Neighbour across the street has been there for around 12 months. This is a rental property. We have been seeing heaps of bogans visiting this property, days & nights and most of the time they are short visits. We have also seen police & ambulance dropping by on several occasions in the first few months after they moved in. The issue is recently they have more and more visitors late at night, with loud motor noise and burnouts. The cars trigger dogs nearby to bark like no tomorrow. We have a 9-month baby and this has been a nightmare for her, and for us I suppose as everything she hear loud noise from the cars and dogs she cannot put herself back to sleep and we end up having to cuddle her all night long. This has happened almost 3-4 weeks now and getting to the stage that my wife wishes she had a gun to send those people to hell. We question between ourselves whether they are dealing drug or what given their visitors' behaviour and routines. Also should we tip this off with the police as we cannot put up with the noise and frustration they bring us. We were trying to speak to the neighbour about the issue but he was reluctant to do anything.
Suspicious Neighbour - How to Deal with Them?

Which are the neighbours you're describing? The ones with the bogans or the 9 month-old baby? If it's the latter, keep it down will ya? ;p
He's in Brisbane, less specifically Australia so that pretty much covers 90% of the population.
Also described my neighbors across the road in Cheltenham, VIC ;)
Let their cat roam free and our dogs bark whenever they see it!
I reckon its either 4118 or 4132.
I would say that it is definitely drug dealers in that location (close to the Uni and semi-industrial area). Also, I used to live in Salisbury…
I had a similar experience with a neighbour.
The kind family next to us was also affected by this disgusting, loud and unruly family with ~10 children. The baby developed some medical issues, because of the noise and lack of sleep.
We have no idea how they managed to afford the place next to ours and we later found out they were renting with help from the government. The landlord was reluctant to do anything, so all the neighbours threatened to a file a lawsuit against the landlord. He later caved in and the family was evicted. The police also issued a warning for their public nuisance and bad behaviour which helped in our case.
You need to get in contact with the landlord of the property and tell him the situation. If he doesn't budge, come down hard with the lawyers and your fellow neighbours.
I moved to the eastern suburbs of sydney later and it's absolutely heaven here. Have you considered moving?We're living in own house, not renting, so moving is not feasible, at least in the short term…
Are you suggesting they're the problem or the solution
Well, that's just it.
Could be a manufacturing/distribution centre or anything.
Therefore, you would need a rival bikie mob or something.I'd probably go away that weekend (or ask to enter witness protection).
Are you really Kim Jong Un and is your neighbour South Korea?
The FIRST thing you do is talk to the police. If that doesn't work, you speak with your Strata management people and see what options they come up with.
Since you're a renter and not the landlord, your landlord needs to know of the situation first and they're going to be the ones to get in touch with the Strata mgts first.
We live in our house while the neighbour is renting.
We had the same issue in sunshine north, neighbors were definitely dodgy, comings and goings at all hours, drug paraphernalia left in the gutters, people drugged out in cars, cars hooning when leaving the property. Cops were notified early on but they did nothing. Took at least a year before they raided the place. Not sure if they were gathering intelligence or not but it was a long year. hopefully you get along with some of your neighbors, see if they have noticed the same thing, have the same fears, it might be worthwhile to go to the cops together. Strength in numbers
You are lucky the investigation only took a year. Some go on for much longer or not at all.
not gathering intelligence they just don't care. they wait until they have alot of complaints before they bother doing anything
Have you tried politely asking them if they could please get their visitors to keep quiet as they have been disturbing your baby?
In my younger days I know the people selling dope were very sensitive to neighbours feelings - they didn't want to have the cops called about noise complaints, and the customers didn't want their dealer busted.
Remember that bogans are people too, and most neighbours want local babies to get good sleep etc.
I understand you might be cautious about talking to your neighbour, but a polite request might be the easiest way to get a result.
I would think about what you would say first, however, as the tone of your post is very confrontational and accusatory, and I think a polite, softer approach might work better.Problem is that if you make the first move and any subsequent complaint or visit by the police will be blamed on you, even though you could be innocent. It is a tricky situation.
True, in this case you can do a letterbox drop.
yes that is exactly how its going to work, if its ice their paranoia and erratic behavior is going to make things a lot worse for you.
With all your ozbargain savings, move to a better postcode
I would write down all the rego plates of the cars you see coming and going and do a crime stoppers report (1800 333 000) detailing the late night short visits and antisocial behaviour.
Keep doing it every few weeks…
Eventually the cops will put it together based on the car regos and hopefully bust them.
It's not a quick fix unfortunately.
hard to spot the rego at night though…
Where's your North Korean Armies? Send them across the road.
Nuke them from orbit with your new Kwangmyŏngsŏng satellite.
understood. since US Sanction, you may not have night vision googles for the number plates.
agree to try crime stopper first if they look like drug dealer.
how do these guys look like?
if you suspect these guys may be terrorists, call national security 1800 1234 00.The Australian elite will clean them out at once.
You might try looking up the address in Google— you might get lucky & find when it was last sold/realtor who had it. From there, you might find the owner if you explain your situation. Maybe leave your contact details & ask them to have the owner contact you. night vision binoculars or telescope to get the rego's & keep a list of make/model/color/rego/date.
Keep ringing the police— every night, if need be. You might say you've been through this before & you know the signs that it's a drug house & you fear for the safety of your family.
Every town has noise & hoon laws. Keep calling. After the fourth call, send an email noting every call you made (date/time/constable) to whatever police email you can find + one to the local MP's, as well. You sometimes get more attention if multiple people are "CC'd in", as it will look bad if none make a move to help & they can't pretend they never got it.
I feel so sorry for you & it's the one thing that stops me buying a house! A friend is in a similar situation right now. Was told what a great area they were buying in— turns out that 2/3 of the homes are renters. I had tried to tell them to drive in on weekend nights a few weeks in a row to see what it was like— but they were afraid to miss the "deal". You know what they say about being careful what you wish for?
Good luck.
Firstly, make sure the wife doesn't get access to a gun. I don't have a second tip unfortunately.
I lived opposite public housing who were clearly drug dealers by the comings and goings and their child who was old enough to be in school but wasn't set fire to our lawn (kids aunty confessed) and the kid regularly threw stones at oncoming traffic. Called the cops a few times… our car was firebombed and broken into… DO NOT confront the neighbour. The people opposite got an idea a different neighbour 'had it in for them' and broke into his house and assaulted him. My house was then burgled and the police advised me to move, which I did. I second calling crime stoppers repeatedly.
"police advised me to move"
what? how about they do something about the matter
lol police do something. you clearly have never had to deal with issues like these. police do not care about you or your problems, they are happy to take your money though :)
Get a 2nd mobile phone and sim, then…
Call Crime Stoppers regularly.
Change the story each time.1/ Heard a gunshot.
2/ Heard wife beating and screaming
3/ Seen child walking about on streetCall the fire brigade
Call the ambulance
Call RSPCABe imaginative.
They'll soon move out.
Making anonymous claims about them to Crimestoppers is one thing, but prank calling gunshots, ambulance requests and the fire services it outright deplorable.
Not only does it genuinely affect the safety of those people who need emergency services while they're responding to a false job, but it does you no favours when you need to report them for something genuine and imminent, and 000 doesn't believe you given all the fake calls in the past.
What ever it takes to keep my family safe. Bugger everyone else.
You do realize they're dealing drugs in a family setting ?
Somehow I don't think asking nicely or saying please is going to work here.
I'd hope the authorities deal with these types before I have to cry wolf on them-but if they need several prompts, so be it. And hey, I've paid my taxes and I'd want the peace I've paid for.
Outlaws live outside the law. Why wouldn't you want them moved on quick smart.
Call in Campbell Newman.And another thing.
If I was being mugged in the street, I wouldn't be calling Help! Help! I'd be yelling Fire! Fire! You get a better response.
Get the point!!
Sound proof windows for the baby
If it is a rental. Have you observed who the letting agent is, and lodge a complaint with them.
Just keep complaining noise to the police, they should be alarm if it happens every night.
Install security cameras and point them at the street?
I had som bad neighbours - it became the local party house. One night I woke up to a loud commotion; their party had spilled in to the street and became a brawl. I called the cops, they turned up very quickly and dealt with it. That was the beginning of the end, no more parties and then they moved out. Couldn't be happier about how it unfolded.
Why people's scares to talk face to face.
Because they are not as brave as you for possibly revenge?
Do not door knock, as others have said, once you have introduced your self and they then have problems with the police you will be blamed.
make your complaints via crime stoppers without providing your details or using you phone
you never know who is friends with who and don't think for a minute that any info you pass to the local cops is not repeated to the wrong person.
all you can do is hope the cops are interested in your complaints.
I have lived in the same house for over 10 years and a couple of streets from me there is a dealer that has many many 5 minute visits day and night, some times they do not even turn the engine off,we were warned when we moved in about the house and that they had an agreement with the local police, found it hard to believe but they are still doing a cracking business and they don't seem to encounter problems from the law.
good luckI seem to have the similar situation with a nearby neighbour. Police and paramedics/ambulance have dug into the house shortly after they had moved in. There were a few black bags taken out (may be evidence police got), I had a feeling that they were dealing drugs, because there are also a heap load of visitors coming in and out. The house looks rusty as well, they never cut their grass. I do not feel safe here in Sunshine.
Jesus, thank god I never had issues like that, even growing up in a lower socioeconomic area.
Maybe they can sell you something to help you sleep?
Sounds like he has his business model down tight.
I agree, they may even have something to get you going when you haven't slept.
I think you're actually in an excellent situation. You need to utilise your environment to progress, it's the basis of evolution.
you have a nine month old baby and there making the noise …..
maybe the problem is people like youthey have visitors and look like bogans
you son of a …use a fence and some curtains maybe some double thick glass
I know, unbelievable. These poor people are just trying to socialise, perform burnouts and run a business.
there are just many types of people
that do different things and are awake at different times
and may look and dress like whatever
we are not all samewelcome to Australia
you aren't in any position to be welcoming anyone - you're one of those who needs to leave.
Get an old microwave oven. Rip out the Magnetron. Mount in satellite dish and aim at the house. Hook up to 240v and Leave it switched on for half an hour. They will run out of the house feeling hot and sticky. Repeat every night for a month.
If they don't move with the discomfort they will develop massive lesions and tumours and die a horrible death with cancer.
Just kidding :)
I've been going thru the same thing…For us tax payers it's a dog eat dog world, for the junkies it's a dog dogs dog world. That is there main game, their only currency is dogging on each other.
You are more of a target if you do nothing! They will consider you weak.
Contrary to popular belief you will not be targeted if you complain because the offending neigbor will not know if it is a neighbor dogging them or a disgruntled 'client' or even their best-mate trying to wiggle out of a charge..
Ring the police over every minor infraction they create. Request the Interaction ID number. Note the time you called and the time police attended. Ring the police back after they attend and request the QP number or job number.
After you accumulate a few different complaints write it up as a "pattern of suspicious behavior". Attend a police station and submit your statement. Do not allow police to transcribe your statement, insist they accept your written statement and make no verbal statement. A day after you attend ring the police back and ask for the reference number of your statement.
Police get a lot of dogs dogging out dogs, if you know what I mean. The above protracted process will convince police you are not one of them and they will act.
Ring the RSPCA about the cat.
n.b. Last year crimestoppers dropped over 5000 complaints (crime-droppers), do not bother with them, matters like these are outside of thier scope.
You don't happen to live in Cheltenham do you? You pretty much described my neighbours across the road.