This was posted 8 years 10 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

2.2L Air Fryer for $98 + Free Delivery and 1 Year Warranty - Was $108.99 @ Shopiverse


2.2L Air Fryer for $98 Delivered , comes with 12 Month Warranty

Available in White…

& Black:…

Offers Expires on Sunday midnight

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closed Comments

  • -1

    Store and shipping details in title please.

  • -4

    What the hell is this trash? Humans require a high protein/fat diet, this carb healthy attitude has gone way too far.

    Oh, and save $10? Wow, really befitting of the term "bargain."

    I'll buy this, a proper fryer at a $30 saving that will give me better tasting and healthier food.…

    Enjoy the huge spike in blood sugar and insulin you'll get from cutting fat out of your diet.

    • Thanks for the wonderful dietary insight and the link to the Breville product… it's just a shame it has literally nothing to do with what the OP posted.

      • 2.2L Low Fat Oil Less Air Fryer

        I see


        How is this not relevant?

        • Because one is an air fryer and one is a deep fat fryer?

        • @Deviner: The point of the air fryer is to replace the deep fryer in terms of reducing fat content by not using oil - it's extremely relevant to provide a warning to potential customers about the sham behind this gimmick product.

        • @minMaxRNG: Firstly, the air fryers recommend using a small amount of oil.
          Secondly, no one is saying "cut fat out of your diet". You get fats from all sorts of foods.
          Thirdly, you are probably the only person in the entire world that thinks deep fat fryers are healthy…

        • @Deviner: Deep fat fryers aren't healthy if you use canola/vegetable oil or fry starchy things like potatoes. But a very healthy dish is deep fried chicken in coconut oil, absolutely delicious.

          The only reason anyone would ever use an air fryer over a deep fryer is to cut down on fat used — as you said, by using less or no oil.

    • -1

      No one is saying to cut fat out. Its about only eating fat naturally in food, not ADDING fat.

      Surely this is a troll?

      • Oil is a food, coconut/animal fat/olive oil contains fat — it naturally occurs in the food.

        • -1

          it naturally occurs in the food

          Did you not read my comment? "Its about only eating fat naturally in food"

        • @PainToad: Fat naturally occurs in oil.

          That's like saying I won't eat beans with my steak because its about eating only the fat on the steak rather than the fat in the beans and the steak.

          More fat is never bad; but everything in moderation.

          More carbs is always bad, which is what you tend to fall back on when you don't get the fat you need.

        • @minMaxRNG:

          Fat naturally occurs in oil.

          Yes, eat the oil that is naturally in food. Don't add extra. At this point I'm sure you're trolling.

        • @PainToad: What's wrong with adding extra? Why would I compromise the flavour of my dish by using this gimmick cooking tool? More fat will not make you fat - overeating will. Eating more carbs than fat will make you fat - even if you're at a calorie deficit.

        • @minMaxRNG:

          There's more to health than "fat".

        • @PainToad: And there's much more to health than just cutting out fat, which is what this machine does.

  • +1

    Not to be confused with the Phillips Air Fryer which normally retails for $199

    This is a generic product that happens to be also sold via Aliexpress,…

    Quality may be suspect and because there is no known manufacturer there is a risk of defects. Buy with caution.

    • Its looks like its branded as Kitchen Chef which comes occasionally here from ebay deals. Used Kitchen Chef for couple of months and it did a really good job and i liked but sadly i gave it away because i went overseas and didnt have place to store it.

  • Yes it looks like a Kitchen Chef one, which was on sale for $69 delivered from My Discount Store last week. That was a good deal. This one — not.

    • That was a good deal. This one — not.

      scotty has spoken!

  • this looks identical, literally identical, to the avancer machine I bought about a year ago (via a deal posted on ozbargain). it works well, we use it regularly, would buy another one for the right price.

    iirc, I paid $80 delivered last time, so this one falls a bit short, price-wise.

    interestingly, this web site looks a lot like avancer… a lot of the same layout and css… could it be that this is avancer reincarnated?

    as to quality… mine fell off a bench - entirely my fault (my wife will confirm this!) - and cracked a sizeable chunk out of the outer shell, yet it still works perfectly well.

    a ~bit~ tricky to clean the inner basket after you've cooked something dodgy/messy in it… but… all good.

    will definitely buy again for the right price.

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