So just today in my mailbox I received a very scary looking letter about some unpaid worker's comp
I thought WTH? Pretty sure I don't own a business or have employed anybody.
In any case I believe this to be the doing of the previous tenant or owner of the house. I bought this house around 8 months ago and have been receiving a crapton of junk mail for the previous owner, and most of the time I simply pen down 'RTS' (return to sender) on the envelope and put it straight into the red mailbox. This usually works for a lot of mailling lists since I no longer receive ads and promotions from the Star casino or from the bank anymore…
But apparently the lawyers didn't quite get the mesage that the previous tenant didn't live there anymore…
Asides from calling them tomorrow and telling them I no longer live there, what sort of other legal obligations do I have to fulfill?
Don't open other peoples mail?
I can't see how this is your problem at all.