! Your sparky charges you $1500 to put in a power point??? Either I'm in the wrong business or you need a new electrician…

        • @StewBalls:
          No mate I meant
          $1500 for http://www.amazon.com/SW554-11-Washlet-Elongated-Toilet-Colo…

          +sparky and plumber costs

        • @shanakatak: Thanks, that sounds a bit better…

        • @smarter_fool: you can buy a two way tap so you can install the bidet on any regular toilet tap (replaces existing) for under 15 bucks from Bunnings and all you need to install it is a shifter. A bidet can be as cheap as 7 bucks on ebay so for around 22 bucks and up.

          Also you really don't need hot water unless it's snowing outside, that part of you doesn't care that much

    • +1

      It's for washing ya bum!

    • +2

      Well you can buy them on ebay for about $30 delivered. Bought one for us, and presents for the folks, neighbour's and neighbour's folks. Best posterior investment.

      • +1

        How much to get a plumber to install it?

        • +3

          Honestly, you can do it yourself. Took me 20 minutes start to finish. It's just a plastic bracket that sits under your seat. Make sure you get one with the metal T-joint, although be careful as I ended up destroying one out of brute force. Quick trip to Reece sorted it out, quick smart.

        • +1

          @chonkie: wouldn't I need an extra hole for the hose? Or do you just use a splitter?

        • +3

          @tomkun01: They include a T-joint (splitter) to allow water that goes into the cistern to also be diverted into the unit. The joint screws onto the connection under the cistern and it opens via a mechanical dial which can either spray your backside, or the nozzle for cleaning. You can pay more and get one that's heated / uses heated water / etc, but you get used to the temperature pretty quickly. Your sphincter will thank you for it.

        • @chonkie: final question! Could you please point me to the one you bought?

        • +2

          Cant speak for chonkie but
          I have this albeit it was cheaper when I got it.

        • @shanakatak: cheers mate

    • Automated bidets are the future. Toilet tissue is sort of like alcohol, cigarettes and SD cable TV. Its so widespread it's legal.

    • +1

      Take a shower after

  • +2

    One time use only per account, make new account to reuse ;)

    • +1

      The discount isn't recyclable, single use only!

  • -2

    switching your toilet paper to soft, quality, recycled

    Recycled. Erm, ……………….

    • +1

      Yeah, you hang the paper up & smack the sh1t out of it…

  • +1

    24 rolls = $30
    Coles 24 rolls = $9

    Good luck with that. I would never suggest that the planet savers are profiteering. No, not me. How is Al Gore doing, the profit of doom.

    • +3

      I don't get it are you saying that coles sells the same product for $9. If so it may be worthy of it's own post.

    • +1

      The coles stuff is more like sand paper than toilet paper though. Compared with brand names (Cottonelle is $26.40 for 48 rolls or 55c per roll), WGAC is $43 (90c per roll) with this coupon - still a premium for saving the planet, but at least the comparison is fair.

      I've actually used this and found the quality to be excellent - Personally I prefer it to Quilton, and it's about on Par with Cottonelle, but your bum may vary.

    • +6

      They're double length so you need to compare that to a double length roll. Also 48 rolls is $48, so $1/400 sheet roll = 25c/100 sheets.
      Coles brand single length is 20c/100 sheets.
      So this is 25% more expensive, not 3x expensive as you are implying.

      (I think the coles TP might be 18.75c/100 sheets but they're advertising it as 20c/100 sheets)

      EDIT: didn't take into account $5 off coupon, 22.4c/100 sheets vs 20c/100 sheets = 12% premium.

    • +1

      Not saying that the Coles isn't still cheaper overall, but you're comparing $30 for 24 rolls at 400 sheets per roll with $9 for 24 rolls at 190 sheets per roll. Quality-wise I would consider Coles an inferior product too, based on personal experience.

    • +7
      1. It is double standard length, therefore lasts much much longer than a Coles roll which is less than standard.
      2. Coles is does not build sanitation facilities for those in need, which I account into the value of my purchase.
      3. Coles price does not include delivery to your door, or individually paper wrapped rolls with vibrant designs that look awesome and are great for craft.
      • +6


        These people that complain purely about price - bunch of arseholes, eh?

        • hehe

  • +1

    Free Shipping for orders over $30 only to some areas, $8/$16 for >$30/<$30 for others. Seems, its a metro/non-metro thing.

    • +1

      With $8 delivery less the $5 off makes it slightly cheaper per sheet than the Coles $10 for 20 Quilton. However, without the $5 discount, Quilton is cheaper.

      Of course, there's the whole save the planet thing as well…

  • +5

    It's good quality toilet paper, and sustainable. Sometimes cheaper isn't better.

  • -2

    Is it made from recycled paper? Or recycled toilet paper?

    • +2

      Recycled hipsters with old growth beards…

  • +4

    This toilet paper is made in China. I grew up in town that was built around a paper mill and I feel strongly about protecting our local paper making industry.

    I also feel strongly about our environment and our atmospheric commons. Shipping paper across the world seems like a waste of environmental resources.

    I call BS (or just S?) on the green credentials of this product.

    • +4

      What if there's a lot of paper (not toilet paper) to recycle there and it's actually easier to process material and manufacture the product right there? Then, to transport it might cost a bit, yet if the overall profit (which, given the price, might me more than usual) helps to fight the outcome of such logistics, then why not.

      Australian paper industry? Yeah, seems there's plenty of forests to cut down…

      • +3

        I totally agree with your implied comment regarding the destruction of our native forests. Where I lived, tree planting and paper making were part of the same process.

        This product reminds me of the rush to compact florescent light bulbs that we saw a few years ago. We were told that those bulbs were good for the environment because they used less power. But they contained mercury which made them a curse to dispose of and a problem if they broken in ones home. This toilet paper is good for the environment in some ways, but bad in others. We, the consumer, are left to consider the net benefit of the product. In my view, the good feeling you get from buying this product is mostly due to the placebo effect.

        I am for a rising China, but I also like to consider all factors when I buy a product that's main selling point is its supposed environmental friendliness.

  • -3

    There is something seriously wrong with our world in that to buy a product supposedly made from presumably waste byproduct should cost more than other similar products on the market that may not be as environmentally concerned.
    Make it more cost competitive and you'll have my business and respect.

    Right now thanks but no thanks.

    • +4

      There is something seriously wrong with our world in that to buy a product supposedly made from presumably waste byproduct should cost more than other similar products on the market that may not be as environmentally concerned.

      turn this thinking on its head, and it might read:

      "There is something seriously wrong with our world in that to buy a product made from new components costs less than other similar products on the market made from presumably waste byproduct."

      There is a cost to everything beyond its price. Nowadays most consumers simply want the lowest price and to hell with the (environmental/social/etc) cost.

      • both ways you say it, its the same thing. but really just because its made from a waste bi product doesn't mean that the raw product is ready to sell, the cost comes from whats involved in the processing of that and although its preferable to recycle - its a process that costs money. There are ways the government can help to change that, leaving it up to invdividuals is not going to achieve the best results because some base their decisions on cost because they are self centred but some are living below the poverty line. there are more environmentally friendly alternatives to toilet paper

  • +1

    Or better yet, get a bidet addition from Amazon for $50. A healthier, cleaner and better alternative in every way, it's bizzare so many countries are oblivious to them.

  • Why am I not surprised that the best advice comes from One Piece and Pokemon fans.

    • -2

      Probably because that demographic contains the highest per capita population of gullible hipsters…

      • so bidets are now a gullible hipster thing … i think you may need a little of that toilet paper to clean up with.

        • -1

          Just use some of your own Lefty TP to wipe around your lips there, sunshine… :P

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