What Should Be The Lining Up Etiquette At An Airport ?

This had struck me this morning while I sent my parents off to the airport this morning: mother lined up to check in, me and dad took some of our luggage (i.e the boxes and bags) to be wrapped up. Got back to the line with 4-5 more people to go and got told off by the person behind my mother that "that's not how it works"? Been travelling for quite some time and to be honest, we do this all the time since PROTECTABAG had started service at the airports.

Is this wrong? Should all travelling members stay in line at all times? What should be the lining up etiquette at the airports?


  • +5

    One person holds the queue for a family of 3, who go to the same check-in desk? Fine. One person queues for a group of 3 who then go to 3 separate counters? No, don't do that. One person holds the queue for a family of 12 who are going to the same counter but will take 30 min to weight the 15 bags and do all the boarding passes? No, put the older kids in too.

    • Agree with your first 2 statements.

      But as long as one counter is being taken, then i'd rather the family of 12 stay out, and then i can shuffle along the line a bit quicker, without having to deal with a family of 12 in front of me.

      I think that sending in 1 person in, without luggage, into the line might be quicker overall, as when you're called up you walk straight up to the counter and begin the process asap. Then partner/friend walks up and simply hands over luggage.

  • +5

    This sounds reasonable to me.

    It depends on situation.
    If it is queuing up with limited quota (like buying house, getting an iPhone), it will be not cool.
    In this case, everyone will get on board. You guys are travelling together and checked in as one family. It does not affect the person behind you. There will be multiple counters - you will go one and the person behind to another - do not slow the person down.
    Did you ask the person behind "how things should work"? No point to reason with people sometimes. : )

    • there was no point asking anymore, because the person behind complained, everyone else thought we 'pushed in'. I don't see how we could've slow everyone else down, we went to the counter together and checked in together

  • +30

    that's not how it works

    You should have told her to write down a detailed description of 'how it DOES work' and send it to idontgiveaf***@gmail.com

    • lol!

  • +3

    If you were all checking-in together then i see no issue with this. If this happened in the airport security line, then i could see it being an issue, has each person is separate.

    Its like if a family of four is checking in, and one kid needs to go to the toilet, so the dad takes him, when they come back should they have to go to the back of the line, if the mother and other kid are still in the line?

  • +7

    going to same counter?
    different counters?
    end of queue is that way mate

    • +1

      yes, same counter, checking in together

  • Never have a problem. Normally I queue up and my wife + my 16 months old wait outside. Otherwise the little girl will just wreck havoc on us.

    Could just be a discrimination rant ? Was she a different ethnicity to you ?

    • +1

      the person behind is of a different ethnicity, but I don't think its that

      • Wrong. It's always race related lately on OzB.

  • easiest way is to wait in a corner and when ur partner/friend/parent gets call up, then move to the counter :P

    • that's exactly what we thought about after!

  • +2

    I would object to this if I was running late/the flight was closing soon. Even though I assume you all went to one desk, the perception of seeing additional delay appear in front of me would trigger my "I'm already late!!" anxieties.

  • +2

    I think it's more of a ratio thing

    1 person in line for 3 is OK by me

    1 person in line for 5+ starts to get annoying

    • 1 person in line for 5+ starts to get annoying

      Depends on the circumstances. If you like some of the users here have elderly parents or young kids who simply can't or don't want to wait in long lines it is completely fair enough for them to have a seat and wait.

      I cannot believe airlines haven't mastered checkin. I don't get why it has to be done manually still? For international flights they can use the same technology as the smart gate to check passports.

      Jetstar seems to be the worst it still takes like 20 minutes especially for big families drives me more insane than people cutting the queues.

      • I've got both which is why I think 5 is my limit

        I don't have more than 2 elderly parents or 2 kids and so I think 1:5 is ok

        Yes if 1 person turned up with 4 elderly parents and 4 kids I'd be annoyed

      • +2

        But in OPs case they weren't a case of restless children or too old to Stand elderly, it was that they were not ready for Check in. Which is why the people behind may have had an issue. The fact the people behind got themselves and their luggage ready before joining the line could be why they felt it a bit rough for others to join later simply because they couldn't get ready in time.

  • +9

    Asians are the worst when it comes to ques, it seems to be main land china. I feel they should teach this stuff in their schools or something as i am asian and dont pull this shit.

    • +9

      Main Land Chinese think they're superior to everyone.

      • +1

        Rude mainlanders do not think they are superior to everyone. They would not think like this "hmmm.. I should be in front of the queue because I'm better/superior! I don't care about all these peasants"

        Instead, in their head it's like "I need to get to the front of the queue! Hey look there's a gap we can squeeze in!" They just don't think about anyone else at all.

    • I'm of south east Asian descent and I hate to admit this but it's true. I won't even go to temple for a free feed because it's embarrassing. If you can't behave yourself at a temple, what are chances you'll behave yourself elsewhere?

      • +5

        Free feed at the temple???? That's the first that I have heard of this. Can you give me the Ozbargain link for this please? Hehe!!!

        • +2

          Most Sikh and Hindi temple will serve free meal around globe including Australia , google Community kitchen Sikhism/ Hinduism , it is called "Langer"
          It is part of the religion ..

        • @777: typo Hindu ..
          Can't edit it ..

    • Yes, it's unfortunate but this is true.

      I was gobsmacked by the sheer rudeness of mainland Chinese during my last travel.

    • -2

      Totally agree. Its always Asians cheating the system and being selfish. I never see Australians skipping the line.

      • +4

        Slightly off topic, but I wouldn't make broad generalisations like that…

        Some Australians, also drive aggressively on the road, to skip queues, and some Australians also take advantage of Centrelink benefits, hence, cheating the system.

        • Wouldn't it be a broad generalisation to say that the Australians who receive Centrelink benefits are cheating the system?

        • +2

          @Nightshade: yup totally agree. My point exactly, but probably didn't put it so well. I think I did say "some" Australians…

          Broad generalisations are harmful.

        • Yep, look at our politician's

        • +1

          Look at out politician's what?

        • @Nightshade: No. The only centrelink recipient I know of smokes cones all day and ensures they ham it up for the doc to stay exempt from the job search requirements.

      • +1

        You must be turning a blind eye, I see it all the time

      • +1

        Had an big birly aussie guy shove me out of the way at H&M yesterday, telling me "Aussies go first"… Let's not generalise here people…

        Some people in general are just @ssH0les….

  • If the person pushing in to the queue makes no effort to thank or make eye contact I will direct them to the back of the queue. It's ultimately a matter of discretion of all the people you are pushing in in front of. If the person is apologetic or appreciative or at least a bit embarrassed it's usually fine, but if they give off a sense of entitlement it's back of the queue for them.

    • Yeah but even when u push them to the back of the queue. By the time the the person who was waiting in line gets to the counter, they will just jump around you anyway.

      If they go to the same counter that is .

  • +2

    I think thats fine, it's only an extra 2 people going to the same counter. However when 4+ people start joining in, its going to get on my nerves…

    I agree with some of the comments above saying how tourists from China are rude. I was in South Korea lining up with my family, while two middle aged couple from China thought it was fine to walk from back of the line all the way to the front. We called them out, and they start calling us names and whatnot.

    • +4

      Same thing happened to me at Incheon International Airport in Korea.

      I was lined up to pick up my duty free shopping and a couple of middle-aged Chinese woman bypasses the entire queue and heads straight to the front of the queue. Luckily the lady working there reminded them there is a queue.
      I seriously don't know whether they simply aren't aware there's a queue or if they just play dumb in the hope that nobody will stop them.

      • I used to think they did it on purpose, but i have watched a lot and it simply seems they are completely oblivious to their surroundings.

        Even though my mum has been here for over 50 years, she still sometimes misses things even though she directly looks at it.

  • At Casablanca airport, the queue was very long and slow at Emirates. A local dude got to the front if the queue and some friends arrived. He waved them up and had them check in at the same time. He did this again and we complained to an Emirates employee who was managing the queues and he did nothing. There were only two check in counters for economy and the other one was having a problem. We got angrier and angrier as it happened five more times.. Eventually everyone behind us started yelling. We were taken out of the queue and directed to the premium queue, but there was a black African woman in front of us. I demanded that she be taken as well and they refused. I had a meltdown and the lady was rightfully complaining about racism and it all turned pretty nasty. My husband insisted we go and check ourselves in. I saw the woman in the terminal and apologised to her. She said there was nothing more I could have done for her but it just blew my mind. The gall of the man calling separately arriving associates with different reservations up to the front. And the racism. I would have refused to have budged in a western country but one never knows how far you can push it in a third world shithole.

    I haven't been to a theme park for a couple of years but it used to drive me crazy when you would see a short queue and join it under the assumption you would be on the next rude. Then some ratbags who had just gotten off an adjoining rude would cut in front to join their mate. It seemed like they would just do this repeatedly. They would take turns skipping a ride so that the rest of the group wouldn't have to wait. We would often end up waiting another rotation.

    Also, when there is a family group shuffling along all spread out, one person will go into the intersection and hold their hand up and make all the traffic wait while the group finally crosses the road. I don't mind being asked to stop by pedestrians but the leader of the group should wait to make the request until all of the group is there and ready. Why should all of the car traffic wait for an extended amount if time?

  • +11

    PROTECTABAG rookie error. Seriously, the only people who do this are the ones who are still amazed about the inside of an aeroplane.

    • Hahaha I was thinking the same thing!

    • -1

      I've done this a couple of times.. but not for the fear of someone placing something in my suitcase.

      I use a hard-case with the clips and sometimes the suitcase comes out on the conveyor belt with a corner open. I assume that someone's thrown it around too hard and it's landed on the corner where there's less flex.

      So the times where I know my suitcase is heavier than usual like, 20kg+, I'd get it wrapped because I don't want to be standing at the conveyor belt collecting one piece of clothing/item at a time.

  • +2

    im pretty sure majority of people do the "wait in line while i go pee/phone/eat/do something" and i think that's fine.

    but no, 1 person shouldn't be holding the place for 30 people. that's just common sense.

  • Here are reasons why queue jumping is not liked/tolerated by some:

    • people who split up at multiple queues like immigration and then rejoin the fastest moving queue
    • people who drop off the group and then park the car and try to rejoin. That is a rort and not queueing.
    • groups who block the front of the queue letting others pass because they are waiting for the straggler. That is really annoying to have bags and people blocking the queue from the front.

    Often the person pushing in is disorganised or has not done the paperwork. They are not doing it for expediency, it is for seating and self-benefit, and slows the procedure for the queue.

    For a proportion of travellers who will never benefit from queue rorting, there is no benefit from letting someone push in. Queues have one thing to get right, and that is to queue, and people can't get that right. The only fair system for all people is to join the back of the queue. These group systems are designed by groups to benefit themselves to the disadvantage of conscientious people.

    • +1

      "people who split up at multiple queues like immigration and then rejoin the fastest moving queue". It happens a lot at KLIA2 Kuala Lumpur.

      • Or at the supermarket counter. I think its quite the norm there. can be very annoying when the people suddenly jump in front of you have a lot of groceries.

        • Haha like when someone puts their shopping on the conveyor and goes to grab "1" more thing.
          Saw a lady once do that and ended up doing basically half her shopping.

    • I am totally going to try this, worst that can happen is they say line up.

      • -7

        I try to approach them with an issue…for example

        "Hi, I booked my flights online and had chosen my seats however I received a call saying there might be an issue with the allocation…they told me to head straight at the airport to get assistance…"

        Or if they tell you this is premium economy be like

        " Oh, thats strange, I was told to head here…so you cant help me out?"

    • +10

      So you partake in the classic Australian occupation of being an asshole. Do you think you're better than everyone else? Do you jump lines of traffic too? If we had less people like you Australia would be a better country.

    • You're Chinese, aren't you?

  • It's fine. I'd have told the other person to bugger off frankly. It will make 0 difference to them since you are all travelling together. Especially with big groups 1 or maybe 2 people should wait in the line the rest should wait with the luggage out to the side.

  • You didn't need to change at all. It's the guy behind you being an idiot. I wouldn't care what he said since you all check in together.

    Also, the wrapping thing is rubbish. Never used it and never need to, just get good luggage when they are on sale.

  • I dont see the problem, as the mother was still waiting in the line. I assume the three of them would check in together as a family? It's different when you waved your friends in or 30 of your associates.

  • +1

    What I do is I tell the person behind me that I am with someone else and they would be joining shortly. It just gives them a heads up and they're more than ok with it after

  • Shoulda just said get stuffed!!!

    • +1

      Nice. I think telling him to "suffer in ya jocks" would be even better.

  • +1

    Reminded me of this video I saw a few years back:

  • Doesn't seem much different to dropping someone off to go stand in line and then going to park the car. The other people simply were not ready and should not have jumped the queue. Had it been for a different reason I would agree that they shouldn't have made a fuss, we all get the call of nature etc or unruly children, but doing it just because they hadn't prepared their bags yet is not a good enough reason IMO. If you're not actually ready then don't join the line. Other people had prepared their own bags and then joined the line, why couldn't they do the same?

  • +2

    its been great to see everyone's view on this matter, thank you!
    I didn't think it had anything to do with me being of a different ethnicity (as tomleonhart suggested the possibility), but rather, I think we have been a victim of stereotyping. Having personally experienced the rude "Chinese" behavior when lining up at airports (or anywhere else in China that involves lining up i.e. the toilets), it's really embarrassing to see such behavior here. I have quoted "Chinese" because it has become apparent to me that they are not all Chinese, but rather someone that has the resemblance of a Chinese. I get a little angry sometimes when I see a "Chinese" being rude in public, sometimes stare at the person and look around to tell the world: "I wouldn't do that, what this person is doing is wrong".

    The lining up at the airport scenario is probably the same kinda thing, my subconscious is telling that "I'm not one of them" and when someone says I am, I get really, really offended

    • I'm not Chinese but if Asian descent, but there was this Chinese toddler running havok around ikea and it threw something in front of the staff while me and my wife was walking past. The staff gives an evil stare into my eyes like it was as if I owned that kid and not disciplined it at all.


      • Ha! I have white neices and nephews (im not white) and do the polar opposite when they are being a shit in the shops, i sometimes give the evil look to my bro and sis inlaw. Im an awsome uncle

  • +5

    Queuing etiquette is different in different cultures. It turns out we've got it all wrong too - this is the one true system


  • Personally, I don't really have much issue with what OP did, but I would if I had to make way for 20-30 people to get through the queue with their luggage to the front where their family member is waiting. Queuing area isn't exactly spacious and it would be a real pain to get out of the way for 20-30 people, if you know what I mean.

    To give perspective, I went to South Korea for holiday late last year and visited one of the theme parks. They have signs strictly prohibiting what the OP did.
    This is to prevent a group of 2-3 families assigning one person to stand in the queue while others go and eat or buy snacks and then come back at the last minute to join the queue and significantly lengthen the queuing time for others behind them.

    If you think from other people's perspective, it can appear quite selfish. Think of one family where the entire family members wait in the queue while another family does the opposite and relax somewhere else.

    So I think depending on where you are from, you may be accustomed to different culture of what's acceptable and not acceptable practice of queuing.

  • Wouldn''t it be easier whoever the family or small group[2-3 people] join the line and make sure the people at the back recogonise them and then acknowledge the people at the back they are sitting down or going to toilet??

    • would have been great if it worked, except that when we first lined up, no one was behind us…

  • So, what if the people behind you are only behind you because they had their bags wrapped before they joined the queue?

    Id say one person leaving the queue for one or another reason (toilet etc) is fine, but somebody who has never been in the queue shouldn't be pushing to the front like that.
    Otherwise, at every step of the process you could just send one person to go do it all while someone else holds a spot.
    Fore example, if you hadn't done your immigration card in flight, you can't just send one person in the group to the queue while the others fill them all out.
    Or someone can jump out of the car while the rest of the family parks it and the rest can join them at the front of the queue after leisurely parking the car.

    Cant say Ive seen this a whole lot while travelling though.

    The one that ALWAYS pisses me off is the masses of people insisting they stand 1cm from the baggage conveyor even though their bag is not in sight yet, thereby blocking the access of the person who's bag is actually there now that they want to pick up. FFS, stand a metre or two back until your bag is there, people!!!!

    • I think whether it would slow the people behind you down: with the case at immigration, yes that would, because at some countries you need to do it individually. Same goes with when you're at a theme park, lining up for someone else takes up quotas.

      We actually checked in together, taking up one counter, didn't cross my mind that was going to slow the person behind us down.

      • +1

        But, hypothetically, someone behind you may well have been in front of you if they had done the same thing. Instead, because they sorted their stuff out first before joining the queue, they ended up behind you not in front.

        By you not waiting with your group until they were ready you have slowed the people that have waited with their groups down.

  • +5

    haha… i've seen so many causasian people sneak into queues, and nothing really happens after. I mean they (esp oldies) think it's okay, no issue, they're all white after all.
    But if a chinese does it, there go all thunder and fury.
    racism is a subtle humour.

    btw, I'm not asian. its just my observations.

    • +1

      I don't really see how this discussion was geared towards "Chinese" or "Asians", it's about line etiquette; there are assholes in every country and every culture.

      Honestly I can't possibly think of anything so important that you need to have somewhere stand in the line on your behalf. If you've downed a whole bunch of laxitives, understandable.

      It annoys me coz people are at the airport for the purpose of flying. YOU NEED TO CHECK IN, give it your all to at least stand in the line and do that

    • Or maybe you are also turning a blind eye on the Chinese while the Caucasian are turning a blind eye on theirs.

  • First wrap your luggage then line up; placeholder shit can be irksome indeed…

  • Yes yes, Chinese has their manner issue and even their government aware about it therefore made public statement saying 'Let's not disgrace our nation while you're traveling overseas blahblah'.

    Tho it's not really about Chinese being born natural evil scum, it is really just about education.

    Even Japanese the well-known-upstanding-Asian was pretty bad at this before Tokyo Olympic, they had this newspaper saying "Don't take dump on public place" back then.

    It's a different issue whether you take this as 'working in progress' and have some patient or not.

    Tho I personally would give some leniency for trying given the situation around the world these days, all the death and chaos caused by uncompromising souls, which deserve extra something in my book.

    • +3

      I think its a cuteral thing really. I don't think they intend to do it because they are simply not aware of how bad it is to do it.

      Perhaps they believe its OK because they are not educated to understand that a different country can have different ettiquettes.

      For example, wearing shoes inside the house is considered rude in asian cultures, but the majority of the western worlds don't mind walking on the floor in their shoes..

      But what I really don't understand are the people who wear the shoes they wore outside to bed..

      edit: Also, having been to China their public train system seem much more efficient than what you see in Australia (at least in Melbourne). You literally queue up for a specific door and when the train comes, its always a mad rush to a seat. Its quite fun watching really, while the passengers are getting off, you WILL get shoved and pushed from behind to get on the train as quick as possible.

      Those who fail to find a seat will just have to stand up and that's it, no one is annoyed at all like it would happen here.

      Probably also explain why the road rules are vastly different compared to the western world. So much shit is happening that if the Australian road laws applied there, it would be extreme chaos.

      • On the topic of roads, most 3rd world countries i have been to have better roads then sydney. Its actually discraceful

    • Couldn't say it better myself :)

  • I guessed it depends on the number. A couple of family member is fine.
    But if it mini bus of relos then most should line up.

  • I don't do ProtectBag stuff, but I'm on the similar boat as you. In Sydney airport I have to go downstairs, showed Custom staff the bulky/liquid things that I want to claim TRS.
    What I did was stand on the side (usually next to priority check in), wait until the person that queued in line reach a counter, then push my trolley straight into the counter. Works a treat so far.

  • I don't do queues I fly business or first class. he he.

    • show off! lol!

      but then again, there are still queues in business class!

  • +1

    Those people that want a place saved in a queue want it because they don't like to queue up. Well I have news for them!! NOBODY LIKES TO QUEUE UP!!! Queuing is a pain-in-the-ass part of international travel. Quite frankly I would be too embarassed to 'save a place' even just for one person. I would just wait for them, and then join the queue with them. This forum has made me even more determined to call people out for doing it.

  • At least you were not trying to put your hat or handkerchief in front of the row and then trying to claim that now you can add as many people to queue you like.

    I am sure for small family it would not have been an issue to let them go through. May be the guy was having had day and he travelled a lot recently in asia.

  • I think if its on the same booking its ok, but if its just taking the piss, like at primary school when someone would let 6 people push in front of him/her in the tuckshop line and then they would allow him/her to repush in front of them, ie the chinese tourists i would call it. i used to hate waiting an extra minute for my part pies.

    Only problem with your effort, is if the bags don't come back in time.

    UPDATE :

    in theory if everyone did the same method and had 1 person run off do the bags, and then push back in, no one would be better off… so after reading others comments, I think it is actually wrong to do this, and that a party of people who wish to be together should only check in the line when all members are present. toilet breaks etc are acceptable.

    • +1

      So toilet breaks are acceptable, but using a paid airport service is not?

      Honestly, if airport hasn't introduced PROTECTABAG service, this whole thing wouldn't have happened.

      What's the big deal about this? Seats nowadays are pre-allocated. And, if the other person somehow checked in before OP's family members, will he/she arrive at the destination 5 minutes before the OP's family members?

      • going to the toilet might not have been required at the time they lined up, they may have suddenly got the urge to do a shit, or have woman problems etc

        • So what you are saying is go and get your bag wrapped and come back and exclaim loudly 'I took a dump and found this bag on the way back'?

  • interesting point, at amusement parks, you can pay extra $30 say and get skip the line pass, or vip entrance etc. If everyone bought that not one would be any better off.

  • All this hate. Maybe Soylent Green is the answer? Won't stop morons from having babies though and live off the taxpayer.

    Once you get to 3-4 kids working is an option :)

  • when i was india doing cricket training, and doing catching practice, players would jump the queue in that was well.. i think they dont get it

  • I think it's OK, although you should have as many people IN the queue with as little people as possible off doing others tasks (i.e. it should only take 2 people max to get all the luggage wrapped, 1 to park a car, etc).

  • Went to a theme park not long ago and was in a queue. I watched this Chinese middle aged man slowly creep to first in line from back of line, made no difference to me since he was right infront of me to begin with. A true ninja, the group of boy teens didn't even notice, the girls were too busy on their phone. Smh

    • +3

      Maybe you just didn't notice him until he had crept past you too.

      • Nah, I saw him join the line before we did so I'm 100% sure. I can ninja him back otherwise.

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