Is this a good laptop? Is this a good price

Hi guys,

Sorry for another annoying laptop question.
I need a new laptop as the my old hp has a broken hinge and gets very hot after a short time. There also appears to be an issue with the graphics card as sometimes the screen does not turn on.

Anyway this is the one i am looking at -…

I do a lot of downloading, spend a lot of time on the web and do a little go pro editing. Would this do the job? I have a very fast internet connection so I would like a laptop that will keep up. Is there something better out there for the money? I have got about 4 years each out of my last two HP's despite using them a lot so I would prefer to stick to that brand.

I have spoken to some salespeople but I have had conflicting advice.

Any feedback would be much appreciated.



  • +4

    It's an alright laptop, but I'd highly recommend the Lenovo one on sale here

    Has the latest gen mobile i7 (HP has an older i5), and 2GB of dedicated graphics which will certainly assist with video editing. You also get a full-HD (1920x1080) screen, rather than the 1366x768 HD one on the HP. Definitely worth the extra $130 IMO. Lenovo has a better reputation as far as failure rates go than HP if that matters.

  • +3

    I would go with Asus :)

  • +2

    the 2 Hp's ive only always ran hot. so never bought again

    Toshiba have been reliable and Asus !!

    shop around :D

  • +1

    These days its not worth it to buy computers from brick and mortar. +1 to the Lenovo linked above, or check the Dell Outlet:…

    1366x768 is an abomination in 2016, yet its hard to find anything that's not a tablet under 1k with a higher rez, even online.

  • Thanks for all the replys :)

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