Change the way you see World War 1 as you explore stories of hope, suffering and loss from newly released historical archives.
Enroll now, program starts April 25. Course duration: 5 weeks (4 hours per week).
Change the way you see World War 1 as you explore stories of hope, suffering and loss from newly released historical archives.
Enroll now, program starts April 25. Course duration: 5 weeks (4 hours per week).
No idea why you were negged.
Here's a + to equalise :)
And yeah, thanks TA.
He was probably negged because his first comment was in really poor taste…smart move requesting it be removed.
Thanks @stewballs. I realised just after posting that that must've been it.
Thanks but they charge for statement of participation like the other "free" courses….
Are you referring to the certificate? Don't think it's an important consideration in this case, do you?
You can buy a Statement of Participation for this course — a personalised certificate in both digital and printed formats — to show that you’ve taken part.
Imho, pretty useless certificate this one. A 'Volunteering Certificate' would assist better with chances of employment. And that would be free if you did volunteer for a cause, that's other than War.
Don't think it's an important consideration in this case, do you?
So you are saying the deal is a complete waste of time?
We could just watch your free HD youtube clips instead of waste 4 hours per week.
No but for them to charge for a bit of paper that shows u did it… really
This should be mandatory in schools. Far too many kids/teens don't know anything about WW1.
Do you ?
Yep. They didn't teach me till I was 16 though. :/
still, the anglo saxon courses about wwi still have a strong scent of propaganda/ guns and glory still. It's what "surprised" me in all the exhibits that were going on last year, even if there was an effort to say the ennemis were also human and war was bad.
maybe nationalism is what sells the exhibit to some people ???
@juki: The irony is that you can thank the same people you are now badmouthing for the very freedom to do so.
It's just so hip & PC to complain about everything nowadays… :/
@StewBalls: oh sorry don't see it as bad mouthing, it's really about presentation, putting the emphasis on guns and rather the suffering did seem a little old fashion.
I'm quite sure the people who lived through any war wouldn't mind us underlining that part rather than Queen and Country side of it.
particularly in WWI in which bodies were so mixed up, you couldn't say who was who, and that all bones looked the same regardless the side.
anyway no disrespect, and haha i probably do complain a lot but that started a long time ago ;)
Perhaps teach about Peace than War.
It'll be great if they have other histories available. I'd really like to learn countries in east asia and american history
Will they give us an email address if we register? :)
Nope haha I highly doubt that! since they're offering through a third party. dude just go to school!
dude just go to school!
Mightn't be allowed within 500m
Hahahah…that's why speed limits around schools are my best friend!
@soupiejr: LOL oh I see…You know there are restrictions of things you can do on the internet with an edu email address right? Even thought my uni's internet speed is ridiculously fast, you cannot use torrent and illegal sites.
If you don't have the time for an online course. I would highly recommend this podcast:…
There are 5 episodes on WWI (Blueprint for Armageddon), about 15 hours in total. Extremely well researched and explained.
Wonder why the War was labelled 'Great'. Imho war serves no purpose, just a reversal of civilization. Videos that glorify War and Sacrifice (by death) are not the best things for future generations.
Have we not enough of War yet??
Great /ɡreɪt/ adjective 1. of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above average.
As much as I enjoy the Hardcore Histories podcast, people have pointed out that he is not entirely accurate.
I take it more for the entertaining narrative that he conveys so well, rather than for its historical accuracy.
if we enrol can we get a student card?
No stories of stuff ups, SNAFU, and incompetence ?
Then you wont learn how to survive & fight off the warlord & his/her raiders from the mountains close to your valley
after the fossil fuels run out & industrial civilization collapses.
Your be better off listening to The History of Rome podcast & The History of Byzantium podcast
this sounds like what was at the melbourne museum last year. Not bad, a bad expo, but if ever you go to france, visiting verdun is pretty well presented and well done
As far as education goes, not a lot of credit is given to history or geography as they don't really have any "mercantile" value… whenever cuts are spoken of, even art gets more credit than us.
Sigh… Now kids will need to watch SBS at the uni.
If only…more like The Wiggles! ;)
Nice work TA