This was posted 8 years 10 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nutri Ninja Slim 700W $37.40 Click and Collect @ Bing Lee eBay


Key Features

Helps you quickly prepare nutrient-rich super juices and healthy, complete meals

Pulse Technology
Ninja Pulse Technology provides a quick burst of stop and start pulsing power to control the consistency of food. It’s the best way to thoroughly mix and evenly chop your ingredients. You can easily control the level of chunkiness in salsa or pulse continuously to crush ice into snow. So go ahead, start pulsing your way to a more consistent, healthy, happy, and active lifestyle

BPA Free & Dishwasher Safe
Cups, lids and blades are all BPA Free and dishwasher safe for added convenience

Sip & Seal lids
Attach to your Nutri Ninja® Cups to bring your nutrient-rich Super Juices on-the-go

Nutri Ninja® Pro Extractor Blades™
Rotates at high speed to liquefy ingredients into the smoothest nutrient juices, smoothies & purees!

Professional Performance & Power
Crush through whole fruits, vegetables & ice in seconds for maximum nutrient & vitamin extraction!

Ergonomically Designed

Original COOLING15 eBay 15% off deal post

Update 22 Apr 08:42am: Free delivery is no longer available, only free click + collect.

This blender is also available for $40 pick up at The Good Guys for those who do not have convenient access to a Bing Lee store.

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closed Comments

  • Anyone could vouch for its performance on crushing ice? Thanks

    • +1

      I have one, crushes ice well.

    • It's fine for ice. Crushes in a few seconds.

  • +7

    lol damn just bought this on the previous deal, could have saved a couple more bucks

    • +3

      Same here, I guess the main difference is I can have my juice and smoothies today instead of in a few days. Oh well, at least I didn't buy it from the JB hi-fi one before that for like 44

      • this is true

      • From one ozbargainer to another, my heart bleeds for you :'(

  • I have been using this product for a week.My money was best spent on this.I am Supplementing my breakfast with the smoothies now . I would rate a 5 stars. Bought 44$ with Jb Hifi. Recipes booklet came with the product is awsome. Already reduced 4 Kgs from my body weight:)

    The way vendors are reducing the price, It seems someone will offer for free so soon :)

    • +13

      You sound like one of those guys from the advert

    • +17

      Lose 4kg in one week drinking smoothies? I call bullshit

      • +2

        true bullshit, with a bargain.

      • +1


      • +1

        or perhaps from chronic diarrhea

      • If you drink kale, carrot and fruit juice combo instead of eating the KFC Box, Krusher, Cheeseburger, Fries and Coke combo you can probably lose the 4kg easilly

        • Supplementing = in addition to, not instead of, but yeah if you have a smoothie with breakfast and are therefore less hungry come lunch time, so eat less KFC, then sure, that would work.

        • Liar liar pants on fire

        • @rhangman: I dont have a ninja but I have the nutri bullet. A carrot, orange, a few pieces of pineapple, kale and a few almonds plus a sprinkle of chia after blending all the fruits is pretty filling and you dont really need to supplement with food. If you have someone to share then yes, you would probably have to supplement as you would be drinking less. I tried banana but didnt really like the taste.

        • @tron07:
          mohanccnp said supplementing. Perhaps they meant substituting? Big difference.

          I'd agree that liquids can be filling. Haven't eaten breakfast in ages, have aussie soylent+protein instead.

        • Losing 4kg in a week is something like a 28,000 calorie deficit. It would mean you literally do not only eat nothing for a week, but you also spend about 8 hours a day, every day, running.

        • -2


          Sounds like a great 350kcal drink that would put you on the fast track to diabetes. Might as well drink Coke, it's healthier for you than that mess.

      • Well in fairness, we don't know much about mohanccnp's situation and how they've changed their diet.

        If they used to live on fast food and never exercised and were overweight and switched to portion minimisation, no more empty calories in their diet, started doing exercise, substituted some meals with a light smoothie etc, then I can see them losing 4kgs in a week (especially if the majority's excess water weight).

        Regardless, it's all irrelevant, all that matters is how well does the product work? I've got a blender I bought from Aldi a while back which is much higher rpm, but leaks out of the bottom, so if this can make chunk-free smoothies where I don't have to chop everything up beforehand, then this becomes a tempting buy for me at this price.

    • +6

      Maybe he got his hand stuck in it and lost 4kg that way.

    • So consume extra and lose 4kg? Don't buy it either. Make about as much sense as it extracting hidden nutrients from the ice mentioned above.

    • -2

      You can't lose weight without exercise! If you walk on a treadmill for 3 hours daily for 4 consecutive weeks then you could lose more than 4kg.

  • +4

    I paid $88 for this about 2 months ago. That hurts

    • +3

      Same, and I just lost a half a pound from weeping so much I nearly cried tears of blood.

  • +1

    I have just told my experience. Thats it. Receipe Booklet has several weight loss smoothies.

    • Thanks for sharing! Im looking to lose slightly more than what you lost. What you achieved in one week is amazing.

      Can I ask if your start weight was high to begin with, which would make weight loss easier?

      • +1

        Yes. My start weight was high. that is 3.1 % of lose.

      • He was 129kg.

  • +2

    So go ahead, start pulsing your way to a more consistent, healthy, happy, and active lifestyle

    So it's basically being sold on the premise that turning it on and off again a few times leads to health, happiness and exercise somehow. Brilliant!

    • +2

      Well pulsing certainly makes me happier ;-p

      • Yeah, I'm a big pulsator!

  • I’m a busy working mum, I’ve got an eight year old and a three year old so my life is pretty hectic. I have noticed that my energy levels are so much higher and greater throughout the day.

    — Siobian

  • +2
    1. Two Weet Bix pieces
    2. Two tablespoons of American style peanut butter - ALDI's is the best; Smooth (Blue lid)
    3. One squirt (tablespoon) of honey
    4. 350ml of low fat milk


    mmm mmmmm mmmmmmm (in the voice of a middle-aged, overweight, african-american lady with attitude…)

    • with a side of fried chicken for about 3 fiddy

    • is this actually any good? many might disagree, but i like the taste of up&go's and have so far failed to make something taste as good at home (that isnt a fruit smoothie)

      • This has actually been my breakfast for about a year with full cream milk minus the honey and i enjoy it.

      • Mate, this shreads Up n Go… You'll never have that filth again and your body will thank you…

        • Tried this today. Sorry, but it was disgraceful!

        • @cjb: Bull… You have probably committed one of the following crimes:

          a. Used a Weet Bix substitute, and they ALL taste like shredded cardboard
          b. Haven't used the Aldi American style smooth peanut butter; there is no peanut butter like it in Australia
          c. Used a "milk" other than cows milk, ie soy/rice/almond/chicken, and they all taste like s**t

          Else, you need to get your tastebuds checked out pronto…

  • Bought one for $39.95 in store at The Good Guys yesterday.

    • +1

      Likewise, could have saved two fiddy!

  • is this thing easy to clean?

    • Yes, you just need to be careful when cleaning the blades. Other than that, easy breezy. I'm drinking from my nutribullet now with an ice blended berry shake, and it takes 30 secs to clean.

      • yep, cut my finger after the first time using…..very sharp indeed

      • you'd think that with these blenders being so popular, someone would have taken the time to sniff their rubber gasket seal… Horrible rubbish design, actually just got one of these for a family member and it has the same design as the auto IQ.

        Rubbish design but works well so I'll have to keep picking at the seal while I look for an alternative.

  • +1

    Great! Got one! ;)

  • +1

    Anyone know if you make a protein shake with this does the powder stick to the bottom?….i friken hate that

    • no problem with that for me.
      The trick is to blend is straight away after adding liquid+powder into the blending cup.
      If you let the powder and liquid sit for a while it will stick.

    • i have no issues with mine i dont put the powder in first tho but doesn't sink and stick.

    • The trick is water goes in first, then powder.

  • Does the free shipping comes with a tracking number?

  • +1

    This seems to be free for click and collect but I can only see "ask seller for ask for postage quote" in regards to free shipping?

  • It says 'In-store pickup only' for me :(

  • No Delivery for VIC?

    • +1

      I just tried my luck messaging them about this :/
      Let's hope they do delivered it to VIc

      • +1

        Let me know if you hear anything positive. I would love to get one too!

        • They fixed it but its not a free delivery, It will be $9 delivery on top of the item price.

          Seems the Good Guys deal is way better than this one even after EBAY discount if you do not live around Bing Lee stores :/

  • +3

    store pickup only : (

    i live 200m from a binglee store : )

    Conclusion: Bought 1

    • thats the price before the 15% discount I think , hence you have to put the code before you finish your transaction.

  • +19

    Well I got so depressed seeing all these deals on the Nutri ninja. I paid $70.4 a month ago in the 20% off eBay sale.

    So I decided instead of resenting my overpriced blender, I would fight the injustice. I emailed Bing Lee via eBay saying I felt they had been overcharging when I purchased and the price of $88 seemed to be inconsistent with their competitive market approach if they could now sell it for $37. I cited companies that offer to refund the difference if a product goes on sale soon after you purchase.

    And they gave me a $40 gift voucher! Life is good again. Moral of the story is no matter how wrong you are, always believe you're right.

    • Moral of the story is, always ask.

      • +3

        The answer is always "no" if you don't ask.

  • There are no stores near you that carry this item. Please try a different postcode or address./?? Damn, just cancelled my good guys order for pickup

  • Used my $10 JB HiFi voucher ( washing machine no deal pricing error) to buy the Ninja for $34 pickup, better price

    • Really good deal :)

  • OK so I caved in to Ozbargain peer pressure and bought 1. No idea what am i going to use it for

    • +2

      Let's start with banana smoothies, then add frozen berries and some discount whey protein. Just a friendly suggestion, no pressure ;-)

      • +1

        Not looking to loose weight too, actually I am quite fit. Goal is to keep building more muscle mass without increasing fat % so i usually avoid high sugar drinks like fruit juices and smoothies, I usually like eating actual fruit then drink juices. I guess I can use it to make my protein shake tastier and find some recipes which suits my requirements

        • +1

          Nice one. I think MPI and casein is better than whey for building lean muscle.

  • Does anyone know if I can bring a Nutri Ninja as hand-carry onboard a domestic flight?

    • Most likely, " sorry sir, that blender contains blades, metal blades, which could be used as a lethal weapon.".

      • +5

        "but officer it can extract hidden nutrients!!"

  • +1

    Showing $9.00 shipping. Click & collect still free.

    • thanks will update header.. the good people at binglee have changed it from free shipping to $9

      • +1

        OP you're awesome. Over 660 sold already. OzBargained!

  • I already have a powerful 1200W blender.…

    Bought one since the price is too good for $37.40 delivered.

  • At JB Hi-Fi for $44 click and collect if you can't find stock at Bing-Lee.

  • Are the cups made of hard plastic or are they glass?

    • Durable plastic.

      • Thanks, is it like the plastic of a shaker protein bottle with the little ball in it? I can foresee myself dropping it and am unsure how durable it is to drops.

  • Is the nutri ninja better than the nutri bullet?

    • Mate just bite the bullet and buy the ninja ;)

      • Maybe I should look at getting the vitamix…

  • Wow, order shipped with a tracking number. Bing Lee, you've done it again! :)

  • I received my Nutri Ninja Slim this morning.

  • Do you think the price will go down more near end of year? I want to buy back for my parent overseas .. thinking if i should get it now or wait. Any idea?

    • +2

      Surely it can't go much lower than this. It's too good to be any cheaper, unless on a one off clearance, etc. Just my tip, though!

  • +2

    Collected today. Smooth transaction overall (pun intended)

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