• expired

LogitechShop INSANE Surveillance Equipment Sale. See Description for Details


Relieve your paranoia for cheap with this stuff.

Shipping of these will start Monday 22nd March.

Logitech Master system $69.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3577

Logitech Indoor Master $69.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3576

Logitech Master System & Logitech Master addon $124.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3635

Logitech Indoor System & Logitech Indoor addon $124.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3636

2x Logitech Indoor addon’s $119.95 delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3633

2x Logitech Outdoor addon’s $119.95 delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3634

1x Logitech Indoor addon $64.95 delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3578

1x Logitech Outdoor addon $64.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3579

Logitech Indoor System & Logitech Outdoor addon $124.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3637

Logitech Outdoor System & Logitech Indoor addon $124.95 Delivered (SOLD OUT): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3637

Thanks again to BargainCrypt.

Also, add Logitechshop to your Twitter to get them deals even earlier than here! If twitter followers hit 500, another MASSIVE deal will be released. Or so says Lord BC.

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closed Comments

  • Vote: G27

  • +3

    btw while im getting the problem rectified , anyone that hasnt voted up on the UE top deal of ozbargain please vote up as it is a record . :)

  • +3

    sorry guys im trying my hardest here to rectify it . Dont worry , i will not disappoint you , if for some reason they cant fix it tonite , i will still honour my promise . but im still on hold so hopefully they will fix it ,

  • woooo the website is up!…
    but sloooooow!!…

    • I just got an OOM error, so let's not be hasty with the celebrations.

  • the Outdoor master + indoor addon deal and vise versa

    The link is not up yet.

    • +1

      Link is nearly complete , but we need the hosting company to be up , to access Data base . Sorry once again .

  • still down from this end .

    • Bung the Deal up on Twitter, at least we can see what we can't Order :P

  • Any chance Alto wireless keyboard + Z520 Speakers 99?

  • +1

    Talk about heavily hammered , :) i got through , they are going to try to contact an afterhours tech , Yes it was a simple matter of Huge number of hits , i even got this comment " what do you people do on this website " :)
    Keep in mind guys we use a very large hosting company .
    So yes hopefully an after hours tech can reboot server . I feel sorry for the other sites on the same ASP server :)
    Weird but im going to say thank you for this . :)Awsome .

    • +1

      Ring them back and tell them where they can buy good surveillance gear to keep a better eye on their Servers :)

    • logitechshop using steroid tonight :)

    • Tell them to move you over to a dedicated server with a huge amount of memory, for all the trouble caused :)

  • Half an hour left on the Harmony one deal and the folks decide they'd like one. What timing :-(

    • Whee, website back up and order submitted :-)

      Thanks BC!

  • Any chance you can tell us what the new deal will be so we can get all excited for it?

  • yes tell us now i'm getting sleepy

  • Do you guys stock the Z523 speakers by any chance?

  • I'm sleepy tooo need to start work early tomorrow hehe

    • need to start work early tomorrow

      same here :(

  • Its finally up!…

  • +1

    its on twitter ,
    And website is Back up

  • It is back…wooohhh

    Edit: beaten by 9s

  • Just an idea since the site is down can you tell us the new deal and if we wanna buy you can take a list of names so we can purchase tomorrow and not miss out, just an idea tho

  • +1

    One hour blitz , only
    Links being updated Kwick .
    One hour , only

    • Hope your web don't give me any problem as my net is capped!

  • +5

    G27 for one hour $315 shipped
    - purfi mobile $59 shipped
    - g19 $169 shipped -
    boom + anytime $205
    shipped all one hour only

    M950 1 hour only $105 Shipped . (1 hour only ) as well
    Please do not post in title - 1 hour only . For all who are here .
    Links will appear very shortly , so refresh

    Enjoy .

    • +2

      +1 for OzBargain exclusive!!!

    • Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!
      Great prices

    • +1

      no squeezebox duet deal :(

    • anyway to do a Boom on it's own, already got another Logitech dock, don't really need another one :(

      or a Boom and a Harmony 785 or One deal?

      • agree

    • Interested to hear what everyone got.
      I got the boom + anytime.

      the m950 was a good deal but I already have the revolution.

  • +3

    aww..no deals for non gamers, non-iphoney owners

    • +1

      Yeah I'm non gamer too. So many good deals for gamers.
      Gamers 2
      Non gamers 0

  • website is better than ok for me

  • +2

    Great prices on the 1 hr specials, but nothing is screaming at me "OMG MUST IMPULSE BUY" so I'm going to give my wallet a much needed break, maybe next time :)

    Thanks for the bargains BC.

  • I'm a non gamer too so won't be buying anything for this special but thanks for the deals BC! +1

  • I cant see the 1 hour only deals BC…

    • dont like the outdoor cameras …
      they are very easy to dismount/steal/disconnect

      the indoor ones are much useful even for outdoor … just attach one to the window for outside view.

      • surely this depends on where you put them, and how securely you have connected/mounted them.

        If you have done a bad job positioning them, then yes you risk having them "taken away".

  • +3

    yeah i guess it's time to switch off to something else …

  • Updating with details on hour specials now.

  • Yeh not much herefor the non gamer, good deals for them though!

  • m950 sold out

  • +1

    heads up http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3638
    + Indoor Add-on has spelling mistake.
    I guess it is the least of your worries.

    Thanks for the great deals BC & Livert!!

    • if i tell the database boy this they will kill me .:)

      • fire him and khgamester can take over :)

        • +1

          :) would be nice , but let me say , they deserve a big thanks working all hours of the night . updating databases on request at the speed of light .

          • +1

            @bargaincrypt: Ahhhaaa….just kidding. BIG THANKS to you + your team working behind the scenes for bring us all the Logitech bargain deals!

  • one hour camon guys dont miss it , and NO changing previous orders will be accepted , this is a one hour blitz from me to you , as a thanks .

    Dont worry ill never stop the deals , while i have a job

  • i go to go help with shipping , so happy ordering , you people are great . and i have to say thankyou again . So guys , here are the rules , no changing orders , this blitz is for all of you who stayed up . and been super loyal .
    LiverT thankyou so much .
    Everyone here , your the best . and i hope i have helped in everyway i can

    • No worries and see you all tomorrow. Imma shower now cos I smell.

      • haha me too , cant wait to finish the shipping for tonite , till 3 is my shift ,
        Thanks MR

  • Goodnite all ,
    Thankyou so much , from me personnlly and on behalf of Logitechshop team .
    Dont forget , the top deal would like nice at 400+ and this as runner up .

  • Dont forget , this friday . it will be a crazy Weekend . and by the way . ive just been told , one deal at a time by my bosses . oopps .
    So enjoy the running deals .

  • Please Livert , if you can do not forget to remove the 1 hour specials when they end .

    • Will do.

  • Ah well maybe i can find something to hammer the paypal account with tomorrow, just gotta save some for friday.

  • The bonus deal at 500+ still on :P is it possible - On either deals

  • ordered.. can't go past them at this price. can't wait to install them

  • Order submitted for indoor master + outdoor add-on. Paid from PayPal. That was quick. Waiting to receive the items to see how it works in my house.
    I will have it on my house during my holidays in another 3 months. Robers don't come this way.. I will be watching my house :)
    BC, Thanks for the deal. another ++1 from me.

  • any chance of G15 special BC?

    ima get purefi now :)

  • i hope you guys can do an awesome deal on the G27s when Gran Turismo 5 finally arrives. But by then, the G29s will probably be out.

  • uh i thought it was purefi anytime :(

    apparently it was purefi mobile dock :(

    • awww changed my mind ..

      was so happy to see a purefi shiped at 59 just to find out it was purefi bluetooth mobile :(

      dont really need squeezebox boom

      so no deal this time …

      still great price though

      • +1

        noted , ill keep it in my scrap book for when i need to think of a deal :)

        • plz plz make purefi anytime top of ur wink list >.< i really want it lol

          if its not possible how about G15 + purefi anytime delivered deal ??? :P :P



  • This is already at 6th place in the top deals list. By number of comments this is the 3rd. It seems so many ozbargainers have gone after this deal..

    • how csn you tell its 6th , it looks like its the 4th on the top voted for deals

  • +1

    in the last 7 days its in 4th place most voted for deals

    • +11

      I don't see why it deserves a neg.
      You said it was cheap, therefore it is a bargain, because this site is for bargains?
      There will always be better products, with its advantages/disadvantages.
      Would you also neg a 32" LCD tv for $396 because it is not a sony/samsung 52" full hd.. at a higher price?

      • +1

        Very good point ddxsamx.

    • -1

      hi bryans ,
      I really dont see why a neg rather than a comment is made . you admit its cheap , then you still give it a neg , ddxsmax explained it very well , i would like to ask you to please revoke your neg vote . Im sure that the Mods will also decide wether your vote is based on correct grounds .
      we thank you for your feedbaack . and await your decision .

      • +1

        surely bryans is entitled to his opinion. We dont all have to vote positive to this deal (just because i did). as a rep I feel a bit funny about you asking someone to revoke someones negative. He has given a valid reason for a negative in my opinion. He is entitled to it. Great work still BC.

        • Unfortunately his negative vote if caused by him having the wrong information, and also:

          Reliability issues are also important to know about. However this comes into a gray area. If it didn't work for you, maybe a post with no vote attached, if you know others have had issues and have seen bad reports elsewhere a post with link if possible and a negative vote is appropriate

          From the Ozbargain wiki - opinions are great, but there's no need for the negative unless it is supported

    • -1

      Cmon Bryans, you made your point about how you feel about the cameras. Still feel it's an unjustified -ve vote though as it's obviously a steal. Mods, what do you think?

      • +2

        None of the mods is online atm so just report it and they'll take care later :)

    • bryans should do some research before he claims to understand how the HomePlug works. Like most of the Ethernet over Power products, they work over the same phase, not just the circuit. This is the reason there is encryption on all these devices, so if you live in an old street or in a block of units, someone close can't access your stuff.

      If you don't want it, don't buy it, but this certainly doesn't war rent a negative (a neutral vote would still allow you to make your comment)

    • +1

      wow - just read some of bryans other comments - dude hates logitech and in general has a pretty negative attitude towards deals put forward by the community - please try and be a little more positive bryans, life can't be that bad :D

      • He did posted up 1 logitech deal @Dicksmith last year… maybe he like to pay full price :)

        • Lol - that might be the reason - or he's a fan of444 Dicksmith? (not that there's anything wrong with liking Dicksmith :D)

    • These stupid negs that keep poping up on high voted post are getting quite stupid. Its happening more frequent cause some person wants to be special and vote differently. The excuses are poor I think this guy has forgotten this site is a bargain site.

      I think there needs to be a new system in place for neg votes if a person votes neg and they get more then 10 neg votes against the reason it should be revoked. Things like this is just going to scare off reps who are trying to give us a good deal

      There is my daily whinge

      • +1

        1 Neg out of over 200 - kinda smells like a troll to me :P

        I don't have problems with neg votes if they follow the guidlines, but I think bryans is just keen for an argument - that, or he needs to smile more :D

  • +2

    New day, New deal? :)

    Boom + Harmony 785 or One please or a cheap Boom only offer

    add it to the Scrapbook BC, top of the page. :P

  • +8

    Ohhh yea Z5500 1/2 $$ would b nice!!!!

    • +4


      • +3


        • +4

          my wallet is gonna hate me for this….


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