Sony Bravia 48W700C features X-Reality Pro, MotionFlow XR200 and WIFI.
Costco membership required.
Other Sony deals at Costco:
55W800C - $1089.99
RT5 - $799
Sony Bravia 48W700C features X-Reality Pro, MotionFlow XR200 and WIFI.
Costco membership required.
Other Sony deals at Costco:
55W800C - $1089.99
RT5 - $799
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, just bought this yesterday @ TGG for $795 :((((
Did you get the bonus $50 store credit?
How's the TV anyway? Thinking of getting one myself
I didn't get it because i bought it in store.
I like the TV. A bit slow on the android interface but much much better than my hisense !
I imagined the smart features would be slow. Any motion blur/hyperrealistic movement though? That 'soap opera effect' really bothers me!
I didn't think the 700 series had Android? Are you sure you didn't buy the 800 series?
@binary01: I'm just oblivious to TV. I dont know what i am talknig about so please dont hold it against me ! Maybe it's not android lol
This is why i bought my Panasonic its java based but then again its does not have as many options i guess…
Android apps are java based, what else do you think?;)
Android and Panasonic (whatever the OS they use) same as Windows and MacOS,
Android OS design for number of hardware, well Panasonic would be limited.
Therefore, Panasonic could run smoothly, less issue.
Go back and ask to price match, or return it back and get the one at costco. Why are you false draming for no reason? You have choices, work B! ^_^
cbf for a $40 differences :(
Well goodguys could refund you $100 if they price match it.
Says this about what their competitors are.
"*Competitors must be nominated Australian based businesses and exclude eBay."
So in other words they will only price match against businesses operating in Australia who they have self nominated to compete against. As far as i know Costco Australia is a business operating in Australia selling stock from Australian distributors the same as TGG is definitely not a grey import. I guess Costco Australia is too good for TGG to compete against.
Up the top of this web page in a banner it's just got ["If you find a lower advertised price within 30 days of your purchase, The Good Guys will happily Payback 120% of the difference."
] which i think is a bit of false advertising if they will only price match against certain sellers even if there is a lower price at say Costo Australia.
So much for The Good Guys price match so called guarantee. There really is no guarantee since it's rigged only to apply to Australian sellers who TGG deem to be their competitor therefore it's not a complete guarantee.
Costco charge a membership and as such companies like TGG and JB wont price match as the price is "not available to the wider community"
I have gotten JB to price match one time and i was lucky but they added $60 (membership fee) to the price they matched, so i saved $10 in the end, but other times they simply refuse.
My cousin works at JB and told me that their internal policy is that they DO NOT match Costco (for reason above) and i assume the same would apply at TGG
It is true, as soon as the staff hear Costco, they refuse to price match. They manager in Chatswood told me company policy.
@GerrardLFC: Its the same story with orificeworks, recently they told me its because costco buy in bulk and dont offer local warranty!!!??!!
Their price match "policy" should be called out as false and misleading advertising.
Check what your credit card features are.
On mine they have purchase price protection.…
I have never tried it before but have always kept it in mind.
You can get 120% of the difference as a PAY LESS eftpos card or store credit via 30 Day Price Guarantee
Stated above, they don't consider cosco as their authorised competitor :-(
Good price
That's one messed up penguin.
It's a night scene
hardly normal have the 55" for $1095 (no $65 mrmbership)…
Big W has nothing to do with Dick Smith. So why would a TV sold at Dick Smith have warranty via Big W?. That would be like buying some thing at Officeworks and then thinking you'll get warranty for it via The Good Guys.
And you might be talking about either a Dick Smith TV (which soon will have no warranty from any where) or a JVC. Either case if it's a JVC then you'd need to take up warranty directly with the manufacturer.
Like i said, I 'saw'. I am not encouraging you to buy. That's your decision to buy the TVs or not.
Again, I am not a retailer. You as a customer would of course check the facts, warranty, etc.
Also, a few Sony TVs are available for sale offers at DSE.
buy @good guys online store and score a $50 store credit to buy something else and it is valid upto 11th April 2016 I guess…
Don't forget Costco still have their awesome warranty, that's enough reason to buy it there. As long as you're a continual member & if the TV ever dies, take it back for a full refund!
You mean during one year warranty period?
How's the input lag on this? Cant find much about it
Input lag was tested as 13.2ms for the KDL-32W700C:…
BTW 705C is just the European model name for 700C, same TV. This 48" version should have the same/similar input lag as that 32". BTW the 48W700C is just a rebadged 48W700B, so you can look up results for that TV. The W700C is amongst the very best input lag TV's of all 2016/15 TV's.
I just set up my 48W700C from this deal, and instantly I can tell that the input lag is rock bottom, it is far better than my 2015 Series 7 Samsung, I quite literally was playing better than usual against others in smash bros and pro evo soccer. Super happy with this purchase, buy it up mate you won't regret it!
I went and had a look at this TV at the good guys, it seemed very grainy/pixelated…
was it playing live tv or blueray?
Live TV. It was just the news but it looked crap, really pixelated.
well then, its not the issue with the TV, shit goes in, shit comes out, its not a magic box to make everything look FD :)
I always noticed how shops play Pixar movies for TV that are on sales and live TV for the rest.
My eyes are just automatically drawn to the crisp"er" TV.
Yeah or some kind of scenery or fish tank on the top end models but normal TV for the rest…
How's this model for wall mounting?
So how are peoples experiences with this TV? Are they happy with it?
Whats the input lag like?
Input lag was tested as 13.2ms for the KDL-32W700C:…
BTW 705C is just the European model name for 700C, same TV. This 48" version should have the same/similar input lag as that 32". BTW the 48W700C is just a rebadged 48W700B, so you can look up results for that TV. The W700C is amongst the very best input lag TV's of all 2016/15 TV's.
I just set up my 48W700C from this deal, and instantly I can tell that the input lag is rock bottom, it is far better than my 2015 Series 7 Samsung, I quite literally was playing better than usual against others in smash bros and pro evo soccer. Super happy with this purchase, buy it up mate you won't regret it!
hmm lots of cheap HD TV's.. maybe they are clearing stock for UHD models?
What's the static contrast ratio on these? How are the black levels?
I've go an old chinese panel that looks awful showing dark movie scenes - needs to be replaced.