[HELP] Looking for Experience in a Mobile App Company


I have been a long-time oz-bargain member but this is the first time I have ever posted in the OZbargain forum. I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I guess there is no harm trying. Here goes….

I am a 24 year old Melbourne entrepreneur that is trying to build my own business. Entering the life of an entrepreneur made me realise that I lack a lot of skills and experience required to build a successful business (I guess you can say, I was trying to jump into the deep end of the pool without someone teaching me how to swim). Even though there are a lot of resources available online, I feel like I am still missing something. This brings me to this forum where I would love to ask if anyone or anyone you may know that has successfully self-built and owned a business that is willing to teach me and help me grow so I feel confident in starting my own business. I am willing to work if that means building on experience. I am a diligent and efficient person that is both hard-working and passionate and has a great work ethic (it sounds like a generic cover letter, but I promise my actions will speak louder). I don't mind physical activities or high-stress workloads. In addition, I am willing to work for free. I am hoping to learn as much from you as possible. If you can help me in anyway, please pm me your contact details and I would be glad to provide any further inquires required. I would be grateful and highly appreciate your help.

Reply: Thanks for the feedback (brutal but honest). In terms of the word 'entrepreneur,' I think I was trying to say that I am trying to become one. I do agree, it is probably not the right way to describe myself. As for a mentor, that does sound like a suitable option that I will definitely explore. Also, more detail about myself: I am currently a retail sales manager; I am looking to walk away from the job but before I do, I am trying to making sure I am able to find myself work experience from a successful entrepreneur. With regards to what experience I am looking for, I am hoping to develop a social media mobile app one day (I do have an idea in mind) and hopefully with great guidance, a successful one. I do have an IT background but I am looking to learn the business side of things so I do not fall into the pitfalls of starting a business. If their more information required, please keep the comments coming.


  • +4


    Don't work for free (or offer to).

    Realistically you need a Mentor.



    • +2

      Indeed from the OP's request it sounds like he needs a mentor, as after a whole paragraph I still cannot grasp what exactly he feels he is missing.

      The mentoring / startup-incubator scene in Australia is a bit strange though, may I put it this way. I feel there are more startup mentors & incubators than successful startups themselves. So when you go out to find a mentor it would be a good idea checking out what he/she is trying to sell you.

      • +2

        Honestly, I think Ughhh nailed it…OP actually needs a job to earn his professional/business chops first.

        Just declaring oneself an "Entrepreneur" does not a businessman make…

  • +8

    I am a 24 year old Melbourne entrepreneur

    For starters, never call yourself an entrepreneur…

    • +1

      entrepreneur - no discernible talents but wants to use short cuts disguised as "brilliance" to make money quickly.

  • +1

    Have you tried/thought about applying for jobs in that industry/type of business?

  • What type of business are you looking to start?

  • Usually, that's why people get a job. To learn about the industry, make contacts and see what you can sell that is lacking in the industry. So I guess first you will need a product to sell. An "entrepreneur" without an actual business is just another name for "unemployed". :)

  • You will ALWAYS in ANY PLACE get better responses if you are more specific in the subject line: here the title "Looking for Experience" is, frankly, meaningless. Add a few relevant words to the title.

    BTW, no idea why you think that you already are an "entrepreneur".

  • Have you worked before? What type of business are you running?

    To be honest, good luck. I've been working since 16 and currently am same age as you and have been running an established business for 2 years now, with little support and I'm struggling like crazy too.

    What's worse is it's hard to find people of similar age doing the same thing, making friends is hard too.

    Need more info by the way to give advice…

  • Need more background information

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