This was posted 14 years 11 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bargain **V1.3c** 2 Metre HDMI Cables - Australian Company - $7.95 with Free Post


These bargain priced HDMI cables are the latest high spec cables that are suitable for all your HDMI needs. They will work with any HDMI device including your Bluray, DVD, PS3 and any TV that has HDMI like a Plasma, LCD or even LED.

These cables sell in our own store for $17.95 plus post but we are currently offering them for $7.95 including free postage anywhere in Australia :)

Mod: Due to new poster commenting limits, OP was not able to respond to comments on here.

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eBay Australia
eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    eBay have deals? :o

    Sounds to me like extra exposure and free advertising for your eBay page and or store

    • +1

      Nearly all bargains (done by REPS) on OzBargains are for exposure…

      Doesn't change the fact that its a bargain (if it is….)

  • if i cant see the price in this post im not going to bother clicking on the link

  • +3

    This is blatant exposure building mate and ive seen them cheaper elserwhere seriously get the hell out of here

  • +1

    Hi guys,

    We have them on our site for $17.95 plus post and on ebay currently at $7.95 with free post!

    I figured it was a deal worth telling you about.. :)

  • Oh and it clearly says beside my post I am a store rep….

    I thought that was the idea here… to post a deal. I know about because I work here :)

  • matt - include details like the price and free shipping in the posts title.

    Deal seems fine.

    • Agreed…edit the deal with the price and hopefully you'll get some positive votes.

      Thanks for the post!

    • I agree.
      Deal is good but the post needs more details.

      • +1

        matt - instead on putting all the advertisting, just put…

        2m HDMI cable - $7.95 with free shipping

        Put extra details in the body.

        I've bought from you guys before and would hate to see you hated on OzBargain. OzBargainers are a fussy bunch at times. :D

  • -1

    Cant edit the deal … sorry guys.

    It says something about too many negatives from ebay??

  • +2

    Probably would have been more successful if the link was directly to your store rather than ebay. Ebay deals persistently attract negative votes here.

    • +1

      Not sure why when it's a Buy It Now and a lot of stock is available.

      I'm sure all OzBargainers use ebay.

      • +1

        It's more a reflex action by most. Few bother to look at the details.

        • True

  • +1

    Thanks guys…all fixed now :)

    <——newbie alert!

    • Much better!

    • +2

      Good work! Welcome to OzBargain!

      Looking forward to future deals from Selby!

  • Thanks guys…all fixed now :)<——newbie alert!

  • Seems like an ok deal. Doesn't seem any better then the 6.95 2M hdmi cables that are around.

    Either way its cheap :)

  • Matt, best to change the link to this and lower the price to match.…

    Then watch the orders flow in :) I hope you have enough stock to satisfy our demands :P

    • Then you dont have to pay ebay commissions :)

      • +1

        True. Pass the savings off to us then. $7.50 delivered. You there Matt?

  • I have bought from Selby before. Good quality cables and excellent service. Dont hate on them just because they have an ebay store front.

  • Bought one…thanks again.

  • +4

    cheaper elsewhere, the going rate seems to be $6.50

    There must be 50 sellers on ebay cheaper than this. Actually, when sorted by price+postage this vendor only shows up on page 5.

    I really would not like ozb to become cluttered with ebay almost-a-deal entries.

    • -1


      Mod: +1 is not a valid reason for a negative vote. Please read voting guideline

    • A fair point.

      Although I could only find one cheaper shipping out of Australia (seller playstronicsau) at $6.50.

    • Most of them are international sellers - I guess not a hassle if you don't mind waiting.

      I think the only one cheaper would be the one from ($5.95 from their shop, $6.29 on ebay):……

      I've bought a batteryshack one before and had no issues.

      For me personally though, I'm happy to pay a bit extra to Selby - Australian company and they've given me great customer service in the past. Plus you get a lifetime warranty on their HDMI cables and they also have some good deals on the longer lengths.

    • Australian company and better quality… +1 from me :)

      • I'm amazed at the 62698 feedback with 100% positive.

        Also, please note, that the rep, since he has new, has reached his comment threshold, so he won't be able to respond to comments here. He has started a thread here. I've sent it to Scotty to look at.

        • Now 62701 and counting. :)

        • its positive based on last 12 months. Thats the new way Ebay calculates, you dont necessarily need to have all your feedback to be positive.

  • Thanks for letting us know about the deal, I just bought one for my xbox, thanks again.

  • better buy a quality one ,performance is the matter for HD tv

    • Agreed and all your base are belong to us. :)

  • -1

    Regardless of whether it's ok to post ebay post (which I dont really care), but it's not even a good deal at all! Where's the bargain?

    • I'm interested in how many other companies you can find that are the same price or better that are local instead of international?

      • -2

        Whoever -ve me, don't you know how to use freaking search feature in ebay at all? I dont need to spell it for you, go find yourself tons of better deals there!
        The reason I commented that because I just bought 2 HDMI cables in 2 different occassions from 2 different ebay stores recently, and I've never paid $7 bucks before. All of them came with better looking quality (with 1.3a/1.3b/1.3c support, genuine HDMI certificate, 3 years warranty), and yes, they're both from Sydney, simply because I dont want to wait delivery from US for such a cheap item, even though you can find much better looking cables in international (US) ebay for even cheaper price! But the difference is just couple dolars so I dont care, I went for oz.
        You get it now!? There's no bargain about this, it's no more than a spam, and yet you vote it up. Strange

        EDIT: btw for those who think you need to get good quality HDMI, sorry but no, there's no such thing as better quality HDMI. Either the cable is usable, or it's useless at all. It's just a gimmick to rip you off. That's why notice I always write "better looking quality", not "better quality".

        • Ah for god sake. I'm at work but I have to open up ebay and do the search for you? I can't believe it.


          In fact, here, hundreds of them in the search, all below 7 bucks in oz.

          If you search internationally, you can find much finer quality for cheaper price.
          So now what's so special with this particular ebay entry? Looks plain ordinary cable, just one of thousands entries in ebay, and not even one of the well-priced ones. I normally picked randomly, bought some in less than a minute, and I still always ended up cheaper than this.
          I just don't like people using ozbargain to spam for their ebay posts.

        • +2

          Well, technically, the digital signal CAN degrade, if it goes through a long distance, and cables with more copper can theoretically carry the current a little further than cables with less copper. But, we're talking about distances of over 15m. So, anything less than 10m, HDMI cable quality really does not matter.

          I blame the analog generation (me being one of them) for confusing this issue…

          • @soupiejr: That's right. And when the digital signal degrades, the equipment will have problem displaying the picture/sound properly, causing really bad glitches that are very obvious. I.e. you will get a practically unusable cable, instead of a subtly degraded quality picture as you would with analog cable.
            So if your HDMI cable doesnt have signal problem, there isn't really any cable that has better quality picture/performance than the other. "HDMI xxx compliance" is pretty much a gimmick. They're data formats, nothing to do with the cable. Either the cable transmits the signal, or it doesn't.

            I would never buy an overpriced $50 3m cable in any hi-fi store.

    • +2

      Wow, grumpy much? :)

  • +1

    Is this a v1.4 cable, or 1.3a? Also, how is this a better deal than a 2m Ritmo Gold-plated one you can get from MSY for $5? Digital's digital, right? Just like network cables?

    • It should work the same though the construction of these look a bit better (Yes, I use a few MSY ones). I'd like to see how a monster cable deal performs here :P

      EDIT: Probably would get negged to oblivion.

      • In other words, are you saying these cables have better rubber, or bigger copper width? Otherwise, aren't HDMI cables now just a commodity, much like USB cables? And companies like Monster are trying their darnedest to fight that because otherwise, there'd be no reason for them to exist?

        • All I'm saying is these cables may be more resilient to abuse. I hate Monster cable as much as any educated person. How they can get away with their scams puzzle me.

          • +1

            @Livert: resilient to abuse meaning that if you're the kind of person that pulls out their hdmi cable EVERY hour for the next 3 years - its better to get a better one?

    • According to… it's at least 1.3b.

      IMHO, cheap HDMI cables are much of a muchness. If you spend over $10 for a 2m HDMI, you're getting ripped. If you haven't read the gizmodo article on Monster HDMI cables, then it's a good read. Here's the final part:…

      The article shows it is possible to get a cheap, dodgy HDMI cable (albeit a 50ft in this case) but a replacement worked fine.

      Part 1 & 2 are worth the read as well……

      Bear in mind the article was written in June, 2007.

  • +1

    Not a good deal. Complete spam. Why is this even on the front page? Mods should just remove

    • -4

      +1. Spam!

  • -2

    Get it from dealxtreme or focalprice

    • +1

      Um. They're more expensive there?

  • +1

    I'll never figure out the voting patterns of Ozbargain,
    Last month, a similar 2m HDMI cable (1.3b) selling for $6.50 garnered 58 positive votes, 0 negative.
    This month, 16 pos, 6 neg.

    • +4

      Thats because that was cheaper and not through ebay

      $6.50 or less and I'll vote positive, otherwise theres plenty of cheaper options out there

      So it's not a bargain and should not be posted, he merely wants publicity

      • +2

        Personally, I don't care that it's from ebay. I'm voting negative because I don't believe it's a good deal…or at least an OzBargain-worthy deal. Just my 2c.

        • +1

          soupiejr your right Im being ebayist but either way it's not a bargain and should be gone

  • i never get ozbb's unending obsession with hdmi cables

    anyway if you want cheap…

    $6.25 but you have to buy 4

    which is no big deal to me as i have a few screens

  • +1

    spam and not good value

  • +3

    I have reserved my vote but will go negative for this reason:
    The only positive put forward to buy from these guys is a lifetime warranty apparently (what the T&Cs are, I dont know) - also the Rep has not mentioned this.
    As others say, we are inundated with HDMI cable deals, so for this to be a bargain it needs a point of difference. Obvioisly price is key but this cable does not even compete on that account. So in my eyes, not a bargain. Lower that price to $5.95 delivered or better yet $4.95 to get a Logitech-competitive deal.
    - Price
    - 1.3a, 1.3b, 1.3c, 1.4 compliant
    - warranty period (and replacement costs)
    - durability (I guess how it can handle an accidental tug on the cable) most ppl I assume dont connect and disconnect too often
    - look/feel

    Since most offered take care pretty much everything else, you have to undercut the price.

    Edit: sorry also the length of the cable but most will only need the 1 or 2m.

  • +4


    I live near MSY and their queue is short (2 or 3 normmally)
    their regular price is $5 for 2m HDMI cable.
    save $3 shipping fee and get the cable on the same day.

    • you've got my vote, superkieu!

    • Albeit not HDMI 1.3x

      The 1.3 ones are listed separately.

    • You've got mine as well bro!
      But their queue is a 45 min queue on weekends =\

  • +1

    Can be found at MSY for $5.

    Negative sorry.

  • +2

    What's the difference between a 1.3 and 1.3x cable?

    Nothing other than a retailer trying to confuse you…

    • Exactly :) It actually simply means they have been tested with 1.3x/1.4 equipments, although encoding formats make no difference to cables at all.

      • -1

        Any explanation for the -ve? I was just saying people shouldn't ditch deals from other stores (in few comments here) simply because they say nothing about 1.3c.
        Feel free to go for cables with 1.3c written all over it, but it's just like choosing a monitor because it says it supports firefox browser.

        • It's a retailer being deceptive and misleading or seriously lacking knowledge of their product. I wouldn't trust a salesperson in a shop if they were like this so why a online store?

          • @Rutger: Actually, I'd more inclined to suggest that 1.3x is a wildcard, and is easier than saying it supports 1.3a, 1.3b, 1.3c… But I'm not a cynic like that.

  • -1

    This thread is so hot!

    I found a mistake in title. Title is missing OZ should read:

    OZBargain V1.3c 2 metre HDMI cables - Australian company - $7.95 with free post


  • I don't think the deal is that bad. Whilst I'm not keen on eBay deals it does beat the majority of vendors out there including EZYHD. I'll give it a positive but perhaps we should have more concrete rules and a discussion on linking to eBay?

    • +2

      I have no problem with eBay links, but you'd have to be the cheapest on eBay for it to be a bargain.

      This isn't, with at least two Aussie sellers and numerous HongKy ones beating it.

      There's already been plenty of discussion and rules on Ebay. Have a look at the forum and wiki/rules.

      • You raise a fair point which I don't disagree with.

        "There’s already been plenty of discussion and rules on Ebay. Have a look at the forum and wiki/rules."

        ^ Have and noted, but it's always good to further clear up any rules to avoid the same thing happening in the future.

      • +1

        I just think - generally - very few OzBer's are aware of the rules pertinent to ebay. It's unfortunate, but I see a fairly large bias amongst users when an eBay link comes into play (doing their best to prove it's not a bargain). You're right though, in this instance, it's not the cheapest. I've proposed a solution to that down below.. For someone with that much positive feedback on their eBay account, I'd imagine there'd be plenty of glowing remarks about their website as well for peace-of-mind.

        I guess this isn't quite the place to be discussing it though :)

  • +1

    I won't vote neg because I don't mind the cheap HDMI cables, but it might be wiser to link directly to your website.. You're wasting a few $ (both in listing and FVFs) linking to eBay - as a consumer, I'm more than happy to give you my business directly to your website and pay by Paypal. Pass those savings (FVF, listing fees) onto us, and you'll garner significantly more positive votes here.

    In fact, why not offer a small discount for people who pay by bank transfer?? You'll avoid paypal fees (30c + 1.4%) which is another overhead avoided by you that can be passed onto the consumer.

    You'd shave about 20% of the price off?

  • +1

  • you get what you pay for, this cable is very thin and low quality.

    • Unless you move and remove your HDMI cables around on a daily, basis… Why would this actually be an issue?

  • +1

    Hi Guys,

    Wow…not exactly the response I had anticipated but here are the answers to some of your questions:

    We offer a lifetime guarantee on these cables (note the lack of conditions here)

    These cables are not your standard run of the mill cables. They are the new High Speed rated cables that are capable of running any device you can throw at it.

    Here is the big point though:

    We offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. This means you buy the cable and if you are not satisfied (not our satisfaction…YOURS!) you can return the cable for a 100%

    money back refund! (try doing that with a product in China)

    We are based in Hallam in Victoria but we have a shop in Geelong and a new site about to open in NSW (we are moving from our old site in Banksmeadow, NSW.)

    We post the same day we receive an order (as long as it is before 2PM) which means in Melbourne you will most likely get your item the next day. NSW, SA,QLD usually

    take 2-3 days.

    You can get cheaper from overseas for sure…but with us you get a 1800 number for free support (1800 69 2225), a local warranty if you need it, a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee and you are supporting an Australian owned company.

    The rest is up to you :)

    • Thanks Matt.

      What would be the difference between Selby's cables and the ones here ->…?

      • +1

        I've bought 6 of those cablse in the past and they are great cables. I can't see any reason to pay more than $5-6 for a HDMI cable, and those ones include delivery too.

        I'm going to have to neg this one too. $8 is no where near a bargain for an HDMI cable for me.

  • To be fair it's a bit hard to tell without the full specs, could be anything or could be nothing!

    It's really not appropriate to give any difinitive comment on the differences without actually seeing one as I would be making an assumption about someone elses credibility and / or product with out really asking any questions or seeing the difference for myself.

    I have used this style of cable in some lower end systems with good results. (In fact we have sold it)

    When I need to be confident in a cable I tend to stick with something I (personally) am 100% certain about.

    • +1

      Thanks Matt. I've bought a batteryshack one before and it is still working fine. But I was happy to buy this one from Selby as you guys are well known in the home theatre market and your products and service are top notch. Selby probably isn't well known in OzBargain land yet, which may explain the amount of negatives. :) Looking forward to future deals.

  • +1

    I've ordered quite a few things from matt before and i've always been happy with the products. If you order 10gauge speaker wire from him, you actually get 10ga of copper not 10ga of plastic coating. Selby Acoustics are also one of the few places I could find a wall mounted projector mount (rather than drop down from the roof mount). While the hdmi cable deal may not be an outright bargain, I look forward to seeing more offers from matt on ozbargain ;) Maybe some LCD arms :D

  • +2

    Ordered Thursday and arrived Friday! I've ordered a few things from them before and never had a problem.
    I hope all the Neg comments don't put you off posting deals like this again.

  • +2

    i bought 3m one yesterday for 9.50, very happy with price with free delivery.

  • v1.3b $4.90
    v1.3c $7.95

    Anyone happend have these 2 cables please give us a review.

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