This had struck me this morning while I sent my parents off to the airport this morning: mother lined up to check in, me and dad took some of our luggage (i.e the boxes and bags) to be wrapped up. Got back to the line with 4-5 more people to go and got told off by the person behind my mother that "that's not how it works"? Been travelling for quite some time and to be honest, we do this all the time since PROTECTABAG had started service at the airports.
Is this wrong? Should all travelling members stay in line at all times? What should be the lining up etiquette at the airports?
I've also been tricked once. A young asian lady repeatedly said "excuse me excuse me" from the back of a very long snaking immigration queue. Sort of like want to join the family at the front. In the end she approach the immigration counter alone! WTF I feel like the dumbest people in the world for letting her pass (and maybe others too)