Qantas has launched a fantastic USA Deal with flights from just $934 return. Lots of availability, including high season. Travel Dates are 18/Feb - 31/Aug, 6/Oct - 24/Nov.
Click the links below to see all the flights. We have also provided a few sample dates to help you find the cheap flights faster. There are more dates available, these are just a small selection.
Make sure you tick 'POLi' as a payment option on to see the prices for POLi. By default only Visa/Mastercard prices are shown.
Brisbane to Los Angeles Flights $917 Return with POLi. $934 by Credit Card
Dep. 01/Jun Ret. 15/Jun $934
Dep. 08/Jun Ret. 22/Jun $934
Dep. 20/Jul Ret. 09/Aug $934
Dep. 27/Jul Ret. 10/Aug $934
Sydney to Los Angeles Flights $969 Return with POLi. $987 by Credit Card
Dep. 20/Jul Ret. 03/Aug $987
Dep. 27/Jul Ret. 10/Aug $987
Dep. 03/Aug Ret. 17/Aug $987
Dep. 10/Aug Ret. 24/Aug $987
Melbourne to Los Angeles Flights $956 Return with POLi. $974 by Credit Card
Dep. 01/Jun Ret. 15/Jun $974
Dep. 08/Jun Ret. 22/Jun $974
Dep. 20/Jul Ret. 03/Aug $974
Dep. 27/Jul Ret. 10/Aug $974
Perth to Los Angeles Flights $1071 Return.
Dep. 01/Aug Ret. 31/Aug $1071
Dep. 20/Jul Ret. 03/Aug $1098
Dep. 27/Jul Ret. 10/Aug $1098
Dep. 11/Oct Ret. 23/Nov $1098
Adelaide to Los Angeles Flights $1084 Return with POLi. $1104 by Credit Card
Dep. 20/Jul Ret. 03/Aug $1104
Dep. 27/Jul Ret. 10/Aug $1104
Dep. 03/Aug Ret. 17/Aug $1104
Dep. 10/Aug Ret. 24/Aug $1104
Hobart to Los Angeles Flights $1183 Return.
Dep. 01/Nov Ret. 30/Nov $1183
Dep. 20/Jul Ret. 03/Aug $1201
Dep. 27/Jul Ret. 10/Aug $1201
Dep. 03/Aug Ret. 17/Aug $1201
Flights to Los Angeles - All Other Departure Cities.
Some important stuff
Except where noted, prices shown include CC/booking fees. Prices are good until sold out.
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