What Is Your DREAM Job (and Do You Have It?)

What is yours and do you have it?

Are you now/ever planning on working into your dream?

I studied Maths but my dream job is to work in Fashion - Couture specifically. That doesn't exist in Australia so the closest to that - Bridal.
Trying to get into that. WISH ME LUCK :)

What is yours?


    • I got really lucky, fresh out of university, studied Robotics and mechatronics, got into the commercial work for engineering company doing automation and renewable energy.

      It isn't my dream job, but a stepping stone…

      • what is your dream job? so what do you actually do at work?

        • I have no idea, kinda just getting a feel of the industry I'm working in now and seeing where that leads me.

  • +37

    My dream job is to be a priest but I don't want to work on Sunday's.

    • -1

      I want to be a priest too, but I don't want to be a pedophile. Apparently that's part of the secret job description.

      • -1

        Coining a priest as potential pedophile is just social stigma. Same shit as being a psychiatrist or psychologist. People will often say to me, "do you read minds?", "Are you crazy because the doctor is meant to be more crazy than their patients!". Blah blah blah

        • +5

          In all seriousness, being a Catholic priest isn't your average job. One instance, celibacy is a constant reminder that priests are to serve God - having a wife and kids would distract priests from that role. Being single allows one to fully be dedicated to your role. Its also a calling (vocation) where only few respond to the call; a sacrifical life (with usually vows of poverty, chastity & obedience). Its a committed role - you get to meet a lot of people, make a difference by assisting people to form their consciences & talking to the poor, and adminster the Sacraments (yes, priests have to wake up in the middle of the night on weekdays to adminster Last Rites). Its hard to give yourself completely though, but its undoubtedly very satisfying.

          I think this video describes the experience pretty accurately; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaoqdKz4m5E

        • +3

          @christopher8827: Big down side is that you have to spread and sustain illusion in humankind, thus maintaining the ignorant status quo.

        • @christopher8827:

          TBH, I dont understand the celibacy part. Why you dont have to be like anybody in this world while preaching about God? If you really love God, understand the teaching, why having a family will distract you?
          God Himself created men women getting together to bring new offspring in this world, why God would not want you to have a family while talking about Him?

        • @amsaini15: Would you tell your sins to a priest that is married? Good luck having your sins not been gossiped to his wife.

          Having a family completely distracts you and wouldn't be surprised if money gets redirected to the family agenda.

        • @amsaini15:

          Are you free from a wife? Do not seek marriage… those who marry will have worldly troubles, and I would spare you that… The unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the Lord, how to please the Lord; but the married man is anxious about worldly affairs, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided. And the unmarried woman or girl is anxious about the affairs of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit; but the married woman is anxious about worldly affairs, how to please her husband (1 Cor. 7:32-34)

          You forget being a father requires family time - that takes time and effort (in terms of income, rearing/educating children, etc.) from spiritual matters. Jesus was celibate and so was St. Paul, hence, priests should reflect that dynamic. Its not so that God doesn't want us to have a family; priests are called to a higher purpose. I also note people are generally called in four different ways; the married life, the single life, religious life & the priesthood.

          Jesus also states;
          "Not all can accept this word, but only those to whom it is granted. Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage for the sake of the kingdom of God. Whoever can accept this ought to accept it" (Matt. 19:11–12).

        • @GameChanger: The Seal of Confession means they wouldn't bother to tell anyone anyways.

        • @christopher8827:

          So if married people are anxious about worldly affairs, how would they ever connect to God. Priest is not married and that is why he is anxious about affairs of Lord but what is he able to achieve by preaching to worldly people if they can never be anxious about Lord?
          Something is wrong with the assumption that married people cannot love God or preach about God. God should bring so much love in your heart for everyone in this world that you should think the world as one large family. Love everyone, care for everyone but Love for the God is supreme. How can man/woman/kids love can be supreme than Gods love?
          If all renounce marriage for the sake of the kingdom of God (which sounds like would be great), the world would come to end (not that great).
          If you remain anxious about worldly affairs while going to Church, what are you going to achieve by this practice?

        • @GameChanger:

          Same question to you, If having a family completely distracts you from becoming a priest, how would you love God while having a family?
          Distractions are everywhere but religion should make us strong enough to rise above the distractions and love God.
          If priest is into gossiping people's sins to his wife, I would doubt his love for God. What has he learnt so far from God? To gossip?
          Anybody can be preist who has love for God. You and me can be priest as well if we are changed from inside and ready to serve humanity with honestly and clear conscious.

    • Be a chaplain in the Navy. Good gig

  • +6

    Marketing for an entertainment company with brands I love

    • How wonderful!

      Did you go straight into your dream or did you start elsewhere and then move?

      • +3

        Graduated with a marketing degree, but ran in to the typical 'lack of experience' barrier that comes with being a grad. Did a few years in sales at various companies, then went for a sales role in my dream company. Failed that, but got a marketing role they advertised a couple of weeks later!

  • +2

    Dream job was the usual cliché, Army, Police and Firefighting but they were never right for me.

    I've ended up doing MSP IT for a wide variety of businesses and specialised IT with large telecomm companies and corporations. Both are very exciting and very hands on. Something new every week and I enjoy the travel. No regrets so far.

  • +2

    Dream job: pilot

  • +4

    dream job - professional bodybuilder
    current - dentist

    • +3

      Are u Rob from the Oral-B ad?

      • +6

        na, my solicitor said i can show my face :-)

        • How do you have time to comment on OzB? Dentistry seems to be one of those non stop jobs?

    • +1

      Oh good. I have dentist friends but have thought it too abrasive to ask.

      Why do wisdom teeth removals seem to cost more regardless of how long the process takes or its complexity? Is it because the dentist cleared time for the consultation just in case, insurance liabilities etc.

      Or do they not actually cost more. The dentists in Sydney's eastern suburbd cost a lot of money so I have limited experience.

      • +1

        have you seen the cars dentists drive?

        tyres for bmw aren't cheap lol

      • I know what you mean. From memory mine was $800 PER TOOTH. I joked to my father that the best untapped resource for wealthy partners is wisdom tooth specialists. Damnnnnnn

        And you do what? 5 operations per day? 4 teeth on average each.
        That's A LOT of money.

        • solution - buy a ticket to an Asian country (I'm from Sri Lanka and get dental stuff done there when I go back on holiday). Costs about $100 for the entire procedure at a proper dentist. I save a small fortune each time and also get a holiday out of it :)

  • +33

    Dream job: Work for Ozbargain.

    I spend so much time on here may as well work here.

  • Dream job; (wifes definition) F*#ken sitterer playing playstation.

    yes/no; yes.

    job? maintenance electrician with 5 years post trade courses and i enjoy what i do.

    • Can I ask what post trade courses? Curious about what options there are after qualifying.

      • PLC's cert 4
        instrumentation and controls cert 4 (no longer listed)
        industrial electronics cert 4
        high voltage (provided by hunter tafe ( EA approved and certified))**

        ** note that with the HV it is a 4 year program to go from a work team member to HV operator.
        not all processes are the same so check with your company if htey do it.

    • +6

      I have the same Dream job as well, although I ended up doing GameChanger's dream job.

  • Porn star
    No, it's IT for me.

    I sometimes wonder if they get bored with their job. The same the same everyday…


    • I feel sorry for porn stars. If they genuinely chose that career despite equally lucrative options then that is one thing. If sex was the most lucrative field they could pursue then I feel sorry for them.

      • They often die of drug overdose and depression

        • :(((

          (Similar to models actually. Especially high fashion ones. Suicide, cutting, depression etc. Disturbingly common)

    • You have to "get hard" to be a pornstar and occasionally get a "hard ass".

    • +4

      Porn stars and IT are same same. Poke ports all l day long.

      Only difference is one don't mind where as the other do.

    • Bored screwing chicks everyday? I doubt it.
      It will be hard to find a partner that would accept the profession tho.
      Regular blood testing would be annoying.

      • louis theroux did a doco on male porn stars. Even though its a few years old its pretty interesting.

        Of note, a lot of males are gay for pay

        No one mentioned stds but its pretty prolific in the industry. There is aparent ways to get arou d tests too.

        Still want to work in porn?

        Even being a camera man can be pretty gross. Getting someones bodily fluids on your shoe or camera equiptment. Having to stick your head near some guys ass to get a close up of the money shot. Nty. I would rather be a cameraman for jackass, atleast it would be interesting

  • +12



    • +6


      I love teachers who love their jobs. I love education and if I had bad teachers I would have been discouraged.

      How wonderful for you! Congratulations.

      • +6

        Thanks Beethoven, for me it is the best job in the world. I love young people, they are our future. They do drive me mad sometimes, but so do my kids. My job continues when I get home lol.

    • +8

      Teachers who love their jobs are often the ones that put in the effort to get the students through.

      Much respect :)

  • +3

    Dream job, marijuana producer!!!

    • My neighbour is a dealer.
      And my neighbour at my parent's house is a dealer.

      In high school my friend dated a dealer.

      I swear everyone is a dealer in my area.
      Producers aren't dealers but still

      • +1

        Do you get discount price?

        • My neighbour (parents house) used to give it to me free
          I'm a model remember so food = bad so munchies are a risk
          He gave free drugs all the time.

          The neighbour dealer at my own place refused to sell to us because he didn't want us to ruin our brains. My roommates are overachievers too

        • +1

          @Beethoven: I love your neighbors, may I know where are you living now? I want to move in

        • @ntt:

          I had to move back with my parents for various reasons. Pathetic.

          Ironically I am looking for new roommates to move back out with.

      • Yeah I hear you, alot of people where I am from are into all that.

        I'm only thinking of legal and medical, not to become some drug lord.

        I think it would be awesome to help assist in the produce.

        I just find marijuana to be a very interesting drug.

        • I'm 10000% pro it for medicinal reasons. I know people who use it for pain issues and without it they would have no life.
          It is a miracle for them to have anything resembling a life.

  • +3

    Dream job: Management Accounting / Consulting
    Current job: Similar enough.

  • +5

    Dream Job: Fighter Pilot / Marksman / SAS
    Current Job: Structural Engineer

  • Dream job: Parking infringement officer - no
    Dream job: Curator - yes

    • Curating what? Art?

      I love impressionist.

  • +1

    Dream job - a job where I have to use my brain and think/decipher guidelines and legislation.
    Current job - I have to use my brain and think/decipher guidelines and legislation.

  • Dream Job: Pilot
    current Job: aeronautical engineer

    • Would you recommend people to studying aeronautical engineering?/ how do you find your job outlook

      • +1

        bad in australia. Join the defence force.

    • not happening with that username :)

      • why? racist much

        • was a joke!

    • …Why don't you just go on and do it? I have an aeronautical engineering degree, and it seems like it can't be a huge stretch to get a Civil Aviation degree from there. Its not like you're trying to become a ballerina

  • +1

    Dream job: Touring guitarist for an international pop star. Think the guys who play guitar for Justin Bieber or Rhianna. Playing crazy gigs but not recognised on the street.

    Actual job: In-house government lawyer. I still gig pretty regularly (40-60 gigs a year)

    • +1

      I will have to go to one of your concerts some time!

      You could decide to become a singer like Orianthi

      • Yeah Orianthi is primarily a touring guitarist :)

        She is currently Alice Coopers'.

    • +1

      So good when you can still get a bit of dream-job on the side :) invite us to one of your gigs sometime!

  • Dream Job… I don't have any specific career in mind. But I like to keep my self busy with new challenges. I bore really easily of the same thing
    Currently, running my own biotechnology startup. certainly keeps me on my toes!

    Did statistics at uni, so loving the banter with the scientists. SO much of sciences is statistics.

  • +4

    Dream job - software engineer
    Current - software engineer

    Other dream jobs I'd love - civil engineer, any medical like surgeon, GP, etc., also probably lawyer. Just feel I'd also excel in those.

    • Dream job - software/mechanical engineer
      Current - Dental student

      Thinking of bailing out. Too much stress for me.

      • Considering a move? Never too late.

    • -8

      I suppose you suck on your own sausage too. Software engineer who thinks he'd excel as a surgeon or lawyer. Right…..

      Lawyers are very active people who are usually articulate and outgoing. Surgeons are usually very fit, have a lot of mental endurance and have a drive to save people's lives.

      You type on a computer all day.

      • +14

        oh, we've got a couch analyst here. Love your work.

        • +5

          include <stdio.h>

          define k 10


          printf( "Rate my bullshit out of 10\n %d \n", k);
          return (0);


        • @cDNA:

          return 0; /* its not a function */

        • @sv123: cDNA is correct. main returns an int. Convention is to return 0 for success. You can also parenthesise the return value. I don't get the k definition though … a bit redundant and missing preprocessor sym #.

        • @kywst:

          k definition because I can and missing preprocessor hash is there but just turned the line into bold letters. Blame ozbargain html shortcuts

        • @cDNA: "Effective C++ Third Edition". Two special cases (1) static const is preferred within a class scope for class specific constants; (2) namespace or anonymous scope const is preferred over #define

          But you're right again. You certainly can. :)

      • +5

        I completed a law degree and am now a software engineer. Not everyone can be pigeon-holed by your standards.

      • +1

        lol surgeons have a drive to save people's lives. clearly you don't know any cause if you did, you wouldn't quote that as a key trait.

      • +1

        that is pretty demeaning and unwarranted. I used to be a software engineer as well but I didn't like it much so I switched to something else, but if you think doing software engineering doesn't land you with the analytical mindset you need to excel anything else, you are so wrong!

  • +1

    Own a bicycle shop! (current IT)

  • If you want to work in couture industry you have to consider moving out. Try some Asian country where they have lots of happening couture trends and barrier of entry is lower.

    • +3

      I wish.
      India is actually developing its own ateliers which is extraordinary and they all speak English so your comment may actually spur me at some point in my career. I desperately want 2 years experience here in fashion before any move.

      Thank you for this. I had never considered that and when I go to India I will always think of you and this comment :)

  • +1

    Dream job - software/mechanical engineer
    Current - Dental student

    Thinking of bailing out. Too much stress for me.

  • Dream job - classical singer
    Current job - researcher (engineering)

    • PhD? or R&D engineering work?

      • Finished and R&D

        • Whats the money like if you don't mind me asking?

          You wanted to go into this direction?

        • @GameChanger:

          $150k+ (not my salary. Just a ball park figure)

          I'm not young. No. Just sort of ended up here.

          I work in an industry that is very small in AUstralia, but worth trillions overseas.

        • @cDNA: Ah seems pretty decent, of course if you don't take into account past Oil & Gas salaries. Though I would think your work is more interesting/challenging.

        • +2


          I want to sing, but my voice is average.

          Hate my company. They pay (profanity) celebrities more money than they do their engineers. Recently, they paid a celebrity about $1 million to do a 30 second ad.

        • @cDNA: Have you done singing lessons? Practiced a fair bit? Yep unfortunately life isn't fair, but would be interesting to see how much money they recover back directly from the celebs ad.

  • +1

    Dream job - equity trader
    Current - controller

    • Controller of what?

      • +4


        • actually another better dream job - s708 investor :)

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