Truly honored

Wow, thank you Admin team for awarding me with the chatty award.

Some will say i dont deserve it because i turned my back on the OZB community when i got an AMEX card.

Some probably want my account to retire and would argue I have an embarrassing post/comment ratio.

But I am Australian. And i will continue doing what i do. Because i know how to start sentences. And there's nowhere I'd rather be.

<3 OZB 4 LYF


  • +3

    Lol it's like the 'everyone wins a prize' badge :P

    For those playing at home, just have to comment each day ;)

    • (:

    • +1

      I have nothing to say, I'm just commenting for the special bonus prize. lol

      • +1


  • +1

    Nice work! =D I'd probably get the real life chatty award myself hahaha

    • ditto

  • +1

    I got one too, its great to be so revered amongst the ozbargain community, and to share the adulation with you fine self, and the umpteen other whi recieved this commendation recently or over the past few dozen months; it truly is an elite club to which we are now part of

    Not to brag, but I also got the most negged comment for december…i will have to clear some space for when the trophies arrive

    • +4

      Not to brag, but I also got the most negged comment for december

      That truly takes skill and a certain level of c***ery! Well done!

    • +1

      That award would have gone to me, but i had my account suspended and comments deleted due to my unconditional support to my amex card with $0 annual fee.

      So you can thank AMEX for that award.

      • +4

        Meh, i get suspended every other month. I sometimes find myself in arguments with other users coz i keep it real, then when i win they tattle to the mods and they suspend me coz of my bad record.

        In that regard, im kind of like batman, or even jesus

        Maybe ill change my name to 'pointless martyr'

        • +1

          Oh please come off the cross!

        • +5

          I agree so many cry babies, the worst are ones who post deals and defend them to the death even though some are rubbish or even click bait. The most annoying are the sheep who have sold their souls to certain posters and openly worship them…spew.

        • +2

          @stemcell: mate you've hit the nail on the head there, actually about 5 nails

          Users like trent86 and spackbace post a lot of good selfless deals, and have a genuine persona on this site - no greedy referral mining with these guys - i emplore members to take the time to upvote these guys and others like them rather than just throwing votes at the usual suspects no matter what bulldust they put up

          As for the cry babies you mention, they should be ashamed. If they behave like that in the real world to their teachers, bosses , co-workers, police officers etc they would be laughed out of the conversation

        • +1

          Sounds familiar

        • Pointless? How are we going to get the nails in? I guess that's what we get for going for the cheapest…

  • +5

    For those interested: A full list of badges and how to achieve them

    Gotta catch 'em all!

  • +1

    I got the chatty today too. One day I'll have the most comments.

  • +6

    But I am Australian

    Then spell it as honoured. :P

    • +1


      ~ Xbox forums, circa 2008

  • +2

    huzzah! congratulations on your accomplishment! you are a valuable member of the community!
    this has been an automated system response…
    please do not reply to this comment…

  • "Because i know how to start sentences."

    Well, while not incorrect, one does not usually start a sentence with "because"

    • That was the general joke of that paragraph.

      • You need to use joke font.

    • One does not simply post on the internet without someone correcting their grammar.

  • +1

    I should attempt this for February, though hopefully I make worthwhile comments :) but it's 29 days this year, aww man…

    • Except that you didn't comment on the 1st of the month :P

      • +1

        I did actually, if comments on forum posts count?? (In this very forum too) If not, it looks like I'm waiting till next February… haha

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