This was posted 8 years 11 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

KFC: 9 Original Pieces for $9.95 (Xpress App Only)


$9.95 9 piece chicken deal is back.

Mod: It appears that this deal is app only and available everyday (not just Tuesday) until 28th of March at Xpress stores. Thanks chrispc.

You can find the chicken under "tasty rewards", not just under "chicken" where is used to be (thanks nosdan).

Should you find otherwise please let us know via report so we can update the deal accordingly.

Wollongong, Newcastle and TAS have these deals as well however the pricing will differ.

Related Stores

KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    can confirm its in (at least some of) Vic kfc

    • +1

      It just ended in Vic (last Tuesday) - good to see it's back :)

  • -7

    (SA, Other States ?)

    Is this a deal or a question? Questions belong in the forums…

  • I assume its still going on. It would be the 3rd week in NSW.

  • +2

    Still ongoing in NSW!

  • +1

    This is dupe with the old deal not expired

    • +1

      I checked the old deal before posting it still says expired.

      • I get negged but lots of other people agreeing with me that its still active and I live in NSW, see above and below

        • +1

          Yeah, this is basically a dupe since this has been ongoing since the deal you linked. I really don't understand why you're getting negged so badly.

          Personally I would've just reported the other deal saying it wasn't expired.

        • +1

          @Eon-Rider: Thats exactly what i did and the mods rejected it. People neg without thinking.

        • May be its been running in NSW for long. But in SA it was not available before and it's started today, I received KFC app notification this morning. After that i check the previous deal which was marked expired. That's the reason I posted this deal.

        • +1

          I'm with you clarky. It is still ongoing in WA, at least until last week

        • @monty.melb: it's all good m.m :)

      • +2

        Dont know why it got expired, but its been continuous since then.

        • EDIT: I lied, they discontinued it… My heart was broken.

    • The took the signs down at my local. Seems it expired and they decided to keep running it.

  • +1

    This week in Victoria it's available every day till Monday.

    • Might be App only, but yes got this notification too on KFC Xpress

  • +2

    I was at KFC (NSW) the other day. The poster for "9 for $9.95" was still on the wall.

    • +2

      Ha, yeah, that can be annoying. For some reason, they leave it up until the monday night. So you see it on Monday, thinking Oh yeah, tomorrow is the day. Then Tuesday comes around, NOTHING!

  • +2

    Was at MyAss yesterday (McDonalds Yass, NSW - Google "McDonalds Yass" and check out the images) and saw the KFC next to it had a banner up for this deal every Tuesday. Pretty sure the deal is also for all NSW.

    • -1

      Yes it is, but apparently the negs don't believe

    • (McDonalds Yass, NSW - Google "McDonalds Yass" and check out the images)

      Yes, I think Rove covered this in "What The…" about 15 years ago.

      • +1

        He did, and we're both showing our age.

      • +5

        Fun fact, I was actually the person to submit that on What The. It was the first ever fan submitted one. I'm a chubby ~15year old with bad tips in my hair from late 90's early 2000's , but it's my claim to fame :)

        • So is Rove still paying you royalties for using your material?

        • @tomsco: Unfortunately not. Nor did I ever receive my SAG card for my appearance!

  • Still happening in NSW! Does anyone know if theres a Two for one Twosdays deal from Hungry Jacks going on right now?

  • I think it's all year round for QLD

    • yup… i can confirm that… but the 2 large sides was increased from $5 to $6! damn it :((

  • Last week on Monday Heard an ad in WA that Tuesday deals ends soon so not sure if today still going on ( not open yet here )

    • +1

      Was told in store last week that it was the end of the 9 for 9.95
      Haven't been past the store again yet today…..but it seemed certain that the deal had finished.

  • -1

    I bought this deal last time and it tasted awful! Couldn't even eat it and I had to throw it away. I'm pretty sure people who queued up had a similar experience. Any of you had this problem??

    • Name the outlet. Had it a few times and havent been disappointed. Its KFC pieces.

      • KFC Campsie.

        • +3

          That's the problem…its Campsie! That place has always been terrible going back 20 years…

        • @icyprincess: sad face I'm not sure if they're even acknowledging the complaints.

  • -1

    "$9.95 9 piece chicken deal is back." It never went away in NSW

    • +1

      To be fair I dont think its something they want to advertise too much. They want enough people to have a 'buzz' but not enough that they're losing too much money.

      Combine with the $1 chips…

      • +1

        Or just use KFC feedback. :P (Min. spend is $4.95.)

        • I love the KFC feedback

  • It's $10.95 at a few places. I don't remember where but I saw it at this price while driving back from Melbourne to Sydney a few weeks ago.

  • -1
    • Agree.

    • Agree

    • Can anyone confirm Perth stores still doing?

      • +1

        Rang South Perth store and was told the deal ended last Tuesday.

      • +1

        was at my local in perth, they said this deal ended last week

        • Thanks for the replies, yeah had a feeling it was over for WA.

        • @GameChanger:

          Still valid at Forrestfield according to the Xpress App

      • +1

        Yep, confirmedlast week was the end.

      • +1

        Went to Riverton this morning and has finished.

  • It ended in Melbourne and its suburbs and replaced with family feast for 19.95. It seems it back again as I just checked on my KFC Apps.

  • +1

    the cost of heart failure is cheap

  • +1

    This deal has been extended in the app and is available everyday until the stores closes next Monday.
    This is also for 'Xpress' stores only. Wollongong, Newcastle and TAS have these deals as well however the pricing will differ.

  • NT has this promotion on every Tuesday throughout the year

  • +1

    Was told at KFC in the Canberra Centre that this deal is no more. :(

    • +2

      Tell 'em they lost a customer to Kingsleys.

      • I turned around immediately and went to Zambreros lol

    • Tell them to check coz they are wrong..

      • Have you tried at any Perth store?

        • Only 1.. and its still valid there

  • +2

    No longer at George St Sydney CBD.

  • Not available at Randwick NSW

  • +3

    KFC Oakleigh (VIC) says "no deal" on this and suggests this promo ended last week. I just called the store around 2:35 p.m. today.

    • +1

      Damn it! Was planning to have this for dinner tonight! :(

      • Try the KFC Xpress app (on phone), this deal appears accepted on Ashburton (VIC) store. I haven't tried it as I only found out at 3:30 p.m., 9 pcs are too heavy for an afternoon tea. Good luck.

        • Nah too far for take away drive. Pizza it is tonight!

    • The deal can only be used through the App. Literaly our 9pc button has been chnged to the regualr price. Stores cant do it, only the app :)

  • Can I get any sides or cheap chips? Apart from the app

  • can anyone in SA confirm this is still active? its not showing up in the app and when i try and add it from my order history it says its not available

    • finally found the deal under the tasty rewards not under the "chicken" where it used to be. just worked for me.

  • +1

    Went to the Riverton, WA store and the deal had ended.

    • +1

      Confirmed no more deal in melville , WA

  • I've just been through drive through and nope, they said it expired last Tuesday.

  • Worked fine at Macquarie Park (NSW) KFC. No hot n spicy though :(

  • No deal at St Clair and Hoxton Park (NSW).

    Seemed to be ok on the app, but then I decided to go instore and order instead.

    Someone should try the app and see if that works.

  • Offer not valid in two stores I'd checked in NSW

  • n/a in Carlingford

  • Told they don't do it anymore. .vic.

  • went to KFC Mawson Lakes SA, being told that they don't do this deal anymore.

    • just used the app there and it worked fine

  • +2

    Just bought two serves in Melbourne using the kfc app. It was advertised as an app only deal at the store. It states offer ends mar 28 which is a Monday so today is probably the last day

    • yea, i finally found the deal under the tasty rewards not under the "chicken" where it used to be. just worked for me in SA

  • I wonder where to get hot and spicy other than Bathurst St in sydney.

    • I haven't tried myself, but there is a KFC in the food court under Myers, Pitt St mall.

  • -6

    Fail, I sat in a queue for 15 mins to be told the deal's off. Nice work.


    • did you use the app or just try and buy in store?

      its app only and under the "tasty rewards" section. after finally finding it i managed to order tonight

    • +2

      Thinks of the positives…I would have been worse if you had to stand in a queue!

      I notice KFC Canning Vale have taken down their advertising signs too.

    • Did you read the post? Xpress App only you egg.

  • +1

    Why on my app it said Tuesday only? Im in VIC

    • i just tried it and it let me order (tho i didnt go through checkout caus i dont want to order that shit again today… once a month is enough..)

      • yes, just try it today, even it said TUESDAY ONLY, it still let me order through

  • Any reason why we are so special for KFC that they have to charge us $10.95?

  • Confirm Greensborough Kfc Vic don't have this deal.

    • you didnt use the app did you? it (now) clearly states in the description exactly how to order.

  • +2

    This is why telstra was down. they were eating KFC

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