Hi! I am going overseas(India) and thinking of buying a 55' UHD TV. There is a difference of almost $600 if i compare the same model. My question is can i claim GST on it? And I'm flying from Adelaide. I know that i have to show the product at the TRS but is there any possibility that i can claim it and checkin at tAdelaide airport and is it safe to checkin a tV? Thanks
GST Claim for TV?

Hey thanks for that. So whats the process, i have to get it checked at the trs counter and check in? Do you any idea where the trs counter in the Adelaide airport? But i heard that trs counter will be inside after check in?
Do you any idea where the trs counter in the Adelaide airport?
I live in Melbourne so no… I assume like Melbourne it is past immigration just before duty free. Having checked the floor plan Of Adelaide airport I can see that this is probably the case.
As it says here
You need to…
check the goods in with your luggage after they have been verified by an officer at a Client Services counter.
I would suggest giving Customer service at Adelaide airport a call before you leave to find out where that is.
Phone +61 8 8308 9211
Thank you so much.. you were so helpful
you can claim GST back on almost anything.
Keep in mind there are strict conditions about the reciept and they'll make sure it meets all the requirements.
Also as it's a bulky item, you'll need to follow the special conditions at the counter.
Tbh taking a TV overseas is the most ridiculous part of this plan
let him try… and share his story with ozb.
i believe if proven true he will straight become one of the most honorable member of ozb.on the bright side he wont need to pay GST on his broken tv
OP should also take a couch - 100% comfort for 90% price…makes sense to me!
your name says it all!!
Taking a couch is only a little less practical than taking a big ass tv you know
And you are not the first to let fly with this idea
you will have to pay duty for tv over 32 inches in india. good luck
holy…you save 10% at customs and get hit by 36% tax there. A 55 inch TV is at least 15kg to 20kg, this will also cost some baggage $$. Plus the hassle of transporting it around, not sure if it worth to bring it overseas. Warranty is also void.
I have done my calculations dude.. A Sony UHD 3D TV is $1599 in Costco.. With tax in India it costs me $2175. (1599*1.36). For the same specs it cost me more than $3500 in India. And the TV weight is 23kg… i have an allowance of 40kg(thanks to vff)..I dont really care about this GST, if i get it its a bonus..
You can have 40kg allowance but I think there are restrictions about the size of the luggage too.
Yea, have you seen bag handlers handle luggage? Lol.
Are you sure your Australian TV will work in India?
One step at a time…lets just get it there first
What's the point of bringing a TV to India if it doesn't even work? :)
Won't make a difference - Digital TV
I beg to differ. If their DVB-T signal is different then it won't work. The USA uses different spacing for their channels plus they use the ATSC system so a Australian TV in the US is useless for receiving OTA signals.
If the OP is going to use a STB or plug it into his Blu-Ray/DVD player then it will most likely be OK. Assuming the voltages are the same. Either way, he should verify that the TV will work in India before bringing it over…
When are you leaving? I'll try to get a documentary team to film this, should be very entertaining. :)
border security.
Slimdog millionaire - no more fat 4:3 CRT for paupers, yo….time for a ballin' slim panel, dog
You don't need to wait for OP. You can see this happening everyday in the airport. I have personally seen this in Melbourne airport countless times. A few Indian dudes trying to lift and maneuver these massive TVs through the crowded airport. Obviously it is cheaper here than in India hence they don't mind the hassle.
You should be fine with handling by airlines. See if your travel insurance would provide any coverage. You will have to check in the television separately as fragile/ bulky. My biggest worry would be Indian Customs and Indian power supply quality, surges, low voltage. Make sure you buy protection for your TV before connecting. Depending on where you land you may have to pay further local taxes. Have some Indian currency handy to pay the taxes.
Indian Customs duty will be paid o $1599-$145.36=#1453.64. Landed cost after paying Indian Customs duty will be $1976.95, which is still way cheaper than Indian price of $3500.Why are people commenting about coming back with the TV?
If you have 40Kg allowance, I am assuming that you are travelling business class. That would mean that you will get priority tags for your baggage and airline would be more willing to accommodate you. Although Airline may charge you on the bulk of the package rather than the weight. It would be a good idea to check with the Airline first so that you are aware.
China southern to india gives 40 kg baggage allowance, so not necessarily business class
Do you realise that you have to actually take the TV with you right? And then when you come back, the value will count towards your duty free limit. Not to mention paying the bulky-luggage costs to take it on board both ways and possibly duty in India. It's a really bad idea.
even after paying the duty i'll be saving $1000.. The prices of HDTV are on par with Aus but UHD are too expensive over there.
Id pay pretty close to $1,000 to not bother with the hassle.
Yes its possible, and yes some probably do pull this off with no damage etc
But its really pushing the limits of practicality
The TV must be staying in India otherwise why bother?
Most airlines have a linear dimensions maximum, that is the height + width + length must be under a certain measurement. It is not just the weight. Make sure you check this with your airline beforehand or they'll make you send it freight.
It's a bit hard to believe that a TV here is cheaper than in India. You'd think the retailers here are overcharging us.
I have seen many Indians carrying TVs, brand new in the boxes when I was in Singapore. We all thought there was a massive TV sale there (now I know it's just way overpriced in India). So you can check in your TV and I assume it'll be directed to oversized luggages. But for peace of mine, just confirm with the airline first in regards to the dimension.
Yup, would be even cheaper in Singapore. From what I've read on Whirlpool, you might also need a step down transformer for the voltage difference. Might not be as easy as getting the equivalent power supply in India.
No you won't require a step down. India is 220-240V 50Hz.
Look forward to hearing about your experience. Make sure your calculations are correct w.r.t duty at the arrival airport… From experience the Custom staff at Delhi airport tends to give hard time to people trying to import electronics.
Safe to check in a TV? Yeah probably fine…. You're gonna want to keep it in the original box and bubble wrap the crap out of it.
Yes you can claim the GST assuming you are leaving it in India. You will need to have the store put your name and address on the Tax invoice otherwise you won't be able to.
See here for more info.
One thing is that it is slightly more complex when you have goods you are checking in and claiming back the GST.