This was posted 9 years 1 month 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Kitten and Cat Adoption @ RSPCA Sydney Shelter + Rouse Hill Care Centre (22 Jan to 5 Feb)


The RSPCA Sydney Shelter and Rouse Hill Care Centre are trying to find homes for over 130 cats and kittens looking for their forever families.

From Friday 22 January to 5 February, all adoption fees for cats and kittens are fee-free. Just remember, pets are for life, so even though their adoption fee is waived, you need to ensure you can provide care for them for their entire lives.

All standard adoption processes will take place to ensure the cat is the right match for the new home. Information is provided about health care and new adopters will have access to staff support with any questions over the coming weeks.

For more information about just some of the many cats currently available for adoption, please visit

WHAT: Fee-free feline adoptions
WHEN: Friday 22 January to Friday 5 February
WHERE: Sydney Shelter, 201 Rookwood Road, Yagoona and RSPCA Care Centre Rouse Hill, Rouse Hill Town Centre, Windsor Road, Rouse Hill

All RSPCA cats are desexed, flea-treated, microchipped, vaccinated and wormed.

This is the same as last year's fee-free feline adoptions at the Sydney Shelter.

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RSPCA Australia
RSPCA Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    No ducks?

  • price match with other states?

    • +3

      try OW

  • +1

    But I want a puppy.

    • -2

      They're worth something.

    • +1

      Dogs 1 Cats 0

      Dogs rule

  • +2

    Love me a cute cuddly kitten.

    I just need reassurance that the parents wont come knocking on my door one day asking for their kitten back

  • Meowwww….

    • +1


      • moooooooooooo.

        • grow up :p

        • +1


          OK Old McDonald…

  • +2

    I'll take all 130 of them. Anyone want to buy a cat from me $50

    • +3

      hello broden

    • how much is postage?

  • +3

    Kitty on my foot and i wanna touch it…

  • +8

    Remember, this is not a bargain you get just because it's free. Pets are for life.

    • Chances are their life will end quicker than yours…

      • -1

        With that attitude yeah.

      • +1

        x9 lives… Profit!

        • +2

          Do they level up like Mario in those Nintendo games?

  • +4

    I love cats and used to have a few cats at home. Unfortunate the costs that come with the cats are quite high if you want to provide them a good quality of life.

    These are the costs you need to consider prior getting a cat. Wouldn't be good if you ditch the cat after you figure out the hidden costs.

    1. Regular check up - once a year.
    2. If you let the cat out overnight, you will likely to see them come back injured by other cats. but once you let them out, there is no way to guarantee their return at night. So from my previous experience, I need to see a Vet once every month to treat the injuries.
    3. Good food - Purina foods are good but you pay for it.
    4. New furniture every couple of years - unless you can stand the scratches. :)
    5. Holiday care for the pet: either you get a friend to come over hose sitting or you put the cat in holiday home. Cat doesn't go well to go to your friends place as they are terterorial animal.
    6. Flea treatment once a year unless you want flea in your home.

    Can't remember all because it's been a while but that put me off getting a cat due to costs.

    I am a true OzBargainer I tell you. ;p

    • +9

      For point number (2), how about keeping the cat indoors? Not only will it keep the cat safer, but it will also protect native wildlife (birds, etc).

    • +1

      Most councils have a curfew. My cat is an outdoor cat but we lock him up at night.

      I'd say that entire list is relevant to all pets, not just cats. If you don't want on going costs, get a tamagotchi.

    • +1
      1. My friend had a cat who would "go on an adventure" every night and often came back with an injury. We would laugh our tightarses(TM) off every time that happened.
    • +6

      Unfortunate the costs that come with the cats are quite high if you want to provide them a good quality of life.

      A good quality of life? If it can eat, sh*t and sleep, it has a good quality of life.

      Stop peddling this nonsense you obsessive pet owners.

      I've had three cats in my life (current is over 10 years old; previous ones lived to at least 12 years) and they all visited the vet only once in their lifetime to be desexed. That was maybe a $100 dollar outlay.

      Fancy Feast is regularly 80c a can at Coles.

      The scratching posts I buy are $25 dollars and last for a good 6-8 months.

      Cat litter is $4.70 for 10Kg.

      I kept my cats indoors most of the time but let them run outside when they wanted to.
      They were perfectly self-sufficient like nature intended them to be.

      It's only when overly-concerned owners keep them in an unnatural, artificial lifestyle that your cat is going to need expensive accessories and medical care to correct what was brought about by a ridiculous "quality of life" that the cat didn't need in the first place.

      • Where do you buy the cat litter for so cheap is crystal or clay? Did you get the vaccinations done for the cat as well or just desexed?

      • 100% agree, there's nothing wrong with just letting it do its thing, as long as it isn't hurting anything or anyone. It's absurd the amount of money people pour into their animals, how do you think most of them survived?

      • Totally agree the previous list is bullshit, our cat which we adopted from yagoona rspca doesnt eat top shelf food he just eats fancy feast or dine when its on special,

      • I stock up when Fancy Feast is <65c/can. It's currently 50c/can at Petbarn.

      • So you saying Paris Hilton's dog is not having a good life as he's over-treated? :P

    • +2
      1. We don't bother with this. We only go to the vet if we have some concern for the cat, e.g. It's injured.

      2. We just lock ours indoor at night. He comes home then anyway since that's when he gets fed. Goes out in the morning as we leave for work. You can get cat flaps if you want that can swap to a one way mode to allow the cat in but not out if we want. We just open the front door since we have no flap when we hear the cat since we have no plans to put a hole in a door.

      Half the time the cat wants to sleep in our bed with us anyway, and certainly the cat always comes home even if a few times a year it's a tad later than I'd like.

      1. Foods not overly expensive, at least the dry stuff and it lasts several months.

      2. Train the cat not to claw furniture. If it's going to be inside a lot you can clip the claws or get plastic claw covers which you glue in which will stop the cat from destroying furniture (although it may impact mobility if the cats outdoors and does need to climb)

      Anyway I wouldn't say the cats that expensive, just as long as it doesn't get itself injured too often.

      • +1

        It is impossible to train the cat not to scratch, it's instinctual and they are programmed with a natural drive to do it. The only way to stop them clawing furniture is to redirect their scratching to a scratching post. If your cat is scratching the carpet, consider some corrugated cardboard placed on the floor. If your cat is scratching sofas/beds, get a vertical sisal covered scratching post. Sprinkle some catnip and scratch it yourself to entice him, then praise him and give him a treat when he uses it.

        Cats are carnivores and cannot digest carbohydrates, which dry foods are full of as bonding agents, even grain free dry foods. A wet food diet is much more nutritious for your cat and will make him much less lethargic, and give him a much shinier coat and bone density.

        Cats are best kept indoors only, as there is always the threat of cat fights, getting hit by a car, being stolen, getting lost, fleas, worms and cat flu/FIV.

        There is a lot of initial cost to a cat (I spent $500 on mine), but after that it tapers off to regular vet checkups, litter and food purchases.

        • Personally, I recommend getting a strong hessian-style mat for outside if you can, and training them on that. Mine loves it, can't kill it, and gets a good scratch off whenever he needs it.

    • +2
    • I don't go to the doctor for a checkup that frequently! Feed the cat, let it sleep 23 hours a day. That's pretty much it for cat ownership.

      • +1

        A laser pointer being run around the room keeps them occupied for those few wakeful minutes when they are not eating or shitting.

  • Last time I saw this offer I travelled 1.5 hrs to RSPCA (the one mentioned) and by lunchtime on the second day all the kittens/cats were already taken. Not sure how they plan to keep it going for 2 weeks.

    • well at least you would have been able to get a tasty lunch

  • Thanks ordered one, will add to my freebie collection.

  • +2

    One thing to keep in mind.

    A lot of the cats at the shelters have cat flu. It isn't a major issue but if you have a healthy cat and want to adopt another, keep in mind that they may pass the disease on to your healthy cat.

    The RSPCA website doesn't list which cats have cat flu so if you find a cat you like, keep in mind that it may be a carrier.

  • Can someone please recommend brand for removal of fleas? My kitten is 11 weeks and I am using the flea brush to manually remove them but it's very time consuming. Someone recommended Revolution for kittens but I'm worried they may have adverse reaction - is there any alternative?

    • There's a brand that stops fleas at four stages of its life cycle. Get that.

    • The stuff they sell at woollies/big w/etc isn't very good. Go to Pet Barn and get them to suggest something. Frontline is good.

      If nothing else works, comfortis will quickly kill all the fleas on your cat but it won't kill the eggs. I also wouldn't use it on a kitchen as it's pretty strong.

  • Never had an issue with revolution. Wouldn't opt for the more cheaper exelpet, as mum put it on her dog and the fleas were back within days.

  • Here pussy pussy cat…

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