This was posted 9 years 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nikon D3300 DSLR Camera Body Only - $256 after $50 Cashback and $25 Voucher @ Harvey Norman


eaturing an EXPEED 4 image-processing engine, 24.2 effective megapixels and Full HD movie recording, the lightweight, compact and highly portable Nikon DSLR D3300 Camera captures moments with exceptional fidelity and quality. Body only.

$25 Harvey Norman Sign Up Voucher

$50 Nikon EFT Cashback

Key Features

Featuring a 24.2-effective megapixel sensor without an optical low-pass filter and an EXPEED 4 processing engine, the Nikon DSLR D3300 Camera captures sharp, vivid images.
Equipped with Guide Mode for insights into various shooting scenarios, a full-colour RGB metering sensor and a Scene Recognition System, the Nikon DSLR D3300 Camera helps you get the shot you want every time.
Featuring an extended ISO range of 100–12800, the D3300 cuts down on image noise, so you always get outstanding picture quality.
The Nikon D3300 allows you to shoot Full HD movies with 1080/60p support at the touch of a button.
Weighing just 460g, the lightweight and compact D3300 digital camera is designed to allow you to go wherever the shot takes yo

Also good price on the Nikon 3200 with 18-55mm lense Kit $323 after $25 Harvey Norman Sign Up Voucher

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closed Comments

  • -1…

    Isn't it $273 after $25 singup voucher + $50 cash back from Nikon ?

    • -1

      Don't think there is cashback for the 3200.

    • This is the 3300..?

      • +1

        The link spk provide is D3200, the OP deal is D3300

  • Where would you buy the lenses and are they expensive?

    I'm new to photography but have been really keen to get into it for a while now.

    • +2

      Lenses follow the general rule of you get what you pay for. Exceptions are some primes which are really good value with great image quality.

    • +2

      Second hand on EBay. Be picky and know their worth. This is a very decent entry level camera if paired with a good lens (try to get fixed aperture if you get a zoom) it will produce stunning images.

    • +1

      Lots of 18-55 on ebay as people sell the nudged lens $70 private $120 shop or buy the 18-105 which I did for my d5500. At this price I should buy a d3300 for my son and put our 18-55 on it…..

    • Try GumTree. Plenty of second hand lenses on there for Nikon. Also, try Facebook Groups that sells camera gear.

  • +2

    Seems like a great price

    • seems I've been rip off, paid $700 for d3100 ages ago :)

      • +4

        I paid $1,500 for a Canon 550D a few years ago.

        And this one time, $4,500 for a 486, or about $6,800 in today's money. Bitch only had a 300Mb hard drive. :|

        • You'll be lucky if you are on 4MB of ram. Did you also throw in 487 if your 486 is SX not DX.

        • @dlovep: Hehe.

          From memory it had 8Mb of RAM (no pun intended). And it was the 486 DX2 66. Ahhh, all the fond memories of having to create boot disks to play some games.

        • @cnut: Mine one only comes with 2mb added 2mb ram for A$500, DOS 5.0.

  • +1

    Doesn't seem that worth it considering it was $268 with a lens less than 2 months ago.

    • -4

      That lens is worthless!

      • +1

        18-55 VR2, just because its cheap doesn't mean it's worthless

      • +2

        Seems to be selling for around $100 new on eBay. So it is worth $100.

      • For people without a Nikon lens, the SLK, if it is $20-$40 more than body only or even cheaper than body only is worth considering.
        A DSLR without a lens is useless.

      • A lot of lenses that come with the camera is very basic but still. Saves you having to go buy one

      • +3

        For starter & newbie it is not worthless at all. That's the first way to start up using your DSLR and once you know how to operate, then you can go buy a prime lense, otherwise how else would you know which prime lense to buy. The starter lens gives you an idea of how of to differentiate between 20mm, 35mm, 45mm and 50mm and how the focal length would make a difference in picture quality. I am newbie in DSLR as well, and 18-55mm has help me how to operate one. I have now switched to 50mm 1.8G prime lense which is good for now.

        • It's not worthless at all. You can get great shots with a kit lens under a lot of common conditions. It all depends on what you're shooting. I hardly use my primes, but will pull them out for particular uses like astronomy and low light shooting. You don't have to shoot portraits at f2.8.

    • Deals with Ebay discount are hard to beat but how long to wait to save a few extra bucks ? …

      • +1

        This one worked out to be $249 for some and didn't even involve eBay

        • ^ that's the one

        • +1

          @muncan: Yay! I posted that. :D

        • @cnut: Have another +1. I snapped some lovely butterfly photos on the weekend, pretending I knew what I was doing in aperture priority mode. 🅰

        • @muncan: Yay! Welcome to the DSLR club. I watched a series that was posted here a while back via by John Greengo. I highly recommend it if you're getting into photography.

          Otherwise YouTube rocks. I just stumble across something I don't quite get and then YouTube the shit out of it until the concept sticks.

          I think the el' cheapo course on Udemy isn't half bad for the price (it's sometimes $10 or so).

    • The lens is an insult to the body!

  • wow that's one hell of a deal!

    • +2

      …I'm headed downtown, cruising through the alley…

  • Anyone found a good deal on a 35mm 1.8 or a longer x-200mm lens?

  • with the d3200 where does it say it has the $25 cash back on the HN site?

    • There is no cashback for the D3200 only for the D3300.

      • "$323 after $25 Voucher discount"

        Ah got confused by that

        • +1

          I have made it a bit clearer now. It was a tad confusing :)

        • @Jase2801:
          haha all good, good post though purchased the D3200.

          Just hoping they actually source one that's in stock somewhere, got a feeling i'm going to get a call saying unable to source item although "online support" advised 10/10 will get.


  • +1

    i'm thinking of getting this plus a basic lens , ive been wanting to get into photography. Seems like a good deal to get and start to learn.
    The basic 18-55 lens sells for about $150 is that right ?…

    • +1

      Yeap. About that price, my HV was actually out of stock, so I asked JB to price match, ended up getting a bundle of stuff for about the same price.

      Basic lense was $149.

      If you can try to get JB to price match the body and get the lense too, maybe it can work out to be cheaper?

      • thanks I'll try that

        are they willing to price match without issues if theres no stock at Harveys ?

        • yeah cuz atm im having trouble finding a store nearby with stock, delivery is ~$15

    • If you bought a body only, I would use the money for an 18-55VR towards a 35/1.8 and if there is extra budget, get a better quality zoom lens.

  • ditch the kit lens is the first thing i did (order the new lens) after i got the camera 1 weeks later…….

    i have been using it for more than 2 solid months now, it is a perfect entry level dslr, even has some mid-range performance.

    24mp is more than enough.

    at the end the day, a good glass is what matters. (but who would buy a thousand glass on this body :o

  • What lens should i buy with this?

  • At the risk of sounding like a tightarse, why not stick with the included lens? It seems to work OK. No?
    Edit: oh wait, this one doesn't include the lens 😵

  • i ended up getting jb to price match the d3300 because it seems theres none in HN sydney anymore. No hassle. Decided on the 18-55 lens. now to play. thanks for the help guys.

    • How much did you pay at Jb?

  • $331.

    Got the 18-55 lens for $130.

    register online and get the 2yr warranty on both camera and lens.

    And $50 cashback online on camera

    • That worked out to be more expensive than buying from HN.

      $149 for Lens + $256 = $405

  • $411 all up at jbhifi.

    no sydney stores have stock and I think HN postage was $15.

    • $80 for the lens is good off eBay you don't get the 2 yr warranty and $80 is ebay pricing

  • +1

    Thanks OP for this - was looking for a camera with these types of specs so perfect. Great price

  • anyone have any idea how does the nikon claim works? When it comes to filling up the form, i choose Harvey Norman and the retailer. which one should i choose?

    • I found it was quite easy. Chose jbhifi and the suburb, uploaded the receipt and that was it. Got an email back the next day saying your cashbacks approved and should hit your account soon.

  • Jb price matched the $331 after they realise it was body only

    Said $25 sign up isn't part of price match

    Have 18-55 lens spare so good camera for my son

    Dandenong HN has stock but it's 20 km drive and 40km round trip so what value is $25 saving for long car trip

    • Hi garage sale, could you tell me which jb hi fi matched the $331 price. I went to the two in Melb cbd and they refused saying it was below cost ! HN doesn't have stocks in all the stores around the CBD.

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