• expired

Telstra Bigpond Elite ADSL for $49.95/Mth for 24 Months (Normally $79.95/Mth)


Surprise a deal from Telstra! This deal will be of interest to those people who:
1. Can only get standard ADSL in their area; or
2. Can only get ADSL2+ through Telstra on their exchange

$49.95 for 25GB with speeds up to 8000kbps is good value if you have access to standard ADSL only, plus quota can be used any time (Up to 20Mbps if your exchange supports ADSL2+.)

Only catch is you need an existing Telstra home line (or sign up new).

Better link with more details is available at: http://www.bigpond.com/internet/plans/adsl/latest-offer/
(thanks swimmingtoad)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    This is actually pretty good value

    • Cheaper than my ISP resold ADSL 8mbit.. I'm paying $65/month for 12Gb Peak/12 Off-peak, although I'm using my neighbors phone line.

  • Elite ADSL reaches speeds of up to 20MB/sec (where available), not 8mb/sec. This plan is Also available with Cable Extreme (30Mb/sec). this is a better link, http://www.bigpond.com/internet/plans/adsl/latest-offer/ (at the bottom of the page)

    • +3

      um 8MB/sec is the limit for standard ADSL (which the poster spoke about when they mentioned the 8MB bit) ..

      the 20-24MB/sec limit is for ADSL2+ …

      however, it all comes down to your exchange and distances … thats always the fun thing :p

      and for people out there that want to find out whats available in their area .. http://adsl2exchanges.com.au/ is probably one of the best websites you'll find! :D

  • +2
  • Great deal! From Telstra of all people - Good to hear praise not complaints for once.

  • And just letting you know people that this deal is for Telstra 'ELITE' (which in english is ADSL2+)

    Can anyone confirm what the competition is offering for this same price point?

    • TPG is offering 130GB for $49 on ADSL2+. I don't get 20mbps, but I get 17-18 mbps on a good day and 13 mbps was the lowest I ever noticed but that was when I first signed up. Nowadays 16mbps is the lowest I see.

      • And I think TPG is $0 setup for 18 months. Shorter contract…

      • I would like TPG as well but unfortunately the only ADSL 2+ services where I live are supported by Telstra. I'm sure the vast majority who use Telstra do for the same reason.

        • Yeah I think Telstra's biggest advantage is still the area it provides coverage to…

          • @ragflan: Yes, because it restricts TPG, etc ability to install equipment in exchanges for many areas (hence reduced competition for them and an unfair advantage for Telstra). This is a good deal if Telstra has prevented you from using competitors services.

            • @daydream: Where did you read this about not letting other providers into their exchanges?

              How come many exchanges nowdays have ADSL2+ services from multiple providers?

              • +2

                @TheBooleanOne: It's not that they blatantly refuse any other ISPs access (too obvious). Telstra own the exchanges as they do with the copper lines. They manage and allocate the space in/access to the exchanges. As such they are in control and can easily hamper/delay, etc installs of new equipment/changeovers by/to other ISPs. Check the ADSL exchange listings and see how many exchanges with TPG can't take any more customers and are in a perpetual "wait/pending" state compared to the same exchange with Telstra availability. TPG would happily have as much capacity for new customers as they could get get in the metro areas. It doesn't take 12mths+ to install a new comms rack… If you can't choose other competitors then you then have to go with Telstra (hence my comment above). The fact that Telstra can't raise their share price even with years of these sort of competitive advantages speaks volumes (and I'm a shareholder!)… ;-)

                • @daydream: maybe their share price is a result of company uncertainty re NBN and proposed govt breakup.

                  PS: Conroy is the biggest douche in the universe, bigger than John Edward!

                  • @abc: Lucky they can use that for their current excuse but their share price has been bad for years…

    • +1

      There is no competition… that's the whole point, this deal is only available where there is no competition…

      • Or maybe blocks future competition with a 24 month contract. ;)

  • Can existing customers get the discount?
    If so how?

  • Offer "ENDS 31 May 2010".

    So Telstra get everyone to "bundle" their service for 24 month contract on ADSL Elite 12GB with Homeline Reach for $98 and then offer this :P

    Lucky I didn't take their bundling bait last time and only did a 12 month contract so now I can switch to this.

  • +4

    It might be a good deal now but 24 months is a very long time to be locked into an internet contract.

    • agree, better plans are likely to come out soon

      • +1

        Not in the places that are only serviced by Telstra… There's very few places that are likely to be upgraded by other ISP's in the near future.

        This is a fantastic deal for people who can only get ADSL1 (ie me) or people for whom Telstra is the only ADSL2+ provider.

        • I'm in the same boat.

    • +3

      Better plans will come out. 24 month contract is so 2000, this is the next decade!

      I guess TPG is leading the race atm.

    • +4

      Yep. 24 months is an attempt by Telstra to lock people into today's prices which will be out of whack in as little has 6 months.

  • I tried to check on the online form and it mentioned that order online and you will get $20 credit on your account.

    I believe you need to have Telstra Homeline Plus (full service) not the budget.

    But looks like a good deal if you can only Telstra ADSL2+ service.

  • This is alright value only because Telstra has lots of ADSL2+ enabled exchanges, which makes fast internet access available to more people. You can get better value if you look elsewhere. Internode has a similar plan for example, "Easy Broadband", which gives users 50GB of download/uploads per month at ADSL2+ speeds when there is an Internode DSLAM installed at their exchange. Otherwise it's only 1.5Mbps download and 256kbps upload. You also get access to things like radio streams and ABC iview unmetered which is pretty good. You also have the option to have a one month rolling contract, which is much better than this 24-month contract business IMO.

    • +4

      I agree. You cant find a better deal than Internode's Easy Broadband for those on ASDL1 let alone ADSL2+.
      Telstra might seem good for the internet noob but once signed up you will regret it. eg no peering with PIPE
      or WAIX.

      • +1

        "You cant find a better deal than Internode’s Easy Broadband for those on ASDL1 let alone ADSL2+"

        Unless you want/need ADSL2+ which I can't get at my exchange unless through BigPond.

        Even to get 8000Mbps on ADSL I would be paying at least $70/month, so to get ADSL2+ for $50 is good value for my exchange and I imagine for a lot of others.

      • This is a better "deal" if you are after a fast (ADSL2+) connection. Internode easy plan is all well and good, but only available at ADSL2 speeds at a limited number of exchanges.

        As per internodes own stats (I know these are a little out of date - however they haven't changed much) http://www.internode.on.net/news/2008/12/122.php internode have ADSL2 available at approx 110 exchanges, whilst telstra have 1400. Thats people living on 1300 exchanges who cant get EB so for them, the deal might well be good.

        If it was cost effective for internode/optus/TPG to offer ADSL2 in all 1400 exchanges at their current pricing - im sure they would. Obviously it isnt, only Telstra do and they charge a premium for it.

    • +1

      Why the neg if it's an alright deal?
      Remember this is for people who can only get Easy Broadband ADSL 1.5mbps.
      Telstra is offering 8mbps at the same price!

    • +1

      Why the negative?

      I managed to delete my reply before posting.

      Summarised: Bigpond & Internode cant be compared (coverage and pricing).

      BigPond also has free content.

      Telstra isnt always good value, but for someone in the middle of nowhere - to get 25GB ADSL2+ speeds for $49 a month is a pretty good deal.

  • +1

    As far as industry standards go, this is still overpriced. Check out the services from the competition like iiNet, Internode, Amnet, Westnet and many others. And the fact that you have to lock in for a 24 month contract to get this price is just plain insulting.

    • I did check the competition and they don't offer ADSL2+ at my exchange like BigPond do.

    • -3

      As far as industry standards go, Bigponds network is superior. You pay for the reliability. They are also quick to resolve any issues.

      • +1

        That's a rubbish statement.. Bigpond's network has had the largest and longest issues of any ISP in the country! Remember the email server failure of 2 or 3 years ago.. Email was down and lost for ALL of the Bigpond network for a week!
        I challenge you to find a worse example at any other ISP… (Except maybe Optus Wireless)

      • +4

        I dont know what world you're living in, but Telstra's support is complete rubbish. Go have a read of their support forums on Whirlpool if you dont believe me. And the irony is it's their copper network. Woe is Telstra

  • -2

    Bigpond is still very overpriced compared to other providers. In addition to that their customer service is terrible . One and a half years ago I fought with Telstra's Bigpond, even had to lodge a complaint with TIO and eventually cancelled their service. I am really happy I did. My switch to TPG saved me lots of money plus I got much better service and download volumes.

    • +1

      This is for people who CAN'T switch.. Please read and comprehend the deal…

  • -1

    It's still too expensive. I can get a connection with many of the others an get more usage, no uploads being counted, faster shaping speeds and no 24 month lock in contact.

    • No you can't.. as this deal is ONLY for people who have no option but Telstra… Your neg is invalid.

      • This deal is for everyone. Maybe it suits a very small amount of people. Either way, my neg is valid.

        • "This deal is for everyone."

          You obviously meant "isn't". :D

  • +5

    After reading the posts I think it goes something like this.

    Can you get ADSL/2 OTHER than Telstra??

    YES - This offer is not that good
    NO - This offer is good

    Also keep in mind that Telstra count uploads :-(

    Also keep in mind that multi bundling with Telstra may decrease your overall Telsta Bill.

    Also it does say "with a Telstra home phone service" , not sure if it stipulates the plus service so you may be able to save an extra $9 P/M ???

    A special note to those who can't currently get NON TELSTRA ADSL/2

    Also have a look at the cancellation charges,

    "If you cancel your BigPond ADSL Broadband service, the cancellation fee is $360 pro rated for the months remaining on your contract term.
    For example, a BigPond Member who cancels their contract 9 months into a 12 month contract may have to pay a termination fee of $360 x 3/12 (where 3 is the number of months left to run on the contract, divided by 12 months) = $90."

    So $360 divided by 24 months = $15 per month of whatever is left
    If you leave after 12 Month (12X15) =$180 you have to pay
    If you divide that by the 12 months you have already had (180/12)= $15 extra each month
    So if you cancel after 12 Months the plan has only cost you $65 per month…. still cheap if your exchange can't get NON telstra ADSL/2.
    Plus you may also have benefitted from any bundling savings overt that 12 Months


    • +3

      Exactly right:

      Can you get ADSL/2 OTHER than Telstra??

      YES - This offer is not that good
      NO - This offer is good

      I'm currently paying $90 with Internode for ADSL2+ for 25gig (uploads not counted), because I can only get ADSL2+ via a Telstra exchange. So whilst it's not a direct comparison (internode doesn't count uploads, has a usenet server, has different unmetered stuff to Telstra), it is still quite a saving for those who can't get non-telstra ADSL2+.

    • +2

      I can't even get ADSL never mind 2 or 2+, thanks telstra…

      (BTW, if your in Perth and in the same senario as me, check out VividWireless, as you can ADLS/ADSL2 speeds with no copper).

      • …only if you don't play games online. :)

    • Thanks mikafamily, Great summary :)

  • +3

    Too little Too late - why must Telstra always be followers not leaders - this is obviously a reaction to the deals from Optus, TPG etc - nothing with Telsta is simple (note the 24 month contract totals are different if cable (Min cost over 24 months HomeLine® Plus with Self-Install Cable Home Network Gateway Modem on BigPond Elite Liberty 25GB Broadband is $1917.60 plus $9.95 delivery fee) or ADSL+(Min cost over 24 months HomeLine® Plus with Self-Install ADSL Home Network Gateway Modem on BigPond Elite Liberty 25GB Broadband is $2016.60 plus $9.95 delivery fee.)) - if you are with an exchange which has other providers then consider them - if not could be a good deal - hate the 24 month contract.

  • im on TPG, and I used to be on 16mbit for 2.5 years, now im getting 7mbit for the past 6 months and they won't do anything about it, and my VOIP is so inconsistent i'm beginning to use my Telstra line to call

    i'm thinking of going on to Telstra cable for reliability and speed, so it's a big drop from 130gb to 25gb, but i need that reliability and speed, not really the download limits

    and that cancellation fee is sounding quite good too!

  • +2

    The normal price is actually $89,95, so it's $40.00/month saving:


    • $79.95 25GB Turbo (ADSL)
    • $89.95 25GB Elite (ADLS2+)

    The deal requires a full service home phone (see link below), I would have thought HomeLine Complete ($27.95/month) is a full service line (need confirmation), it's not necessary to go for HomeLine Complete Plus ($29.95/month) unless you need it:


    • with HomeLine Complete: ($49.95 + $27.95) x 24 + $99.00 + $9.95 = $1,978.55
    • with HomeLine Complete Plus: ($49.95 + $29.95) x 24 + $99.00 + $9.95 = $2,026.55

    Anyone knows which modem comes with the self install kit?

    I think this is actually a very good deal. The price probably won't change that much over 2 years, it will cost $40 to $50 for a broadband service no matter what. If anything the quote will likely to increase on other plans, but, if 25GB is plenty for you, why worry about potential new plans with higher quota that you don't need or won't use?

    Besides, BigPond has unmetered sites, so that helps to compensate unload (unless you do more upload than download).

    So I would sign up if I'm in the market for a new broadband services, but it's probably not worth the trouble to switch provider for this, especially if you are one of those people who need to pay $299.00 complex setup fee to switch phone line.

    • why do u add 99+9.95 ?

      I m on homeline budget, am i eligible?

      • $99.00 for the self install kit (SIK) plus $9.95 delivery.

        HomeLine Budget is ineligible, it specifically says require full service phone line.

        • Home Budget is classed as Full Service.
          Full service is deemed that you get your STD and International calls billed by Telstra. If you switched your long distance to Optus and then got billed from them, you wouldn't have a Full Service hence ineligible for the deal.

          • @rosscom: Yep, confirmed…Homeline Budget is ok.

  • +1

    Why all these Telstra ADSL2 exchanges aren't open to any ISP to use for a reasonable price I don't know. Would cut down the need for the NBN. This is what we get for privatising Telstra. If it hadn't been we'd all (well, a lot more) have ADSL2 by now.

    This is reasonable for Telstra. The things that I don't like are counting uploads (not a huge thing), but their outrageous charge for excess ($150 per Gb) really is a deal breaker for me.

    Bit later - scratch that charging for excess bit - it's shaped to 64k not charged.

    • This is exactly my point. Privatising Telstra crippled the Australian internet because Telstra needs to remain competitive and one of the options open to them is to stympie any competitor, as they hold the infrastructure.

  • is it possible to negotiate this plan (to lets say 6 month contract) with telstra if you have already been with them for 24 mnths already and finished contract? =D

    • Unlikely, if you are out of contract you can usually ask for some incentive by entering into a new contract, but I have not heard they will reduce contract length as a form of incentive, but it doesn't hurt to call up and ask.

  • +2

    This is definitely a good deal for anyone who cant get ADSL2 through another provider.

  • +1

    it would help if people decided to read the deal properly before doing neg votes .. its also unfair to the poster.

    a number of exchanges around the country dont allow other ISP's, generally more the regional towns etc.

    in these locations Telstra is the only supplier available and in most cases ADSL2+ isnt even available!

    for Telstra, the fact they are offering $30 off a month for the full 24 months is really good. everyone bitches and complains about the 24 month contract but if you look at places like TPG, they lock you in for 18 months to get the better sign up deal. other ISPs will offer you the $30 off for 1 month out of every 4 or your first 3-4 months cheaper but then it reverts to the higher charge.

    throws 5 cents into the jar

  • I'm one of those people who can only get ADSL2 through Telstra, or resold through another company supplied by Telstra. I still wouldn't sign up for this.

    I'm not going to neg it because some might think it's a good deal, but it's still FAR from a positive vote. I'm with Internode and find them vastly better than my time at Bigpond.

    I wonder if Telstra will drop the wholesale price to the companies who are forced to supply their ADSL2 onsold from them. I don't think so.

  • +1

    just jumped on the cable version of this!
    $49.95 per month for BigPond Elite Liberty 25GB Cable. Download speeds of up to 30mb/s

    Thanks for the post!

  • Not the best deal around, you can find better with companies like TPG & Internode where they offer more GBs for same price.

    • +1

      Not if your exchange has no other providers except Telstra (and Telstra ISPs) and you would like faster speeds than 1500kbps.

  • -1

    y is everyone so excited about this offer?? 25gbs suck for that price compared to other companies..

    is everyone happy with the deal because of how alot of exchanges don't offer ports anymore for ADSL2+ for other companies besides telstra?

    • Not everyone has access to ADSL2 at their exchange.

  • Why all the negatives? :S
    Obviously other companies give better value per GB, but Telstra has the fastest internet plan out there (Cable elite). Am I missing something?

    • +1

      A lot of people feel strongly about the fact that Telstra isn't remotely competitive in pricing or service, so they rely on the fact that they're the fastest by stopping any other competitors from installing the hardware they need to compete. That's it in a nutshell.

      • +1

        At least they have access now. 5 years ago, this would not have been the case.

  • +3

    I am in a Telstra only regional exchange for ADSL2 (no cable here either) and I have to say I would pass on this offer. Just because Telstra is the only fish in the pond for ADSL2 doesn't mean that I should have to pay more for less quota than other ISPs offer (even if I cannot access them) just because its "fast". I shouldn't have to settle for expensive ADSL2 just because there is nothing else.

    Fast speeds are all well and good, but 25GB wouldn't give you much room to groove these days. I guess it would be OK for those casual internet users that don't do much other than check email or visit the occasional website but for anyone that uses the internet for anything more substantial this isn't a great offer. You'd easily use that quota up downloading music/podcasts through itunes getting patches for games and watching a lot of youtube videos and cinema trailers. Then there is the fact you need to be on their $30/month phone plan.

    I'd rather stay on my slower ADSL1 plan and get a larger quota. I'm not that impatient that I need things downloading superfast!

    • "it would be OK for those casual internet users that don’t do much other than check email or visit the occasional website"

      You have to be kidding me, right? The "casual" internet user you describe above would only need about 1GB bandwidth a month.

      I don't get all these plans now that have 75GB-unlimited bandwidth. Unless it's a really large household, I can't see how the average or even above average household would use all this data allowance. Unless of course you have no life and sit on the computer all day watching streaming HD video or download copyrighted TV shows and movies using P2P.

    • +1

      Casual internet users who only check email and occasionally browse websites would only need a 2GB quota per month :)

  • +2

    It's because of Telstra that we have always paid an arm and a leg for our internet.

    They will never get my money.

  • -3

    Tpg WINS..end of story

    • +4

      They don't offer unmetered Steam content. Fail.

  • Before you start dancing with the devil, punch your number into the site below. It'll show you who is offering broadband in your area and what plans they offer in your price range.


    I noticed someone above comment about contract lengths. 24 months on this plan is a long time and for what your paying, you should be getting a LOT more. Uploads counted, 64k shaping and 25gb cap …

    Here is a comparison with TPG, remember that Optus and Telstra have been the industry leaders for 10+ years.

    • TPG -

    130gb cap (70/60)
    1Mb shaping
    uploads NOT counted

    • might i add 18 month contract length otherwise you have to pay $59.95 for a 12 month contract …

      yes with TPG you can upgrade your plan to something better without restarting your contract … you need to delve deep into Telstra T&C's to see what they say about doing that. having said that .. sometimes Telstra will let you upgrade to a better plan .. sometimes with a reduced contract .. but that is something that needs to be negotiated at the time of the upgrade.

    • +2

      Jockz - That deal isn't available if Telstra (and Telstra ISPs) are your only providers.

  • +4

    The negative posts here aren't justified. This is ONLY, and i stress on ONLY, a good deal if your exchange only has Tel$tra DSLAM.

    For example, im paying internode $90/month for ADSL2+ 25GB who resells telstra ports. This is $40 off my monthly bill. Sure, ill be stuck in a 24month contract. Sure, it doesn't have as much contents as Internode but thats the price you pay.

    Homeline Budget is eligible for this offer. Im waiting for Internode to counter-offer this deal before i jump ships.

    • +1

      A good post - a bit of a rarity on this page.

      Yes, it's Telstra and yes, it's a 24 month contract and yes, uploads are counted but if they are your only providers on your Exchange, then THIS IS THE BEST DEAL AROUND at the moment. Hoping that other ISPs who use Telstra will be able to counter-offer as you said.

      I wish that Telstra would do naked ADSL2+ as well.

    • how can I check if my exchange in Petersham has Telstra DSLAM ?

      • Go to whirlpool.net.au and enter in your home phone top right.

  • +1

    Ridiculously bad value deal, for poor quality broadband from a hopeless ISP. Dont touch this deal with a 400 foot pole.

  • +2

    the 24 month contract and having to have their full phone service on, is a deal breaker and makes an otherwise half acceptable plan price, actually more expensive and a rip off at the end of the day

  • +1

    I'm negging simply because it's Telstra. They are sharks and I hope they die a painful and horrible death once the NBN is in place.

  • Seems that everyone is coming from a private or personal user background…. Is anyone in small business also in this situation?
    My local exchange will not allow Optus access, and we only have access to ADSL1…
    We are looking at the options at the moment, and seriously considering doing as much outgoing business calling by VOIP. To this end Pennytel have been good on their prices but one still needs a land line for internet and phone backup. The Telstra Home Plan does not qualify in a business situation. Some of the Optus wireless broard band plans are worth considering when tied to a mobile phone plan…but just wondering if any others are in the same "stymied" situation and if you have any suggestions.

    • I think aanet don't charge a "premium' on their ADSL plans if you have the account in a business name. Same price for home user or business AFAIK.

  • this is good value for telstra, only would look at bigpuddle if i was in a rural area though.

  • Does anyone know what type of contention ratios Telstra run at compared to their competition like Internode / Optus / TPG etc in the home-user space?

    I know in the commercial world, these contention ratios play a very big part. A provider "O" for example, maybe half the cost of "T", but oversubscribes the bandwidth by say 10:1 versus 2:1.

    • mshannon: you know you can say Optus right? Nobody is going to come knocking angrily on your door for pointing out the obvious ;)

  • another terrible deal from the woeful tel$tra

  • I've emailed all the major ISPs (Internode, Exetel, etc) to see if they can counter-offer this deal for users where only Telstra is available.

    • Westnet's reply:


      Unfortunately, due to the costs of the Telstra network, there are currently no promotions in regards to ADSL2+. Basically, there is no way that Westnet is able to get even close to that sort of price. I apologise that I am unable to help you in regards to this.


      That's Tel$tra for you - charging ridiculous wholesale prices then they offer deals such as this.

      • Every other ISP can't beat it but Internode have replied with…


        This is a short term market test from Telstra, not a permanent pricing offer, I am able to confirm Internode is considering a competitive response to it. Any updates or changes to existing plans will be reflected on our website."

        We'll wait and see!

  • One neg is that my 125 free local calls (due to having foxtel + phoneline) is apparently not compatible with this offer and has to be removed. Still pretty good deal though.

    I would have switched ISPs but there is an email account that I want to keep and it is tied to the broadband account and they said it cannot be moved to a casual account.

    • Heard of similar situations before. Personally, I would never use an ISP email address.

      • Yeah, but there was also a time when no one would risk making a free email address their main address and buying your own was overkill. Of course we have a lot more options now, and the main free email providers have proved their longevity and lost most of the stigma in using one.

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