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$4 Weekend & Evening Secure Parking + $0.50 Booking Fee (Melbourne CBD)


To celebrate the 30th Melbourne International Comedy Festival, Secure Parking's $4 parking deal is back.

Valid for parking in Melbourne CBD.


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Secure Parking

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  • +$0.50 Booking Fee ??

  • +2

    Or get it free via https://www.liven.com.au/melbourne/secure-parking/203. Membership needed, available till 30 April.

    • thanks. can use the 2 free offers on free account.

  • -1

    Does anybody know what happens if you turn up and the car park is full after you've pre-booked?

    • Presumably you've arrived within the allowable reservation time, the car park being full may invoke clause 8.1 and therefore you may rely on clause 8.2?

      From their T&C's http://www.secureparking.com.au/secure-a-spot/terms-and-cond…

      8 Cancellation of Reservation by us

      8.1 In some circumstances we may cancel your Reservation, elect not to provide you with the services requested in your Reservation, or be unable to provide you with the services requested in your Reservation.
      8.2 If an event in clause 8.1 occurs, we will refund you the Reservation Fee and Parking Fee, unless the event was caused by your failure to comply with the Secure-a-Spot Terms.

      • How will they refund it?

        There is nobody at the car park usually.

        Also, if they are 'cancelling' the reservation, shouldn't they notify you before you arrive? Will they compensate you for having to pay $30 at the car park next door???

        • Carparks may put up a "Full" sign to deter casual/drive in parkers but I don't think they apply to pre-booked spots. Such computerised booking system should not allow overbooking in the first place. I recall that I could not book into the carpark I wanted at a particular time as it cam up full at the time I attempted to book. So I trust they have a system in place to manage that. However if such unfortunate situation/error were to happen on me (such as my code doesn't get me in), I would pull up to the intercom and speak to someone about it. At least that would form my basis for claiming on their failure to perform under the terms of service for whatever reason. If the code worked, as long as I got into the carpark, the odds of me finding a spot (whether designated or not) would be higher than my chance of getting them to pay for me to park elsewhere, I reckon.

        • @Mcz:

          Such computerised booking system should not allow overbooking in the first place.

          They do…

          I booked a spot a couple of months back, drove in and literally got the last spot at the top. There were about a half dozen cars after me that would have had to either wait for someone to leave or turn back.

          Don't know what would have happened if I was one car back… There was nobody manning the car park. It was the one opposite the Aquarium in Melbourne.

        • @jv:

          There must've been too many fish in the sea jv.

  • … There was nobody manning the car park

    It should always be expected that most Secure Parking carparks are not manned on site. I have had issues previously with my code and upon getting identified through the intercom, they remotely controlled and lifted the boom gate to let my car through. Also had to speak through the intercom to get let out. So in that sense, it was "manned" remotely.

    I assumed you had only encountered such situation once and as I haven't heard or read much negative reviews on Secure Parking in that sense, I can only imagine that the odds remain low that you get turned away despite having pre-booked. There may be inconvenience and lengthy time to get to that seemingly last spot at certain peak turnover times. Such problem may also occur if there were more than expected "overstayers". Hope this will never happens to us but if in the unlikely and most unfortunate event that it did happen, I would seek resolution through the intercom in the first instance.

    • I would seek resolution through the intercom in the first instance

      I can't see how they could 'resolve' the problem. A refund isn't good enough as you could be significantly out of pocket if you go elsewhere.

      • That's the risk (albeit very low) you take. Book two spots in two different locations if you want to minimise the impact.

        • There shouldn't be a risk. They should hold a spot for you if you've prepaid and close the car pack when all other spaces a full.

        • @jv: They should but according to the T&C's they won't.

  • +1

    I've used Secure Parking dozens of times in Melbourne, always for evening mid week or all day weekend parking. Only once have I seen the "Full Car Park" sign and I was still able to drive in and find a spot.

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