DLH.net have new stock of Steam keys for KnightShift. This game has been offered previously and existing users may already have this key.
A facebook like is required.
- Log in (or create a free account) at DLH.net.
- At the top of the page go to [Account Name] > Steam Keys.
- Click the facebook icon next to KnightShift to perform a facebook like.
- Pass a simple captcha to prove you're human (or a reasonable facsimile thereof).
- Activate your free key from within the steam client.
There is an hourly limit of 2500 keys available, in case this has been exhausted you should check again when the clock ticks over to a new hour.
KnightShift is a fantasy based RTS/RPG hybrid originally released in 2003.
Steam store page for KnightShift.
If you're new to DLH.net or haven't logged in for a while there may be other free game keys available.
I am really disliking the DLH.net posts. This site contains quite a number of questionable malware based advertising and I've had a couple of warnings from my AV once I turned off my ad-blocker to try and access it. You can only access those "free" steam keys once you have disabled ad-blocking on your browser. Not going to Neg this vote.. but I am never going to attempt at getting any more "free" keys anymore from this site, no matter how tempting the offer is.