This only has a few hours to run. I'm a little surprised this hasn't been posted - maybe I'm missing something: Perhaps some of the lifetime subscription deals which I missed - and similar discounts to this in the last few months. Anyway, thought I'd go back to Getflix after a year with Uflix - mainly because I use a dynamic DNS service and Getflix keeps that automatically updated, whereas Uflix hasn't got their act together on that front and tbh that resulted in us not bothering to log in to change regions every time we had an IP reset - so we were usually on the AU region with Uflix, which is rather a waste. Not sure what's happened to the launch of their v2 "Oeck" which was supposed to do DDNS updating - but they haven't blogged or posted anything about it for months. I did the 2 yrs Getflix deal last night, which cost me AUD40.32 for the 2 years (instead of appx AUD50 - as it stacked with a previous Getflix Facebook discount). EDIT - This has been updated as I didn't realise my AUD price stacked this discount with an older Facebook discount. The title now reflects the USD prices others are seeing quoted with this discount alone.
Getflix 50% off 24 Months (US47.50) 40% off 12 Months (US28.44) till Midnight Tonight with Code

Last edited 14/04/2016 - 22:07 by 1 other user
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I paid AUD40.32. Just choose AUD currency, put in the code and see what it translates to. I didn't even bother looking at the USD price.
Still getting price of ~ $50AUD. Where are you picking AUD currency? After you selected the plan you want on the Subscription page?
Dunno. I did it last night. Took a screenshot. Can post that if you tell me where. Just checked my credit card - definitely AUD40.32. Sounds a bit odd you're getting USD40.32. That implies full price of USD80.64 - which is odd rounding. Sure it's not AUD you're seeing? Pretty coincidental and unlikely - if your USD amount is exactly the same as my AUD amount?
You using APRIL50 code for the 2 yrs?
@belbo: Yep I used that code. Here's a screenshot: Once I hit the subscribe button it takes me to a payment form where I can change currency to Aud but then price goes up.
I tried opening brand a new account and applied the APRIL50 code and the price was even higher (around $60AUD). I'm wondering if you've got some other old codes stacked on top?@nobby: Sorry mate. You must be right. See my post below - realised it must be because of an old Facebook discount that is stacking with this.
I see this
12 months - USD $28.44 (40% discount)
24 months - USD $47.40 (50% discount)
I recently cancelled my Getflix and Netflix because Netflix are now actively attempting to block people from using DNS and VPN region changers. Getflix simply can't guarantee up time on other regions. Right now many people can only use AU, US and UK and a week or two ago it was only AU for a few days. This sort of on and off thing is likely to continue.
Obviously no point in paying for Getflix if you're not too fussed on Netflix. We enjoy Netflix - so I'm happy to pay $40 for a 2 yr Getflix ticket and see how the ride goes.
I'm a big fan of Netflix… if I get all the regions. The local AU library is very mediocre for the price.
Yep - I might feel differently if hadn't milked a few of those Optus cheap phone and stacking bundled 6-month subscriptions (and then sold the phones) when Netflix came out here - so I'm paid up with Netflix for a few years at a pittance. Thanks Ozbargain.
My main region of use is Netflix US, and Getflix has been pretty good at maintaining service to US, I needed to switch to US TEST1 once Netflixs new blocking kicked in on my account, then US TEST2 a few days ago. But I also use Getflix to allow me to watch Hulu and BBC mostly, so even if just for those, it's worth it.
Netflix is only doing this blocking as a show to their content providers, it's a move that will effect their bottom line, so I think they'll do a bit to appease content providers, then leave it and services like Getflix will be stable again.And if that happens I'll resubscribe.
What setting do you change for BBC?
No need to change any settings / regions for iPlayer. To get into a bit more detail see this page The services that may require a region switch are marked. Also, if you go to the "Manage" > "Regions" section in your account it shows you channel groupings for which you need to choose a region - but some services, I believe, like iPlayer, don't need any setting changes - because there's a sole content provider / distributor - and the content originates in only one country.
I recently switched to Getflix as they're the only ones who seem to actively play whack a mole with Netflix.
Besides there's a lot of great services out there I use other than Netflix. I can't live without Hulu these days. The wife loves her crunchyroll. 99% of what I watch on Netflix is their original content. So I'm no longer as concerned about region settings as I was 2 years ago.
I don't use netflix much (mainly for gf) but i just tried to tonight and no matter what device (even pc) i couldnt get any region on getflix to work. Arrrrr me matey, back i go…
I still use this for my HBO and Showtime apps and works great.
I have a spare login if anybody needs one.
Yep. Actually used it for the first time with BBC iPlayer last night. Turns out a relative is on the current UK Masterchef. The iPlayer plugin for Kodi is good BTW. Was nice to watch it easily on the tv.
How do you make other logins?
Are you on the lifetime plan ?
Just signed up for an account and trying to do this, i get $28 USD ($39.35 AUD) for 12months and $47.40 USD ($65.58 AUD) for 24 months
They show as below?
Subscription Term
1 month - USD $3.95
3 months - USD $10.67 (10% discount)
6 months - USD $18.96 (20% discount)
12 months - USD $28.44 (40% discount)
24 months - USD $47.40 (50% discount)I have tried both promo codes but doesn't appear to change the price? still working for others?
Yep, I'm getting almost exactly the same, except for the 12 month term (seeing I'd only applied the 24 month code)
Subscription Term
1 month - USD $3.95
3 months - USD $10.67 (10% discount)
6 months - USD $18.96 (20% discount)
12 months - USD $33.18 (30% discount)
24 months - USD $47.40 (50% discount)Just put in the 12 month code, and now get:
Subscription Term
1 month - USD $3.95
3 months - USD $10.67 (10% discount)
6 months - USD $18.96 (20% discount)
12 months - USD $28.44 (40% discount)
24 months - USD $47.40 (50% discount)So the codes must be being applied but not sure where AUD40.32 is coming from for others.
Sorry guys. I just realised what must be causing the discrepancy. When I originally joined Getflix I got a discount for liking them on Facebook. I then used Uflix for a year. That original Facebook discount must be perpetual and must be stacking on top of this discount code. It looks like you can't get a Facebook discount anymore so I'll update the title with the prices you guys are seeing. Apologies.
Yep, their discounts & historical pricing are tied to the account.
I had to cancel Paypal as my payment method & move to cr card (with all the kerfuffle over Paypal revoking VPN/smart DNS accounts) and it all remained the same. Mine still has the legacy A$ pricing.
Is this legit?
I used Stacksocial for my lifetime membership.…
$59 US, 30 years (as with the other deals), pops up saying 10% off if you subscribe to their newsletter.
or using FB like & coupon "lovewp" (from Whirlpool) is around $22/yr.
It's not just for Netflix. it's great to use for to watch most NRL matches that aren't on Ch9 (if you select Brazil). Also works a treat for Amazon Prime, BBC, Ch4, etcplus there's other features such as creating your own DNS routing (which was handy for getting working via USA proxy). And the ability to download the host file, so you can have it stored locally & use your ISP's DNS server.
Sounds interesting. Is that the right url? I'm getting "This site can’t be reached.’s server DNS address could not be found."
I have been using unblocker us for 3 yrs now and since Netflix did changes not been able to view us Netflix again used for three years.
I have 3 applet tvs around house and I use iPad to AirPlay other apps to it.
But was looking to try another or is there any point?
I was going to use either dns4me or getflix I take this deal or price is not on?
Not interested in lifetime membership as they probably not be around that long.
But would be good to get something that maybe works.
I'm using a Telstra modem.i take you can still enter the dos settings into each device like iPad,Apple TV etc and does that work it? ThanksThe best way is sign up for a trial & see.
So long as you can change the DNS settings on a devuce it should work. If you can manually change your dns server settings on your router you just change it there & connected devices will (usually) us it & you dont. Need to do anyrhing else. Otherwise you need to change dns settings on eaxh deveice…You may have to use a static IP on your setup to get access to the dns settings.But the best test is to use the free trial to see how you go.
This just expired at midnight. I use the Getflix DNS's in my router - which I need to do for Chromecasts - so don't need to bother setting it in devices. There's plenty of info on these issues on existing Ozbargain, Whirlpool and other forums - as well as on the Getflix and presumably other product's websites. Getflix offers a free trial - and others might too. Uflix is pretty cheap month-to-month - and if you have static dns and happy with the fewer regions / options Uflix offers then that could work for you. It looks like Getflix deals come up from time to time - and there are some good alternatives. I'd suggest you take your time - do a free trial on Getflix, do a few months on Uflix - do some research - decide what works for you - and when the next good deal comes around you'll be in a good position to know what suits you.
Do any of these discount codes work dont want lifetime but 12 months what's the best price around.
I get USD40.32 which is approx $50?