• expired

Free Backyard Cricket Umpire on Australia Day through Uber


How it works
1.Download the Uber app.
2. Enter Promo code: UMPIRE
3.On Tuesday 26 January, open your Uber app between 11am – 3pm.
4.Slide across to the UberUMPIRE view and request an ‘UberUMPIRE’.
5.If available, an UberUMPIRE will make its way to your backyard.
6.Demand is likely to be sky-high, so if you can’t request straight off the bat (boom!) keep trying, UberUMPIRE runs until 3pm.
7.Want to preview the UberUMPIRE view before Australia Day? Unlock the secret UberUMPIRE option in your app now using the promo code ‘UMPIRE’.

To stay up-to-date and join the pun-fest that is UberUMPIRE, check out the #UberUMPIRE hashtag on Twitter and Instagram.

All puns intended,

Your Umpire will officiate the game for three overs, or a maximum of 30 minutes
Demand will be high in each city and availability is limited. A request does not guarantee fulfilment
Be safe out there!

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (213)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (224)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    sounds more like a competition - lucky draw

    • +16

      So, just like a taxi? ;)

      • +4

        Taxis smell.

        Competitions don't.

    • +1

      what the heck is the promo about

    • Just like all these gimmicks, theres also no bargain here really.

  • +20

    lol this is a ridiculous promotion.

  • +3


    • Not out, hitting outside the line of off stump

  • This is just an gimmick to advertise uber. You aren't really getting anything valuable

    Should be moved to forum

    • +13

      "You aren't really getting anything valuable"

      Say that to the people who get an objective 3rd party to umpire their games!

      • 3 overs though, we used to play 50

  • "If available". Sounds like this deal is likely to run out.

  • -1


  • Cricket without Umpire is still fun. Its like playing cricket with some hacks. :).

  • +3

    I wonder if australia cricket will use this. They need better umpies

  • "If available, an UberUMPIRE will make its way to your backyard."

    Its ?

    • Not as bad as writing "it's".

  • +2

    wonder if steve buckner lives here

    • -1

      You and two others don't even know his name. I wonder where they are from?

      • -1

        you wonder where who is from? so i spelled his name wrong, sorry not as perfect as you

  • I'm going to call no deal.

    What's a backyard umpire normally cost to make this a 'bargain'?

  • -4

    I got banned from uber cause my drunk mate smoked in the car , anyone know how to get unbarred besides changing phone number an paypal account ?

    • +16

      The only way I found was to use a saved game from level 18 - this way you can go back & choose different mates.

      • +1

        Il give that a go

    • -2

      Why the negs? It's a justified question.

      • +2

        Why the negs? It's a justified question.

    • Have you tried emailing them, and explaining the incident?

      • yea they just reply with the t&c's and never a answer from a real person

        • +1

          Probably a respect issue. That or trying to blame poor behaviour on alcohol.

        • -1

          @Expon: It was not me who was drunk but it was my account and im always very polite to the drivers.

    • Your mate atleast apologise?

      • It's too laate

  • +2

    How can you expect an UberUMPIRE to apply the rules?

    • +1

      Need drop down menus in uber app to specify whether 'one hand one bounce' and/or 'over the fence is six and out' are valid rules at your address.

      And next time you order an uberumpire, your details are saved…

  • +4

    Would have been more popular 30 years ago before Australians either sold off their backyards or build an ugly Mc Mansion on the extremities of their land.

    • +13

      At least it will be easy for Uber to meet demand. There are only 8 backyards left in Melbourne.

      • theyre all filled with Tennis Courts, maybe Uber should offer a tennis umpire for melbourners? But lets be honest… who wants to officiate tennis with the wrath they receive from the players.

    • Aww, this mad me think of the enormous backyard I had a as a kid. My dad built a huge shed on it, and there was still a shitload of grass to go nuts on. Good old Perth quarter acre blocks before WA finally woke up to the fact that urban sprawl is not a beneficial thing. My mum still lives there, but subdivided a long time ago to fund extensions after my bro was born.

      • Yep, I have similar memories playing cricket and soccer with my mates in my parent's backyard in Sydney. These days kids are often hidden in a 'theatre room', hidden away from the sun.

        When I bought my house in Melbourne a couple of years ago, the criteria was a house that was a size we actually needed (ie. Not gigantic) with a backyard big enough for my kids to run around in. My backyard will remain a backyard!

  • This is the same sort of promo as the free ham at Christmas time - maybe it works well for them :)

  • Two things:

    1. It's strange to have a New Zealand umpire in an Australia Day promotion.

    2. Are UberUMPIRES human beings?

    an UberUMPIRE will make its way to your backyard.

    • Just an easy way to avoid gendered pronouns. You may get a man, a woman, or someone trans or gender diverse. Probably only the former, though.

  • +10

    Awesome, now there will be 2 people at my bbq! (Myself included).

  • My brain is fried.

    • -1

      What brain

      • Troll away sunshine, lol

        • +3

          There's no sunshine under this bridge

        • @Gimli: Aint no sunshine when she's gone…

  • Do we get to rate them on their performance as an UberUMPIRE?

  • Good idea. Offer a service for free with a stronger likelihood of getting more fares. Pitty i don't have a big enough group to justify an umpie!

  • +1
  • +1

    Wait, so I scan read this and if I missed something that's entirely on me

    But is this saying that I can use Uber to invite a stranger to come to my house and tell me if I'm out for hitting the ball over the fence?

  • Blocker Wilson included?

  • Thanks OP this was awesome!
    Driver dropped off two umpires, along with an UBER rep. They umpired for 20 minutes (we got in a lot of overs) and were great fun. Certainly made for a very funny backyard cricket experience!

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