This was posted 8 years 11 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Free: Audio Dimension Flat Ribbon HDMI Cable 10M and 8M C&C (Sydney) or $18 Postage @ Digital Cinema


Hi Guys

Last time we had some good feedback about our short HDMI cables. This time we are making free the 8 Metre and 10 Metre lengths. These are fairly well built heavy gauge cables with a high quality metal head. I wont bore you with more details. Its free, enough said!!!

Use the code 0R-1T-BK for the 10M Version…

Use the code E6-CI-15 for the 8M Version…

Limit = 1 per customer to keep it fair to everyone. We have plenty in stock
Order must be placed online prior to pickup. All pickup orders will be ready for collection from midday Thursday 31st. Pickup order must be picked up within 14 days from order date.
Totally free for click and collect or $18 Australia Wide postage regardless of your location. Enjoy

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closed Comments

  • +5

    $18 postage for a cable?

    • +1

      It probably includes insurance to get your money back if it is lost or damaged…

      • +1

        Yes tracking and insurance. Thanks JV

        • +19

          Thanks for clarifying…

          Very reassured the full purchase price can be refunded…

    • I think there's a little bit of fat in that figure…not as 'free' as you may think

  • +3

    Do these make good dog leads ?

    • Perhaps, if your dog is an Aibo

  • I assume you can get EITHER the 8m or 10m but not both.

    They look high end.

    Shop in in West Ryde I believe, ironically near the place that is doing free PC repairs.

    • +2

      EITHER the 8m or 10m but not both.

      Nope, it clearly says :

      10M and 8M !

      • +6

        thats fine. We will honour both

    • Hi we have moved to the Megamall shopping centre in Auburn on Parramatta road. Lots more parking here. Address is on our website

      • Thats next to Hungry Jacks?

      • yea that shopping center looks busier then the other one down the road

  • +1

    Vote one for the spirit alone.

  • Been meaning to get some new cables!
    If they're good, might swap a few more around the house around!


    PS. Whoops only just read the comments above… I've added both 10m and 8m into cart and checked out.
    If there's an issue, let me know.

    • How did you manage to put both lengths to the cart. Don't you have to order each separately for each of the two coupon codes one being for the 8m length and the other for 10m length?.

      • It allowed me to add one to cart, put in code.
        Then added 2nd one to cart, and put it 2nd code.

        Both codes showed up and total was still $0!

        • Well that's good, only have to pay for one shipping fee.

  • Thanks for the awesome deal rep.

    FYI - these length cables are often quite expensive.

  • +2

    I guess these are the cheapest cables on your site.

    $1,949 for a cable?…

    • Wow the whole cable would want be to made of 24ct gold.

    • +2

      LinusTechTips bought that exact cable. He tried everything from super long distances, to overclocking the monitor. Literally zero difference, not even a 1Hz increase when overclocking. If they weren't proven useless before, they're 100% useless now, even in the most extreme and niche situations.

      • +1

        Saw that today as well. I'd consider that pretty conclusive.

        Regardless of it being proven 'useless' there will always be those who defend/buy/praise such cables.

        • Of course, even those who buy it to prove it doesnt work, when the general consumer wouldn't of even bothered about it. Especially when Linus' community base is not of those who would spend that kind of money in the first place (I get there are some…) Yet Linus bought it anyway to prove something that no really wanted to know…

  • Good on you Peter!!

  • Thanks! Order Made!

  • -8

    $149 for a 10m cable! Hardly a bargain, I bought a quality cable for $50, never had any issues. Flat cable are pain to install anyway.

    • it's free…………………………..

  • +1

    Hi Guys. Our webiste at the moment is under heavy load. Our IT guys are advising just to refresh the page if you are having issues submitting your order. Our website is on an enterprise cloud platform so hopefully not many people are experiencing issues.

    • It seems both are out of stock.

    • +1

      Can you confirm that these are out of stock?

  • excellent thank you!

  • Nops. All good. Order placed. Thanks for honouring 8m and 10m both. Cheers

  • These manufacturers need their heads examined.

    Buy a $20-$30 HDMI cable and it'll last you decades.

  • +1

    Thanks Peter this is a great deal. I am now aware of your website and will look there if I have any purchases in the future.

  • Are the 8m cables out of stock?

    • It seems to be that way. Out of stock.

    • Looks that way

  • Are these 4k capable?

    • Only at 24Hz. Need V2.0 for 4K@60Hz

      • No such thing as a v2.0 cable.

        They are not meant to be using the HDMI revision numbers for labeling on cables or any consumer products.

        No Use of HDMI Version Numbers Effective Immediately
        Effective January 1, 2012, all HDMI products cannot make any reference to HDMI version numbers

        They have introduced a "premium high speed" HDMI…

        This is a new testing standard for HDMI

        Current "high speed" cables are meant to fully support 4k resolution, however some users have found this not to be the case, a "premium high speed" HDMI should guarantee compatibility will all formats.

        Unless it labelled "premium high speed" HDMI, there may be no difference between the cables, anyone using HDMIv2.0 as advertising is misleading as there is no such standard set out by hdmi org

        Some manufactures just put what they like on packaging to trick and confuse consumers.

        • +1


          That FAQ is referring to the HDMI 2.0 interface, not the connecting cable. Scroll down 4 more questions and you find this:

          Does HDMI 2.0 require new cables?

          No, HDMI 2.0 features will work with existing HDMI cables. Higher bandwidth features, such as 4K@50/60 (2160p) video formats, will require existing High Speed HDMI cables (Category 2 cables).

          Category 2 (High Speed) HDMI cables are not the same thing as (or directly related to) the HDMI 2.0 interface standard.

  • I picked mine up during the last clearance, recently got to using it and seems to be better than the generic one I was using.

    Btw, seems to have been OzB'ed… both are OoS

  • looks like all are OOS

  • +1

    Just clicked on Paypal to pay for the 10m cable and it is also now out of stock… :-(
    It took it out of my shopping cart……

  • Out of stock. :(

  • Yeah out of stock

  • +2

    OUT OF (plenty)STOCK…

    • Yep, "Plenty of stock" didn't last 50 minutes… :-(

  • +1

    So they had like 10 to give away…

    • 503 clicks suggests perhaps a few more than 10.

      • I clicked on it 3 times now and didn't order any…

  • +4

    sorry guys it looks like its all been accounted for. Ozbargained should I say.

    Yes did have plenty of stock. There are hundreds of orders on our website at the moment for these cables

    • -1

      Can you do more for people who missed out?

    • Mine is stuck in my shopping cart and it won't let me complete the purchase

    • Yeah, I'd have bought one too..

    • will you cancel order from the same address? or name or paypal email or same credit card number?

      • Maybe you should read the description "Limit = 1 per customer" and not order multiple?

  • Thanks Peter, ordered.
    Haven't receive email confirmation, I suspect we only need the order number to pickup?

    • Never received confirmation email either.
      According to its site, my order is still 'pending'. I did place the order quite a while prior to it being out of stock.

      Likelihood of order being approved?

  • Damn, missed out!!!

  • Thanks, ordered and have my confirmation email. Please message back with postage question. Thanks.

    • Hi Digital Cinema, still waiting on a reply to my first, second and third emails.

  • They look great, just a question though; would these product the same image quality, or similar image quality to Monster HDMI cables? I have a Diamond series in my living room and the picture is amazing.

    • +3

      It's a digital signal, so you will either get the signal or you won't. The image and sound quality from all hdmi cables should be exactly the same, provided that they work. The difference between a $5 cable and a $500 cable will usually just be build quality.

      These cables are pretty good, I have a 10m one when they posted the deal here about 2 years ago and it works perfectly.

  • Doh! Ozbargainend!!

  • +2

    There's Aldi's sale this week for those who still have a requirement for 8m HDMI cables. $20 though.…

  • Just wondering if anyone got theirs. Mine is still processing and mo email from them. Emailed them and no reply

    • Same with me, three emails so far and no replies at all.

    • Same here, private message, call and email no reply

      • Did you get anyone on the phone when you called?

        • No

  • Still waiting on a return email.

    • The hilarious thing is that they are email spamming now.

      I'm not even mad, I'm impressed.

  • I wonder if anyone at all got their cable.

  • I got mine mid last week

  • Have received my cable, and had an bonus one sent to me also. Thanks.

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