Hi. I am looking at a new hard drive to replace an internal 3tb Seagate ST3000DM001 I had that just crashed on me losing a lot of personal & work data among other things. I don't really want to have to spend over $200 so the 4tb drives are probably out and I need a minimum of 2tb.
Does anyone recommend one that has good failure rates? This is the second one in 3 or 4 years I am replacing but I suppose that is common for mechanical drives ?
It will purely be a storage drive for backup and streaming content to the raspberry pi. This time I will be sure to backup the personal things this time round ! Bit of a kick in the **** on a Friday afternoon. Most disappointed about losing photos.
hmm from what I can tell this specific drive is notorious for failure has a current class action lawsuit against Seagate for their failure rate by the sounds of it: http://www.pcworld.com/article/3028981/storage/seagate-slapp…
There are some good eBay deals on HDD at Futu Online with the current 20% off promo code of "CTECHIE"
Check out the offerings @