Why won't my laptop shut down ever since upgrading it to Windows 10?

I currently have an ASUS A52F " laptop and ever since upgrading it to Windows 10 it won't let to shut down. Whenever I click the 'shut down' option on start menu it shows the shutting down signals like blue screen and saying 'shutting down' but then after seconds the screen returns back to home and simply won't shut down. I know it's terrible for the laptop but I just force shut down each time instead.

Any users experiencing this? What may be the reason for this and any simple actions to make it shut down?
Any help would be appreciated!


  • do you have the latest OS updates?
    haven't heard of this issue before.

  • To help diagnose possible causes try isolation tests. ie. simplify your system as much as possible.

    In case its a hardware issue try unplugging any USB devices + unplug the LAN network cable and then try to shut down.

    If that doesn't work then try starting Windows in "Safe mode" (Google to find out how). If you cannot boot up and shutdown in Safe mode then you have very serious issues like a corrupted operating system or unstable hardware.

    The ASUS A52F is a notebook that's over 5 years old. Asus isn't a brand known for reliability or build quality. Perhaps check Asus forums to see if other users have encountered similar issues.

  • Did you try turning it off then on again??

  • Could be an issue with hibernation. Even if you have it turned off in power management Win10 still tries to write to the hibernation file on shutting down. Try opening command prompt as administrator and turn off hibernation once and for all with command:

    powercfg -h off

    See if that solves the problem

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