Finding a job for my 15 year old brother

G'day everyone,
My brother is desperate for a job like paperboy.
He will not work in fast food and needs a job in the Parrmatta area.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Let the suggestions begin:


  • +7

    Paperboy jobs don't exist any more! The important thing about work for young people/entry level positions is to gain skills and experience in SOMETHING that can then be listed on a resume and then considered as transferable skills for more desirable employment down the line.

    Working in fast food allows your brother to develop skills in customer service, working as part of a team, working in a fast paced environment, showing adaptability and showing responsibility and commitment.

    I suggest he adjust his attitude and take whatever he can get so that he can then progress to something that he wants to do in subsequent roles.

    As an aside, employers often tell us that they like to employ young people who have worked for McDonalds because their training emphasises customer service skills and team work.

    • +4

      I second this, it is going to be incredibly hard to get a job not in fast food at that age and without experience.

    • +1

      I know so many employers that will consider people that have worked in the fast food industry first for that reason.

    • Actually paperboy jobs doe exist and you get paid per number of drops of you do.

    • I don't know why you think they don't exist. My neighbor does it and they are always advertising for more people. you get paid $50 and have to pick up the stacks and take them home, sort - pick junk mail and paper and wrap it which takes 2 people 12 hours or 3 kids 8 hours, then you have to deliver to the homes on top of that. People do it and soon realize its not worth it. I knew some kids that thought they could shortcut by delivering 1 out of 3 papers, people complained and they got found out very quickly.

  • +1

    My 14yro got a job at woollies. They treat her very well, imo. She gets to say when she is available to work, and they gave her good training.

  • +1

    I would suggest McDonald's. It's the best of the lot and the qualification carries onto future employments.

    • second, not too hard to get into and pays the best of fast food jobs!

  • +1

    Local cinema - they need candy bar crew and also clean up crew to pick up all the candy wrappers.
    And you get to see the movies for free - well, the last 2 minutes anyway, waiting for the audience to leave ;-)

    Plenty of night shifts and weekend work.

  • I have heard that getting a job at Woolworths is a long process, often up to a year.
    How long did it take for your daughter to get a job at Woolworths?

    • Takes a week to get the first group interview, another week for the 2nd interview with store manager, 3rd week training, 4th week working in the store.

      That's if there is a position available online, October is when they do most of their hiring though.

      • +1

        This was in October, it took maybe 5 weeks. I think it was held up an extra week as we were away on holidays for part of the time. There were a lot of steps, with some bits done online, and others in the store, and it caused problems doing the next part if the earlier step wasn't complete.

  • +1

    Is this really for your brother or a job for you?

  • Pizza hut call centre… was an easy job to get into without experience.

  • You are a good person helping your younger Brother out. I wish I'd been nicer to my Brother when he needed my help. Too late now.

    Buy your Brother a software package called "Mavis Beacon teaches typing". He will need a full size keyboard, not a laptop one. He needs to spend a few weeks learning to touch-type fast. Then he can get data entry jobs. There are usually a lot of them and sometimes he can work part time in the evenings for local companies. That's what I did. And he can too. Best of luck to you both.

  • +1

    Thanks for the suggestions. My brother is starting to change his attitude towards working. He is looking at possibly Woolworths, or even a local supermarket.

  • Apprenticeship carpenter, plumber ect
    It would be like winning the lottery, being a tradey in Sydney
    If he can live at home and hack being on the end of a broom/shovel for a year
    Show them he's willing to put his back into it/has some brains
    If not then yea - fries with that, typist or whatever

  • Is he looking for part time work then?

    Has your brother completed year 10? Can't leave school until that's done? At 15 I thought he'd still have 6 months or more to go?

    Except from…

    "In New South Wales, you have to go to school from when you turn 6 until you finish Year 10 or turn 17.

    If you have finished Year 10 but you haven’t turned 17 yet, then you need to do one of the following things:

    do some other form of education or training (like TAFE or an apprenticeship); 
    do full time paid work (at least 25 hours a week);   or
    do a combination of work, education and training.  

    If you want to leave school before you finish Year 10 and do an apprenticeship, you have to get special permission."

    Not knowing what is available in Parramatta I can't say go here or go there?

    What skills does your brother have, is he talented at drawing or art? Can he use Photoshop or Illustrator Etc. May kids I know can do amazing (to me) things using technology BESIDES wasting time on FB, Twitter and social media.

    Sit down with your brother and go through what he can do, skills etc. and what he'd LIKE to do. Digital Photography and Media production are big. He may be able to approach local companies for work experience that may lead to paid work.

    But if he refuses to do Fast Food or maybe unpaid work then there's not a lot anyone can do

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