Best deal on this tablet in a long time.
Good price for an android tablet.
Expandable memory. Tegra K1. Really high performance for gaming.
Best deal on this tablet in a long time.
Good price for an android tablet.
Expandable memory. Tegra K1. Really high performance for gaming.
What are the limitations.
Is this getting long in the tooth now?
The newer Intel version is a bit odd with no expandable memory.
How come these almost fully featured tablets mostly don't have GPS
does it have BDS instead?
The GPS in phones relies heavily on mobile towers for positioning. You would need a tablet with SIM card to make it worthwhile. However I definitely agree it would be a nice feature for tablets with cellular.
Gotta disagree. GPS in phones is assisted in connection and location by the use of phone towers, but they absolutely do NOT need mobile connectivity to use it or be accurate.
GPS is very handy to have on a tablet, especially a smaller one that you may consider using as a GPS unit in your vehicle (with offline maps). Definitely a notable feature to be missing.
Fair call. Looks like it is possible to navigate offline with the correct GPS chip and nav app. I always assumed aGPS chips were used for portability reasons, but I guess it's just more functional in devices with cellular access.
im guessing you dont really understand how gps works? all it uses it time stamps sent down from the satellites, all satellites send down the same time at the same time, your gps then uses the difference in time that it receives the time stamp to work out how far away it is from the satellite, then uses that info, from multiple satellites to plot where abouts in a 3d space you are.
if you have few satellites or weak signal, specially if you are on the move, it can be very hard for the gps to accurately calculate where exactly you are because you could be not only anywhere on the surface earth but anywhere in atmosphere btween the surface and satellites. agps uses cell tower position to narrow down your location to a handful of kilometres rather than anywhere on earth/space thus making the work of narrowing down where you are much easier for hte gps.
but as stated before, all gps, including agps, will work perfectly fine without cell tower info and once the agps has a lock on your current position then simply uses gps timestamps again because it is far more accurate.
back in the 90's(?) when i had my first hand held GPS (could only plot your past course, no map) you had to turn it on and leave it in a stationary position for 30 minutes for it to work out where you were, if you drove with it before it locked onto your current position it would never find you.
Think you're mixing up with AGPS - Assisted GPS that basically pre-caches the positions of the satellites and works off an algorithm to find these satellites quicker instead of manually determining their approximate positions. AGPS requires data to be fetched from an AGPS server.
The GPS chip is usually built into the cellular chipset of the device. Since this doesn't have one it won't have gps. You'll noice all tablets without cellular capabilties won't have gps support even the ipad doesn't. They can of course add a dedicated gps chip but it'll probably cost them a similar amount to a cellular one and won't boost many sales. So they'll either release one with 3g/4g cellular support with gps support and one without.
My Asus TF300T only has only WiFi but has GPS. Not that I use it…
Wrong, plenty of tablets have GPS without cellular support.
I've owned a number of tablets without including a Asus TF101, and my current Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8"
I use GPS regularly without online support for when I'm 4x4ing and use it to plot my position on offroad maps.
What are u talking about? The majority of Android tablets have had GPS since the first releases.
My guess is demand for GPS in a tablet isn't high enough to justify the costs that could go elsewhere. It is nice to have, but if the majority of people have a more mobile phone with the functionality then I guess manufacturers don't feel they need to double up on their tablets. The phones also a better form factor for the car in my opinion.
GPS is a negative, it lets hackers and perverts spy on your location
And Martians. Don't forget the Martians.
"Video format1080p (1920x1080, 30 frames/sec)
MPEG4, h.263, h.264"
Will it play avi and mkv videos?
VLC Android app will play those even if the phone doesn't come with software preloaded.
MX Player software rendering will play just about everything you throw at it
What kind of battery life can be expected?
16 GB is a bit limiting.
It's expandable though
No one, however smart, however well educated, however experienced… Is the suppository of all wisdom
okay, that's is a delicious price for a tab with those features. No GPS is a killer though! Also am not sure how this LCD screen stands upto display quality in sun light.
Why is no GPS a killer?
Cuse I have a tendency to get lost :-/
So I guess you know someone called ADeal?
If so, name checks out.
there was a $2 coupon on the order page, so mine was $137.99 us, came to $180.79 via 28D
Looks like an awesome deal to replace my Nexus 7 1st Gen. I'm using it daily during commuting but have to keep it in KitKat and trim it twice a day to maintain an acceptable (yet still frustrating sometimes) performance from it. Its 16GB internal storage without SD card slot is a big annoyance to me and the battery is aging after 3+ years.
Note, the comments above that it doesn't have GPS, unlike your Nexus7.
Why do people use GPS on tablets anyway. Dont you have a phone?
Thanks for the heads-up. GPS in tablet is not my major concern.
Is this is the newest model? And if so, does it come with the global rom and google play store?
This is the first gen mi pad, there is now a mi pad 2, so not the latest model.
It does come with google play installed but it may be a bit buggy, though it seems that fixes exist
Looking at jumping into tabletworld, and to replace an aging laptop. I assume this is a decent tablet for watching video while commuting, but can anyone say how easy or practical it is to use with simpler word/excel style functions? Just a bit worried that 7.9" is gonna be frustrating compared to say a 10". And would it be possible to do some basic music recording via app/plugin on this beast?
For some reason, maybe because I'm an old fart, I hate tablets. There is an IPad sitting on the kitchen table that nobody ever uses. I turn it on and it always gives me the sh*ts for one reason or another within ten minutes. IPads are meant to be user friendly, no? Laptops, no problem at all.
Conversely, I'm mid 40s and since we got tablets we rarely touch our home desktops/laptops!
I use my 5" phone for everything, my GF uses her 10" tablet (both Android). Just browsing, emails, facebook, and reddit. I love being able to be on any couch or outside.
Nowadays I only fire up the PC for processing photos/videos (as limited storage and data managemant is still a pain on tablets), longer typing sessions (which I rarely do at home), and tax :)
i think it's because you are old :) , you see kids use them all the time .
A tablet is all the computing power the majority of users require. MS Docs, email, social sites, and web browsing are all covered. Wireless/Bluetooth keyboard, mouse(even an external monitor if required), and users are not missing anything.
Old farts use tablets.
Old gentlemen use laptops because they are logical and don't want to re-type everything a bazillion times on a tablet screen.
(typed on my Macbook Air, which eats tablets for breakfast)
Having said that, I might buy this tablet.
If all you want is to open and inspect documents, it will do fine. Personally I cannot use the screen keyboard for any editing. Be aware that this is an android only tablet, so all limitations with a different OS applies (though I believe microsoft office for android is free for home users).
As for size, it is very similar in size to an ipad mini 4, so if you can get your hands on an ipad mini 4 you should have an idea of how well it would suit.
I'd say 7.9" at 4:3 is probably not great for videos, as most videos are 16:9 there will be a bit of letterboxing and unused screen space (about 20%). So the actual video screen will be more like 6.4".
Can't really comment on the others, but word/excel functions would be best with a Bluetooth keyboard, but should be doable.
4:3 is Better for everything else though.
Perhaps… I've got 16:9 screens on all my devices: phone, tablet (actually 16:10), laptop, desktop, TV, and I've never thought to myself "I wish this was 4:3 instead" for any of them.
In fact, if anything I wish my TV and desktop screens were 21:9.
To each their own though.
Thanks everyone, excellent work. Things from all of you I hadn't considered. Hmmm, indecision time…
i had one tablet bought back in 2011-2012 (acer iconia a501) and i found i hardly ever used it. sure it was alot heavier and bigger than some of the tablets these days, but if you're like me you'll probably enjoy a 'laptop' style (or normal computer) layout: whereby you have your screen and a keyboard. I think for using the screen for commands it work sfine, but i personally couldn't use it for typing messages or emails at length, even searching for stuff online is so much easier and faster using a keyboard. the exception is i do use my mobile at times, but still the keyboard is alot smaller to cover.
nothing would beat the laptop though - i'd suggest finding those 10" cheaper travel netbooks,that way you're getting close to the 10" tablet size albeit with a keyboard. Some more expensive smaller netbook styles like the hp x360 or something from memory can be flipped/folded so the keyboard is underneath the back of the screen, thereby entering a 'tablet' mode per se?
Just add the hardware you are missing to the tablet, and your problems are solved.
yeah, but if it has a keyboard cover that's fine, for my tablet where you needed an independent keyboard that isn't physically attached it is alot easier for most to just lug a laptop as one complete solution out.
I think the main tablet vs netbook comparison is whether you can deal with typing or lack of. some seem to be fine just using the ipad for games, visually etc, but i couldn't deal with typing on that keyboard business emails and the like (which I've seen some use).
personally I think 7.9" is too small for word/excel processing
I'd say even 10.1" is hardly sufficient for heavy document / spreadsheet work.
Is mipad 2 better at similar price here?…
Which is better?
Fyi no sd slot on the newer model
The mipad 2 is about 18 months newer so should be better in many respects, it's got a decent Intel chip in it.
For only AU$40 more that's personally what I'd get if you can live with 16Gb storage
1st gen has a card slot and a better battery
2nd gen has only 16gb memory, no battery, no card slot and usb-c port
I have a 1st gen + 64gb card in it and it is a killer machine.
How is the battery life comparatively to in iPad mini?
Very good
Darn I forgot to use the cashback.
Very keen but never used aliexpress are they ok to deal with.No PayPal bit of a worry and up to 45 days for delivery
All my aliexpress orders have turned up in good order but everything posted from China is very slow. Why is that I wonder? Everything from the UK is super quick. Slow boat from China?
You don't pay until you confirm safe delivery.
I just had another look at aliexpress and they say "full refund", implying that you have been charged, then you get a refund. Maybe they've changed the way they do things but I'm sure I haven't been charged until I have confirmed that it has arrived as advertised.
This is the type of seller I would buy from on aliexpress- 651 feedback- 100%
iOS is like a condom for you - it keeps a fanny safe…
Why are Apple users obsessed with being spied and hacked lol, don't worry no one is interested in your collection of dick pics….
If you are an attractive girl you would know, sadly perverts and weirdos everywhere wanting to undress you with eyes
Most girls stick to apple for this reason, apple is secure
Are you stating facts here or do you just have a high opinion of yourself?
Did you recall the fappening? Apple is secure my fanny.
And whats the bet that you post selfie pics on Facebook, Snapchat and twitter without any levels of security? Very Secure too..
@bchliu: Those pics are chosen by me to put up and show off. Spying on mobile device camera sees people when they doing intimacy or without makeup, it different
@fanny: What are you talking about? Who is hacking into your camera and how? Are you side-loading random camera apps to your phone or something?
If not this seems like a story a current affair would be interested in…
@NigelTufnel: When I was using Android phone, two people hacked into it. Not from apps. From hacking the Android radio chip. I think he had a fake cellphone tower device, trick the phone into connecting to it insted of real tower. Then he got phone to update malware, after it he can spy on my camera and mic. I saw battery drain first, then he said things he only know if he was spying on my phone. I change phone for another Android. Later another guy did it to me, this time I knew immediately what he was doing. After switch to iphone, no more hacking. No more Android devices for me!
If you dont believe me, search "stingray", it is the hacking device, many people experience it! It work best on Android
"If you are an attractive girl you would know, sadly perverts and weirdos everywhere wanting to undress you with eyes
Most girls stick to apple for this reason, apple is secure"
Apparently you didn't read the news about the iCloud hack that affected multiple celebrities (including girls).
Surely this is a troll post?
@emoree: Old news, the icloud hack is what made Apple tighten security. Today it is impossible to happen again.
"Old news, the icloud hack is what made Apple tighten security. Today it is impossible to happen again."
impossible? Whatever helps you sleep at night.
@fanny: "Many people experience it?" Really?
I've heard of governments using stingray hacking to track people, and possibly collect call/text data, but never to install malware and control the camera or mic (also doesn't matter if it's iOS or Android).
Also, most stingray devices apparently cost $16,000 and $125,000, so you must have some pretty rich hackers after your information.
@NigelTufnel: Stingray is the one government use, the dirty one hackers use is "IMSI catcher" work same way but less than $50.
Yes it matter if ios or android, ios not jailbreak cannot be hacked, android can easy
"Laugh until one day evil man blackmail you with infomation found in your Android device"
That's a bit sexist - there are evil women too
What the hell do you think I keep on my Android device that could be used to blackmail me?
As much as you'd like them to be, the government is not after your d**k pics
You sound like the kind of person who stores all their sensitive information (e.g. d**k pics, the phone number of the tin-foil hat brigade headquarters) on their device without backing it up to a physical hard drive and deleting it from your cellular device.
It has been proven time and time again that security flaws on any device can be exploited, if your only means of protecting yourself from this is by simply stating, "Apple can't be hacked" - then good luck with that.
@emoree: The FBI had trouble hacking Apple, and said they cant hack the newer iphones, that is enough security for me to store sensitive pics on my iphone. There are some things women need to do to make their men happy, you wil never understand. Good luck with your android
"There are some things women need to do to make their men happy" - Wow, I'm going to spare you the humiliation and leave that alone.
Feel free to ignore the part about backing up your files to a hard drive and deleting the originals.
I will never understand because I'm not stupid enough to store sensitive files permanently on a device that connects to the Internet. Good luck with your man - hope we don't see you in the next Fappening.
If you are an attractive girl you would know, sadly perverts and weirdos everywhere wanting to undress you with eyes
Most girls stick to apple for this reason, apple is secure
Pix please, or we won't believe you.
@lostn: sorry but I already have stalkers on here like "nosdan" following every comment I make, no way I am letting someone like him or his friends see my pic
I honestly hate trolls but this guy is absolutely hilarious.
Hook, line and sinker - well done.
Best line: "Those pics are chosen by me to put up and show off. Spying on mobile device camera sees people when they doing intimacy or without makeup, it different"
Doing intimacy or without makeup … aaaaahahahahaha.
Reading their other comments on other posts (e.g. the Raspberry Pi one) - I'm starting to think they're not trolling…
surely no one could have that level of narcissistic stupidity IRL? surely its just a poorly thought out troll attempt?
are people REALLY that stupid?
Best line: "Those pics are chosen by me to put up and show off. Spying on mobile device camera sees people when they doing intimacy or without makeup, it different"
Yeah just a tip. Switch off your tablet when you do your intimacy.
This comment show how little you understand hacking of Android, hackers make your Android device appear off when it continue spying, please dont give advice on things you do not understand.
And who really turns off her phone when kissing or doing intimacy, only you
This comment show how little you understand hacking of Android, hackers make your Android device appear off when it continue spying, please dont give advice on things you do not understand.
You telling me you can press turn off, lights go off and everything, but they can make it look like it's off when it's actually still on? Say the battery runs out and it switches off, can they magically turn it back on?
Having you tried getting some duct tape and taping the cameras? Or lie it flat on the table?
And who really turns off her phone when kissing or doing intimacy, only you
You don't have to turn it off. Just put it in your pocket or bag. If you put it in a position where the camera can see everything, you're pretty stupid imo.
@lostn: Yes that is what I am telling you. When the battery runs out it cant turn back on. The hacking happens when there is battery left.
I am not taping the cameras, my clients will see tape and feel weird. If phone is flat on table hacker can hear noise thru mic. All this not happen now after change to iphone.
I am not taping the cameras, my clients will see tape and feel weird.
Whoa.. your "clients"? What kind of clients are they?
I have this tablet (got it around when it was first released).
Plenty of updates from xiaomi, i use nova launcher on mine.
very, very fast. No issues with overheating, excellent battery life, very good quality screen. Overall to the build quality you expect from xiaomi.
not sure how it compares with the newer mipad, but have been impressed thoroughly with this chinatab - particularly because its still running strong!
plenty of accessories (cases, screen protectors etc….)
downside is that it does "feel" a bit thick in the case, not an aluminium body (but a hard plastic body, good finish).
I have the 16gb and use a 64gb microsd for media.
I'd prob get this over the mipad2 purely for the microsd - the other specs dont seem to be lacking enough to override the microsd.
aliexpress - i use them all the time, reliability comes down to the individual vendor - this particular one selling the mipad at 140USD has a total of 650x orders across all their products with 100% rating. This would suggest to me an OK-ish seller (as a "good" vendor would typically have 1.5-2k+ orders with an equally high or close-to-100% rating). if I didnt already have this tablet, for 180AUD, I might risk it….
I'd prob get this over the mipad2 purely for the microsd - the other specs dont seem to be lacking enough to override the microsd.
What version of Android have they upgraded to?
My Mi4 which I bought recently for my mum has the latest MIUI 7, but the Android version is still 4.4 Kitkat.
Shaybisc thanks buddy
any deals for the MI PAD 2 ?
This is the Tegra equipped version, isn't it? Cracking performer, if you can live with the limitations of that. Mighty tempted to upgrade from the iPad3 to this at this price. Don't know if I can live with the drop in screen size, though.