OzBargain Easter Treasure Hunt 25-29 March 2016. $2,000+ of Treasures to Be Found!

We ran an OzBargain Treasure Hunt last November to celebrate OzBargain's 9th birthday and that was a great fun. However treasure hunt is probably more suitable for Easter than for a birthday event, so we decided to run the hunt again — this coming Easter Weekend!


  • "Treasures" will be appear randomly on the site (for logged in users only). It might appear on the front page or on the new deals page, inserted between deals. It might also appear in individual deal or forum pages, inserted between comments. It might stay on the page for 15 seconds and it would then disappear.

    Click to Reveal the treasure

  • If you see a treasure pops out, click on it and claim it! It would then be added to your inventory, which can hold up to 4 items.

    Click to Claim the treasure

  • For some treasures you need to collect multiple parts in order to win.

  • You can put the treasures you have collected on the marketplace for trading. You can also request a trade with someone in the marketplace.

    Your Items in Marketplace

  • Treasure Hunt finishes at 12 PM Sydney time on Tuesday 29 March. After that if you have any treasure in your inventory, you'll see a claim form in the marketplace where you can put in your delivery address.

There are more explanations in the previous forum thread. This time treasures will also be slowly "released" onto the site so they don't get claimed all at once.

So, what are the prizes. Here are some samples:

  • 30x OzBargain T-shirts
  • 20x $10 "red pocket" that pays to your PayPal account
  • 5x Menulog $20 gift vouchers
  • 2x Xiaomi Mi Band 1S
  • 2x Xiaomi Hybrid
  • 2x Chromecast 2
  • 12x $50 gift cards from various popular shops on OzBargain
  • Xiaomi Redmi Note 3

Yes I am aware that somehow Xiaomi is over-represented in the prize list, but no, they didn't sponsor the hunt. Since we gave away an X-Wing Lego and an Xbox One in the last treasure hunt, I thought this time we'll also give away

  • Lego Tie Fighter
  • PlayStation 4

All together over $2,400, although maybe not all will be claimed.

I will prepare the treasure hunt system in a minute and the treasures will be released to the wild later tonight.

And a happy & safe Easter to all.


  • What, no batteries this time?

    I'm hoping for a T Shirt or a gift card.

    Thanks for the competition. I'll start clicking in between preparing for my Easter celebrations.

    • +12

      The biggest battery supplier, i.e. Dick Smith, has not been very reliable lately so we decided not to have Eneloop this time.

  • +2

    Let the hunt begin!

    • Refresh being?

      Might need to look for a bargain keyboard because suddenly f5 keys are getting worn out and the parents have no idea why.

  • Spent a total of 2 hours refreshing last time for nothing, hopefully I'll get in early this time :) Thanks scotty

  • Yay :) Scored a Power Bank last time, and it's been damn handy!

  • +2

    Here we go again. I spent countless hours on Ozbargain each day and never saw a single thing.

    • +1

      Ha. We are also giving away some Tronsmart Quick Charger. Hopefully there will be some bargains after the Easter break.

      • +2

        That's awesome, thanks scotty. I'll definitely have some low priced deals after easter.

    • Same here.. But I got many of those chatty badge! Hehehe…

  • Haha cool… thanks scotty.

    I also got nothing last time round so hopefully I get luckier this time?

  • What time does is start? 12am?

    • Already started… You can go to Treasure Hunt Market place and see some stats there — 5 items are active in the wild, and more will be added in 17 minutes.

      • ….aaaaaaand they're gone.

      • +1

        OK thanks, just wondered as your description says it starts on the 25th. thanks

  • YESSS I WAS THE FIRST ONE TO FIND SOMETHING!!!!!!!! $10 Paypal credit, <3 scotty

    • +1

      Day early. Cheater :p

      • <3333333


      • ok thats enough fun for me, i'll stop being greedy now. Good luck guys :)

        • How did you find them? I've never found anything!

        • +1


          Constant Refreshing and lots of luck :)

    • -7

      Decided to play some more after having dinner and got a ozbargain tshirt :) How good is that!

      Definitely worth the effort, finally I can show it off to my real life ozb friends!!1

    • -4

      Nooooooo I refreshed too quick and missed something again!! So that's 2 hits and 2 misses.

      Think I'm going to become the most negged here if I keep up my hogging XD

      • +10

        Slow down man. Give other people a chance :)

        • -2

          Yeah, I've learned that if I rush or have lapses of concentration I'll miss items. Right now I'm alternating between refreshing, browsing amazon for drops, and doing school homework :)

          (And nice, a menulog voucher >:D)

        • +3

          Clearly we need a more strict limit for some people. For lyl, it should be one.

        • -5


          Don't worry, my F5 key is about to break, and coupled with the fact that I'm probably going to get RSI, two more limits for me XD

  • +1

    I never got my Ozbargain bag from last one :(

    • +1

      What the hell why did you get negged by someone

      • +1

        Not sure Lyl. I see you have updated your picture- very nice! Though I must say I'm still a fan of your old one haha

    • +3

      Did you put in your address? I had one returned OzBargain bag from last time as the address was incorrect — maybe that was yours?

      • Yeah I put in a PO Box, not sure if that was a problem? It shouldn't have been an issue as I have lots of different things delivered there.

  • +1

    One of the best parts of this hunt is the trading market. I see three items already :D

    Word of advice if you get a part, don't hold onto it till the very last day! I regret not trading mine for a OzB T-Shirt.

  • +1

    Awesome. Looking forward to it. I never found any last time around.

  • +1

    very cool of you guys to do this again….didnt score anything last time so hoping for something this time :P
    …will adblock (ABP) software affect this working properly on my browser or nah?

    • +1

      No. You should still see them.

      • +1

        thanks scotty ;)

  • Oh scotty why did you do this? As if I don't spend enough time on this site

  • +1

    Wow I actually found something! I love you ozbargain

  • I hope I find something this time! :)

  • +1

    Thanks heaps Scotty, just found an Ozbargain t-shirt. My life is now complete :)

  • Eyes getting sore from looking.

  • +3

    Found an ozb shirt, this is 2real4me

  • +1

    An example of how would it appear in comments, would be good :D

  • Scotty, did you mean Lego Tie Fighter this time (not X Wing)?

    • +1

      Correct! The force is strong with this one.

  • Pretty creative and awesome idea!

  • Mobile too or just desktop?

    • +1

      Yeah works on mobile too but pages are long and it only appears for 15 seconds.

  • Any update on what has been claimed and what is left to be found?

    • There are numbers near the top of the market place page but no details of exactly which prizes have been claimed.

      • Yeah I saw that, But what i meant is that last time Scotty announced, details of what is left to be found and gave hints where those things can be found.

  • +2

    Seems like I won't be able to find a treasure! Would I still be able to purchase the famous ozbargain shirt somewhere? \

  • -1

    Just spent the last 20% of tablet battery looking for something…. thanks oz bargain now its on charge and i have to listen the wife blab about easter.

  • Can you just refresh the same page and the item is "rolled" on every refresh, or is it the first person visiting a specific page?

    • You can just refresh the same page. But reading the previous Hunt's comments, appears some items only popped up on specific pages.

  • Merged from How Did You Win a Prize in The Easter Treasure Hunt?

    I'm curious as to whether the Easter hunt was won by random luck or a specific strategy.

    Last time we had a treasure hunt I did lots of refreshing during the time that lots of prizes were available and was able to score 1 prize. Once the prizes started to run out I didn't see the point of trying too hard and just checked each page that I happened to be viewing. I only got the one prize and I was lucky enough to get a prize I could use.

    I'm sure there are multiple strategies for constant page refreshing but I decided to keep the poll as basic as I could.

    • +6

      I didn't win.

    • +2

      I'll come back to you once I win anything.

    • I've been pmed by people asking this, so here is what I do (I refresh multiple times):

      Get some nice music
      Go to new deals page
      Scroll to the bottom
      Start F5 spamming
      If you see that the page suddenly shifts downward a bit, that means there is a new element that appeared on the page above. That new element may be a new post, a post getting removed, or a prize.
      Ctrl+F 'Treasure Hunt' to check if the new element is prize. If it is, hurry up and claim it within 15s

      General tips:
      -make sure you don't refresh too fast or you might not have time to react when the page finally shifts down
      -take regular breaks and maintain focus as well, the moment you doze off is the moment you don't react fast enough
      -remember that it can take 5-20 minutes of refreshing to find anything, so you are not necessarily unlucky.

      Happy easter hunting :)

      • Oooh, guess I wasn't the only one to have used this method. Although I used the "RSS Feed" as an indicator and if it disappeared passed the bottom of the browser, then that means you've won a prize!

        Btw, anyone happen to have the 3rd part of the Xiaomi Red Note (3/3)? I'm in need of it!

        • How many parts do you have currently?

          • @lyl: The first two parts of it! (1/2 & 2/3). Been looking for the 3rd part for quite a while now

          • @lyl: @LightOffered:

            @nocure has parts 1 and 3, and needs part 2 LOL. You two can have fun fighting it out.

          • +1

            @lyl: @lyl: Awww hopefully we can both get one in the end.. Although so far it doesn't seem like the 3rd part is on the trademarket.

          • @lyl: @LightOffered:
            I think there's only 1 Xiaomi Note to be found. There's a list of prizes on the main treasure hunt discussion forum.
            Scotty has put a multiplier in front of prizes where there are multiple to be found.
            There are however spare parts. So there might be 2 copies of part 1 and 2 and only 1 part 3 for example.
            Might be worth checking with Scotty in the other thread if you want confirmation.

          • @lyl: @lozbargain: Yeah I noticed that too and asked him to which he said that he'd be giving away a few of some items. (Including the Xiaomi Red Note)

            Although it is strange how only one 3/3 has turned up so far.

          • @lyl: @LightOffered:
            Good to hear. Good luck then!

    • +2

      After trying for countless hours each day I saw one prize and didn't claim it on purpose. I could have traded it, but it was a QC charger coincidently and I didn't want to see my name tied to that for obvious reasons ;)

      I think scotty should put the Ozb shirts up for sale though. I'm sure it'd do well :P

      • Oh damn that is some luck lol

        • Chrome crashed on me 2 other times. I suspect that was when there was more treasure.

    • Anyone have any luck using a iPhone ?

    • I noticed one treasure but it disappeared before i had a chance to click it.

    • +1

      I am on OZB all the time, just don't have the luck : ( like others.

    • I found my first by pure luck. I saw a notification that someone had replied to me and went to the link. When scrolling down the page I saw it between a couple of comments that were a few comments above mine.

      As it was a 1/2 part I realised now I have to find that 2nd part, and casually flicking through the site wasn't going to cut the mustard for how much I wanted to find the next part.

      Then I found a few by looking through each page of all the comments, for all the deals in the last 50 pages (expired or not). It took about 3 hours of 'eye balls glued to the screen with very high mouse movement+click APM' and was spread out over an afternoon/evening.

      It wasn't exactly 'on a page I happened to be viewing' but I wasn't refreshing the same page over and over again either. So somewhere in between the poll options but leaning towards a page I happened to be viewing for the purpose of finding the easter eggs.

      I got into a rhythm of clicking on a link and then using the hyperscroll wheel on my MX Master mouse to quickly scan through each page the comments. I would then use the back button on the mouse and go to the next. The treasure hunt has a slight background colour to it which stands out even when hyperscrolling so I was able to find a few that way.

      I did try the refreshing method early on but found only after a few minutes that it was too tedious to do the same thing over and over, and I didn't find any that way.

      I am aware that they are random and my method of looking through each comment for the last 50 pages of deals might not be the most efficient, but I was on the hunt and I guess the way I played it was a traditional treasure hunt style.

    • F5/Refresh many many many times until it pops up.

      Seems to happen more frequently on the "new deals page" https://www.ozbargain.com.au/deals

      Not so much on the main page.

      I got the missing piece I needed via a trade in the market place.

  • Thanks for running this!

  • Just wondering whether it will be possible to win 2 of the same prizes? (By having both parts to the prize twice?)

    • You need all the parts to win the prize. No point of having 2x part 2, when you need both part 1 and part 2 to win the prize.

      • Yea, I mean like 2x part 1, 2x part 2

        • In that case, you claim 2x the item. Good luck!

  • Anybody happened to have the 3/3 part of the Xiaomi Red Note 3? I'm in need of it!

    I have Part 1/3 of the Playstation 4 if you'd like

  • Any hints on where to look yet Scotty? Feel like I've gone through the site 100 times…

    • A bit hard at the moment with only 2 items hidden. Might want to wait until more are available…

      • Not sure if you are telling us to wait for a hint, or that statement was a really cryptic clue in itself…

        • His clue relates to how many pieces are left to be found. There's a counter at the top of the market place.
          Ie currently 146 pieces found, 2 active (hidden, available but not found), 0 inactive (locked away to be released later)

        • @lozbargain: Yes. Currently only 1 active (hidden to be found) and 0 inactive. That means people pretty much found all the treasures. Now some of you just need to do a bit of negotiation in the marketplace.

        • @scotty:
          Does't look like many people are willing to trade.

        • @bongo007: I think the biggest problem is that most people don't have more than one item to trade. So its a stalemate. Kinda makes a few prizes unobtainable.

        • @Giggidy:
          Possibly, also not sure if this time the items work like Maccas Monopoly, where there are many 1/2 items but only a few 2/2 items. So people hanging onto items thinking they will get the other half, But there's not enough to go around?

        • @bongo007:
          Yes, there are definitely spare parts for (all?) the multi-part items. Was the same last time too.

        • @lynsis: Correct. Although the ratio is more like 1:2.

  • What is the probability of a treasure appearing?

    It seems very low.

    • I haven't seen any. I even refreshed for some time just after a release. But then again, maybe there are clues around to find specific pages, I really don't know. If there's a percentage chance for the main page, it must be very low (or I'm very unlucky).

      • I have a suspicion a certain page only has a set amount before it runs dry.

        edit: nope I proved myself wrong, just found one :)

  • Just wondering, do the OzBargain T-Shirts come in multiple sizes.

    • yeah

    • And are they for sale? Do they come in reflective orange?

      I feel like it is important the sales staff in retail shops know that I'm a OZBer.

      • Something to wear to Paddies :)

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