How Much Do You Budget for Your Weekly Spend?

Hi all,
Just trying to get a benchmark of what the average person spends on food/living/miscellaneous expenses. I am 24, live in the heart of the city and usually spend about $300 a week on living expenses. Which seems excessive as I don't drive,however I usually go out once or twice on the weekend which accounts for about 60-75% of my spending. I usually eat out once, sometimes twice a week. I bring my own lunch to work and only really drink 7/11 coffee

EDIT: this does not include rent, bills etc. Only food, drinks, offhand purchases, entertainment etc

Poll Options

  • 17
    Under $100 a week
  • 8
    Under $200 a week
  • 2
    Under $300 a week
  • 1
    Under $400 a week
  • 1
    Under $500 a week
  • 9
    Over $500 a week


  • +4

    unlimited budget. if very very very very very good deals come up at ozb i will keep buying.

  • +1

    What are you including? Bills? Rent?

    • +1

      Yep, we need to understand whether you include the "unavoidables" in your living expenses. Eg:

      • Food
      • Bills
      • Rent
      • Insurance
      • Travel (to and from work)

      Are you talking about the whole shebang or just entertainment expenses (eg going out / weekend / booze - the "avoidables)?

    • Sorry, clarified that

  • +1

    define "living" expenses

  • I spend around $1600 a month. I don't pay for rent or food or my car (servicing costs + insurance). That money just goes towards useless purchases, eating out, petrol and maybe about $300-400 worth of savings.

  • If I'm getting this right, the $300/week excludes rent and utilities. I'm at the same level as you - $300 budgeted which disappears into god knows what

  • About $2000 a week. Gotta buy food when I'm overseas, dry cleaning, and pay for transport. Utilities in Australia isn't that expensive since I don't have a landline and I'm not home for a lot of the time.

  • Approximately $100 to $150 a week I would estimate between groceries, work lunches, miscellaneous little purchases and the odd meal out with my partner. Some weeks would be higher depending on what social stuff is going on though.

    This doesn't include unavoidable/recurrent things like rent, utilities, phone/internet bill, transport expenses.

  • $123 a week for PT, lunch food, utilities, no rent, phone data

  • I'm 23, working full time and below spending does not include rent/bills/petrol/insurance etc etc.

    Coffee - $40 - 1 coffee a day sometimes 2, always with an extra shot.
    Breakfast/Lunch - ~$100 - 5 lunches and maybe 2 or 3 breakfasts.
    Dinner - ~$75 - 3-4 dinners

    Entertainment:~$150 - alcohol, going out movies etc
    Food: ~$150-200 - 1x Fine dining meal & casual lunch/brunch or whatever

    Yep….I have no savings :(

    • +2

      Buy a coffee machine!

  • I'm in my forties with 4 kids at home and a small mortgage, but $300 a week wouldn't even cover that housing cost.
    So well over $500 a week, in fact, well over $1000 a week.
    And for the other things you mention, we do drive, two old cars, we don't usually eat out or get take away. I take my lunch to work as does my partner and kids.

  • I've tried so hard to budget about $300-$400 each week to spend freely on food etc and I'm usually okay most of the week. But come Friday or Saturday night if I end up in a a club, there's little chance of escaping without an instant doubling of that budget.

    And let's not get started about taking girls out… dinner is usually around $100 (for two) for something half decent and the drinks bill can easily double that.

    • Ah yes all the money blown on bars and clubs and drunken trashy nights. It's kinda crazy when you think about the absurd amount we can blow in a night. But that's a phase of life that's there to enjoy in the moment and then cringe and slightly regret many years later lol

  • I live at home so I don't have to pay for rent, but I do contribute to utilities.

    PT- $31.2
    Petrol - $25
    Internet -$22.5
    Phone - $7.5
    Eat out - $30 (once + misc snacks)
    Grocery for the family - $70
    Misc purchases - $30


    So thankful that I don't have to pay for rent!

  • I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.

    George Best

  • Include all.. i mean all expenses ….$1500 per week.

  • At the beginning of a new year, I write down how much I know I'll have to pay out for things like rates, utilities, insurance, food, petrol & co. and add 10% to the total. Then divide the total by 12 months and that gives me the amount I need to put away and not touch each week. When payday comes around I put away the amount so I never get any nasty surprises. Anything left over goes to entertainment, clothes, and sundries.

    This has worked for me for many years and ensures that I'm never not able to pay my bills. If there's not enough over in months that have five weeks. then I forego clothes and entertainment.

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