This was posted 8 years 11 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

H101 6 Axis Gyro 2.4GHz RC Quadcopter Headless Mode 3D Stunt US $9.99 (~AU $13.40) Delivered @ Everbuying


Floureon H101 6 Axis Gyro 2.4GHz RC Quadcopter Headless Mode 3D Stunt A Key to Return US $9.99 Delivered when you coupon code jv-ARSE2


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closed Comments

  • +2

    Running out of Coupon Code. Any Suggestions on coupon code ?

    • +8


      • +2


    • hey monty.melb

      just looked at cashrewards its 4.8% not 7%

      is that a permanent change?

  • +4
    • Thanks rawm.

  • +1

    Nice discount code MM :-)

  • If this is like the swann one it looks like from JB hi-fi this is an awesome price for some hair pulling frustration. Still a good laugh tho

  • +1

    Gonna try and strap an eneloop to this sucker. 😆

    Thanks OP

    • +3

      Are you building a desk fan?

      • No lol. I wanna squeeze more flight time.
        But weight will be the issue and may
        destabilize moves.
        Im sure the builders tried but im stubborn. 😊

    • +2

      You would need 3 to match the voltage it would be a easier to use a bigger li-ion or lipo easiest way just use a 14500 will give you around 750mah

  • I have a hexa-copter that always tilt forward and flip over instead of flying. Anyone know what I have done wrong? Will this one be any easier to fly? Thanks.

    • +1

      Some of them have a mode where it does continuously tilt and flip (usually high speed mode), try only moving the accelerator/direction stick only 30% of possible movement and see if it still does it. If it doesn't then you will just have to change the mode to slow or medium.

      Otherwise the electronics could be faulty.

    • +1

      i got a quad that does this im 99% sure the issue with mine is the motors were dodgy

    • +2

      Do you mean it flys but is unstable, or doesnt take off/hover properly at all?
      Acro(batic) mode allows the copters to tip beyond a stable point (to allow for flips etc), but most toy quad/hex/octo copters dont have an acro mode (just different rates in level mode).

      Are you sure you have the correct propellor on each motor?
      Each prop (and hopefully the arm for each motor) should either be labeled 'A' or 'B', depending if that motor spins clockwise or counter clockwise.

      If you mix up one or more of the props then then thrust is produced in the opposite direction than expected which the flight controller cant handle and they just flip or dont take off.

      Otherwise, as others have said, you may have a faulty motor or flight controller. Would also be worth checking the instructions or googling to see if there is a calibration procedure you can trigger from the remote while the copter is on a flat surface.

      • Thanks, CountDuckula. It doesn't take off/hover properly at all. The propellers did fell off. I'll double check to see if I have the wrong propellers reattached.

    • I also bought one which was very poor to fly.

      I bought it from the Dick Smith online special I believe.

      One of the motors would never operate the same as the others which would cause it to stay on the ground more often than not.

  • Great deal thanks, it was not long ago that the cheapest quadcopter would have cost you $70.
    Ideal for flying around the house. Another one to the collection - 4 total now :)

  • Just bought one. Thanks. Any idea how/where (or what type of battery model/brand) to get a spare battery or bigger battery that fit to this quadcopter?

  • M1nh sounds like you need to trim your quadcopter

  • Bought one to try out, thanks.

  • Got one too, thanks.

  • Got one, thanks!

  • Yay thank you! a perfect gift for my nephews!

  • Does anyone know if these use the same channel to communicate? Was thinking of getting one for my son so we can fly them at the same time but not sure if they would interfere with each other.

    • +1

      You should theoretically be able to fly a few of these at the same time- the radio and receiver work on 2.4ghz, which is supposed to eliminate the interference issues that were experienced on AM radios in days past.

      • Thanks for the reply. I will go ahead and get a second and see how it goes.

    • +1

      Yes you're able to fly multiple at the same time according to their description in the offer.


  • Thanks. Bought one. Apparently I also had 100 EB points (not sure how) so I got a discount of US$ 2. I paid US $7.99 total.

  • It must be frustrating to wait an hour between those 5 minute bursts of fun.

    • +8

      My wife puts up with it.

      • It's embarrassing if you travel all the way to the park but you can't get it up just as you have the hang of it. I wonder how long others last?

        • Maybe your doctor can prescribe sildenafil?

  • I am going to hold off buying anything else from EB until I receive my dashcam.

    A little worried by all the bad reviews.

    • I was just about to purchase when I read this… are people getting stuff from this company?

    • Just got mine today =)

    • Hi tsunamisurfer,

      Thank you for your kind support on us.

      Is there anything I can do for you?

      You can send me your order number for checking order status if you need.

      Have a great day!


    • took me 3-4 weeks to receive my quadchopper from last bargain, but it is indeed a good buy

      good value I have to say. (at least for the drone)

  • Well, how about using my username as the coupon code next time so that pretending we are always in harmony ;)

    • Is ur username stand for coupon code jv-ARSE?

      • Just Very Attractive…actually.

  • Order submitted successfully but couple of hours later i get paypal refund.
    This happened to the last order too.

    • Hi ReadOnly,

      Could you pls PM me your EB account for checking?

      Thank you!


      • I've just pm you my order number. Please check and advise via pm.
        Order status is Refunded. I didn't receive any notification from EB about the cancellation and refund. Just only an email from paypal "Refund from Nelson".

        Same thing happened with the last order.

        I've got the dashcam in my cart but too hesitate to check out.

  • These quads are awesome. I already have 2 of these. They not only do complete flips they also flip upside down and fly inverted. I've flown both mine plenty of times inside and outside and there still going fine.
    I just ordered another one from this deal plus some spare blades and an extra battery for USD$11.93. I got an extra discount for ordering on my mobile plus used 100 EB points I got or had.
    Good deal.

  • anyone know the average shipping time from these guys?

  • Cheers got one! Good price :)

  • +1

    Got mine today - that was quite fast postage from China.

    The quad is excellent!! Amazing value, very precise control and responsive.

    This is my 4th quad, they were getting bigger every time apart from this one but great to be able to fly indoors as well.

  • Got mine today (Melbourne) expecting delivery on 29.4.16, came 2 weeks early! Well done everbuying!

  • Got mine today in Adelaide. I'm charging the battery now

  • Crap, lost a propeller, so replaced it with one of the spares provided and now it's all wonky & won't fly.

    I'm devastated man, however i can confirm the 10min flying time we had together was well worth the $13.40.

    • OK, got it going again.

      Not all the rotors are identical.
      I had to use a certain combination of the 3 remaining and 4 spare rotors to get 4 that were balanced.
      Or at least that's how it seems to be…

      Gee iDroid, two failing within days. Bummer.

  • I am still waiting for the delivery. Anyone else?

    • Got it today. Charging now.


    Got 2 delivered to Adelaide.

    Each flew great for a few charges but now both just act erratic and wont fly.

    Nothing physically wrong with them, they just seem confused (firmware issue?).

    Both worked fine, flew great. But then one stopped working after a recharge, but the other did.

    The next day the next one failed after a recharge also.

    There is nothing obscuring any blades, all blades are in good order.

    I've tried replacing all blades with new ones.

    All blades are in the correct locations with regard to A/B placement.

    All motors spin freely if I blow the blades (no obstructions)

    I've tried with both remotes, recharged batteries many times, left unplugged and without batteries over night. Nothing works.

    Symptoms of quad 1:

    • Two left hand blades spin at full thrust
    • Two right hand blades spin at a low thrust
    • One or more of the blades is making a 'pulsing' revving up and down
    • The speed of all blades doesn't seem to respond to the remote at all.

    Symptoms of quad 2:

    • Two opposite blades spin up
    • The other two blades will either not spin or spin a little randomly.
    • Moving the joysticks on the remote can cause the non spinning blades to spin.

    Neither quad will fly at all now, they seem 100% physically fine but refuse to function correctly.

    • Things are working a little better now (but still won't fly).

      It seems that I needed to recalibrate them. What I did was:

      • Hold both joysticks to the bottom right until it starts to flash and stops flashing.
      • Hold both joysticks to the bottom left until it starts to flash and stops flashing.

      This seems to have fixed the props not spinning (they all spin as you'd expect not) but they will not lift off the ground at all.

      Tried switching between inverted/non inverted (while on the ground) but still nothing.

      Ahhhh :(

      Any ideas?

    • +1


      I have finally solved this issue.

      Seems the your instructions show the blade positions INCORRECTLY.

      The instructions show an image of the quad from above showing the A/B positions BUT for the actual positions to be correct you must orient them as if the image is from BELOW the quad.

      If you follow the instructions you will have all the blades in the wrong place - crazy.

      Anyway is there any real difference between A1 and A2 blades?

  • So got mine just before, charged it, it went up, crashed it around the back yard a little, lost one wing and replaced it with one of the spares, then I tried flying it again, this time I went higher than before, nearly landed in my adjacent neighbours place so I throttled it up and tried to correct it so it'd land back in my backyard, thought I hit one key return but it was the throttle sensitivity. It flew away into space and then crash landed god knows where in the distance on someones roof. 10/10 enjoyable 15 minutes.

    • *5 minutes
      The battery life is about 5 minutes with these.
      Feels like longer though cause they are so fast.

      Coupon still works too if anyone wants another.
      They can be flashed with aftermarket firmware made by a guy on rcgroups, enabling switching between acro and level modes and much more. Search "h8 mini acro firmware"

      • With all my crash landing and having to put wing-thingos back on, trying to find the lost wing piece and then going back to my room to fetch spare wings, I'd dare say I got 15 minutes out of it.

        Though with the hindsight of the flight time now, I can see why as it was shooting up into space it eventually just gave up and descended back down to Earth.

      • I don't know what any of that means, but i'm sold.

        BTW thanks for the tip. I didn't know there were two blade types - A1 & A2 it seems - and i see now the blade sense differs so you need to balance them, with one opposing set pushing it up, the other opposing set pushing it down. I'd just assumed they were all pushing up. Now i understand how they can fly upside down.

        OK, you all probably knew that, but i didn't.

        This thing is a lot of fun, though i haven't tried it outside yet, and i'm running out of blades…

        • When flying the normal way up, the front right motor spins counter clockwise, and front left is clockwise. Left rear is counter, right is clockwise. So when the props are on correctly, they all give lift.
          When you press the flip button the quad will flip 180° and the motors almost instantly change direction.

        • @edzknows:

          Oh yeah, you're right.

          I'd replaced one set of assumptions for another set of equally incorrect assumptions.
          Just didn't think they'd change direction in mid-flight.


  • Steamtrain is in the fortunate position to confirm that the H101 Quadcopter is not engineered to a standard that enables it to withstand the pressure of a vehicular tyre running over it, repeatedly.

    Thank you for playing…

    • I can vouch for steamtrain.

      I too have first hand experience in this field.

      Good thing I've ordered 5 of them.

      • +1

        That's how i solved it - got 3 more coming.

        I've decided i'll practice with these expendables before getting something bigger and better, even though i'm unsure it will make any real difference in the end.

        Having spoken to others, in terms of drones generally, most just seem to lose them. I consider catastrophic destruction as a more favourable outcome. That's what i call 'closure'.

  • And it seemed SOOO cheap at about $10… So I've ordered 5, 5 spare 240mha batteries, and other bits… so a bit more that $10..

    It still seems pretty cheap, but of course no one can stop there, so now I'm in the "I must have this other quad gear or I can't go on" situation..

    Damn you and your cheap quads!!!!

    Obviously the natural progression from the H101 is to and ER250 (@monty.melb - can you guys get these?):……



    Yeah it's just $10, go for it they said…

  • My charger just stopped working and live chat and support tickets don't work. Any ideas?

    • You mean charging cable?
      Didn't come with a charger.

      They do sell the cable separately.

      But i'd just buy another one, cos you can.

      • Yeah was talking about the cable. Although realize I need an uppercut, it was actually my usb extension cable causing the issue.

  • +1

    Has just got mine 2 days ago, the delivery can be lengthy (10 - 45 days as claim when you submit the order)

    Try flying the thing is tricky at beginning but I would say the price is well beyond the value, a lot more sophisticated than many other drones in the same price range.

    Good catch, would definite get friends to order more when the deal comes available again.

    • The deal is available again kind of sort of.

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