Hi, this is more directed to the moderators of OzBargain, will there be any more meetups? I have only been here for less than 3 months but I have looked and it sounds cool
let's see if we can get 100 votes to ask for a meetup?
Hi, this is more directed to the moderators of OzBargain, will there be any more meetups? I have only been here for less than 3 months but I have looked and it sounds cool
let's see if we can get 100 votes to ask for a meetup?
Do you mean is or isn't?
is. I love jv.
It's ok, he doesn't venture into the forums or comp section, he won't see that you professed your love for him :)
Too late. I think he just negged me :(
Must've been EC getting jealous :P
It's ok, he doesn't venture into the forums…
He has ventured, on a couple of occasions. Each comment as sweet as the bleat of a lost lamb.
You could tell that he wanted to type 'What's the normal price', but couldn't.
Maybe add city to the vote ? Syd, Melb Adl, Pert, Bris… ?
Gotta Sync the meetups with a fleet of Free Uber Rides to and fro… lol
Meet ups happen all the time, you're just not aware ;)
The list goes on :)
Could also just move to QLD where we have 9.95 KFC Tuesdays every week ;)
Pretty much any 50+ voted click&collect deal turns into a meet up.
I remember an old dick smith deal when I went to collect and the table was full of rows of the two items in the post, and the guy in front of me picked one up. I said "OzBargain" he said "OzBargain" and nodded. Good times.
That was my human interaction for the twenty-teens right there.
Immediate members of your family aware of their demotion from humankind? Harsh…
Ha! My 15yro high fived me for getting a front page post today. I didn't choose the bargain life.
Maybe just the lady of house should be offended, as kid is - of course - not human, but Snake Person ~
Essential download - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/millennials-to-sna…
The lady of the house (who would probably shoot me if she heard me describe her that way - what is the modern way to say adult woman who lives here?) rolls her eyes at ozbargain but these days does unit pricing - so it is wins all round at my place.
Agreed, I am no soldier for gender rights compared to my wife who has been a fighter even back when I thought women had a place but should really stop being so vocal. Mind you, I save time these days by simply reversing my 1970s views and becoming a compassionate , modern human. Turns out, being a nice guy is modern!
Nocure, I wasn't having a dig at you. I see your posts a lot, and you are a thoughtful poster. I wrote a post that was critical of sexism, and it would be unfair if you thought i directed it toward you.
Anyone is welcome to organize a meetup and we'll be happy to support it. We've had 1 unofficial meetup in Brisbane and 1 official meetup in Melbourne.
Other cities? Well, suggest them.
thabks neil!
I won the Ozbargain beta bar new years comp in 2014.
It was pretty good if you're into board games and video games.
Only if JV is there.