Excerpt From Email: It’s true. The planet needs your bum like never before. 15 billion trees are being cut down every year and a big part of that is to make toilet paper, tissues and kitchen towels. We think that’s just crazy – and not the ‘let’s eat dessert before dinner’ good kind of crazy.
So in honour of Earth Day, we’re giving you $5 off your next order. We don’t normally discount because we try and put our money towards making the best possible product we can. That way, we can get it to more homes and help give more people access to toilets with our profits.
But this is a special occasion. It’s for Earth, ya know?
Tell your friends, family and Steve down the street about switching your toilet paper to soft, quality, recycled. This discount is only for one week, so get your bum into gear.
Got some of this as a gift and it was terrible