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Google Chromecast $30.40 C&C @ Bing Lee eBay


Bing Lee have just dropped the price of its Chromecast. So now you can get it at a whopping $30.40 after you apply the coupon code, the lowest the Chromecast has been in a long while.

Also, don't forget the 2% cashback from cashrewards(cashrewards.com.au)

Original Bing Lee 20% off deal

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Bugger, I just ordered one off them for $36 + shipping.

    • Same here. Can we return it and get full refund?

      • -4

        Well, dunno…

  • +3

    Isn't the new one about to be released here?

    • -2

      The new one that does exactly the same thing as the old one?

      • +7

        There are two versions of Chromecast v2. The first one is like the old one but adds dual band wifi (5 GHz). The other one is audio only.

        • Can I clarify, by two version of the V2 do you mean two versions of the one that have the cable and hang down, or is the cable version the second version of the v2.

          My understanding was the new one that had the cable and hung down was already out for quite a while (a few months)

        • @thereisriceandcurry: Both of them look similar, round shape with the cable, but have different ports.

    • +3

      Wouldn't that be why the price was reduced?

  • i cant imagine a new one being any revolutionary, let alone you can mod the hell outta the existing one

    • +3

      Mod the hell out of it?

      I just got root on mine. What are you doing with yours?

  • +4

    When they started hitting $30 last year I thought the price would continue to decrease, I'm surprised this is still considered a bargain.

    • +1

      Yeah I'm so glad I got it for $28 months ago. Almost felt bad I didn't wait longer at the time.

    • +1

      yeah that's what I thought too, but somehow it has never been <$34 for the past 6-7 months, so as someone who waited so long, no point waiting longer.

  • +1

    Nice :)

  • -5

    Warning…. these are a bastard to cast netflix from an android device now.

    • +14

      Well, better get one which has a Dad then…

      • +2

        joke appreciated

    • Why?

    • VPN issues? Was thinking of getting one for mum mainly for netflix

      • I don't think it's that, it'd still cast fine. Ordered one for myself for Netflix and Plex, I'm sure it'll work just fine for Netflix.

      • +3

        Hard coded google dns in both chromecast and the android netflix app. And the netflix app changed not long ago so if you block/static route to your gateway google dns, which was the previous work around, it doesnt work. There is a way to get it working if you have dd rwt capable router which most do not…else u need to cast from a pc or something.. for now that still works. This is all whilst using a smartdns like getflix.

        • Bought one and set it up for the in-laws at Christmas. Static route 'hack' worked fine, no need for iptables etc. Just need to make sure static route will affect traffic from both Chromecast and device running the Netflix app.

        • +6

          @zfa: What are they casting from? If its anything android do not update device or netflix.


          I get downvoted for sharing information that could save ppl a lot of headache n stress… what a joke.

        • @Xizor:

          They can cast from their iPad, I can cast from my OnePlus One and my wife can cast from her Nexus 4. Not doing anything special, just set the static routes on their crappy router. All apps from official store and being updated as and when required, as is the Chromecast firmware.

          At my place I'm using iptables instead of the static route and that works too.

          Edit: using GetFlix, not that it should make any difference.

        • @zfa: The iPad is fine no issue with it. What version of android and netflix? That is where issue is but maybe its limited to certain versions or something. I access Netflix USA from everything but since i updated Samsungs n netflix the casting function from s6 edge and galaxy tablet do not work within netflix app to chromecast when u try to stream video and its acknowledged by smartdns providers as an issue. So im either casting from PC to chromecast or stream onto tablet then hdmi from it into dumbtv.

          I'd love to know more details about what you have differently setup for it to work. I have a Telstra Cable modem bridged to an Archer D9 in wifi/router mode, with the 4 Getflix entries configured under static routes. CMD checks confirm google dns being blocked and Getflix dns present. It was only recently the above issue started.

          Edit: Ooops just remembered i am NOT using latest Netflix APP as that wouldnt connect at all when i updated to latest version a week ago. Rolled back to 3.7.1 version of app as per recommendation from Getflix and Unotelly…stream works, but cast does not still.

        • @Xizor:

          I don't know what was the last version of the app I used at the inlaws (where they only have a static route in place because they're running a standard cheapo home router) but I was there last week and my current version of NetFlix is 4.1.0 build 5588. Unless I've had an update in the last week (which I don't remember having but maybe) then this version worked at their house. Both my wife and I are running Android Lollipop (well mine is Cyanogenmod 12 as shipped by OnePlus but her's is stock Lollipop). I'm also rooted with adblocking in place too if that should make any difference.

          When I next go around I will do some proper tests and get my version info.

          Have you tried taking another provider up on their trial? Is it possible that the Netflix app now does some other DNS lookup which has to be resolved and your smart DNS provider isn't doing so? (e.g. like how OpenDNS have their special myip.opendns.com hostname which will only resolve on their DNS server)?

          Still, I guess this will all be academic should NetFlix block proxying in general as they say they soon will.

        • So what you're saying is that my rooted chromecast (only just got one and rooted it - havent used it yet) is worthless?

          Because root seems worthless other than changing the DNS settings.

        • @justtoreply: I'll gladly swap my normal CC for your rooted one. :)

        • @zfa:

          Yep… mine was all working before too. Both Getflix and Unotelly acknowledge the issue. I'll raise another ticket with Getflix and see if they have learnt anything new the last few weeks. I may need to do some ipfiltering/tables too. Have not needed to do that before.

        • +2


          Some of us appreciate it. Don't mind the Ozbargain trolls.

    • Mine is fine to cast netflix

  • Looks like I can't do click and collect for Brisbane area!! Any other option to save on the courier charges?

  • officeworks had them for 27

  • +1

    I am waiting for Chromecast v2!

    • +3

      Just for 5GHz band? Is it worth it?

      • AC and dual band. this old one sometimes is lagging

        • +1

          that's right, and AC respond much quicker than 2.4Ghz too.

  • And me, I've been waiting ages for version 2, don't understand the delay.

    • +1

      Just for 5GHz band? Is it worth it?

      • +4

        I had a original chromecast in my bedroom which was furtherest from my router and it suffered from buffering issues, I got the V2 from b&h deal, and it's been perfect. Stream in HD no buffering. Depends on your situation, but I'd say it was very much worth it.

        • Ah fair enough. I'm fortunate enough to have an AP in my bedroom.

    • Get it from international sellers.

  • +1

    Ordered, thanks a lot for posting! :)

  • +1

    Although I really don't need one at the moment, I still couldn't help myself and ordered it.

    • +1

      You won't regret, they're awesome.

      • +1

        After being a last gen Apple TV user for so long (has a remote and user interface menu thing for inbuilt apps, no charged tablet/phone required) I did actually regret getting a V1 chromecast for a different tv. I think I should have waited for V2 so that buffering issues didn't ruin the experience.

        • I think you've got to have the casting device close to the Chromecast, anything over 3 metres seems to cause lag/buffering.

  • +2

    Been wanting one of these for a long time, never pulled the trigger. Realised how useful they might be in these past holidays so I'm finally going to buy one. Thanks OP

  • Wish we can click & collect in Melbourne too…

    • I wish too…but I've been thinking about buying one for ages, so now I bit the bullet and just coughed the $5 delivery.
      This is a good price.

      • It may be bargain price, but it's not OzBargain price.

  • -6

    I bought a Chromecast now if only I had a TV…
    Looking for a Full HD ~40" with good blacks for $300-500.

  • Last one i had all it did was buffer, on NBN too and only 10m from router, no problem with anything else on wifi.

    • Try a new app called Quicast. It's a speedtest for your chromecast.

  • +3

    What's wrong with Bing Lee?! Kogan and the like jack up their prices when they do deals like this! Bing Lee just has to be all cool and different!

    (Yes, I bought one before they reduced the price. :'( )

    • I did the same and I intend to refund the other one.

  • +2

    Good price but I already have 2.. *must. Not. Hoard. *

    Oh crap just ordered another 5 Thanks ozbargain!

    • What do you do with them?

      • I wish i knew :(

        • -1

          Then don't order, mate. Seriously, you have a problem.

  • What apps are people using?

    I got one a while back for curiosity and really have no idea what to do with it. Mine has root if that helps.

    • +2

      anything that supports chromecast, if you've got a normal computer with chrome browser, you can get a chromecast extension and "cast" your browser screen onto TV. Works reasonably well albeit a minor bit of lag over wifi.

      If you've got a recent-ish android phone you can cast the entire screen (again with some lag). There's also some cast-aware apps like Plex on android so you can stream your movie library if you have a NAS or hoard of movies somewhere. There's also off-the-shelf stuff like netflix. I believe the play store has a chromecast specific section



    • +3

      Most people use it to watch movies, like Netflix or movies that they have acquired in other "ways". Videostream is what you'd use if you have a movie file on your computer that you'd like to cast on your TV.

      You can also play some games such as Dance Dance Revolution, a bastardised version of Monopoly or Connect Four as well as a new platform of a few games called playchromecastgames.com.

      Go to http://chromecast.reddit.com for more information about what's possible.

  • +2

    I got a free chromecast with Vodafone at Narellan. did a $30 internet plan for 12months and they gave it to me for free with 3 months of STAN

  • Can you root the new version of the Chromecast?

  • +1

    When are they releasing new version?

  • +1

    Any use of buying one of these if i already have an Android TV box with Miracast on it?

    • +1

      You can redeem some awesome offers from Google with your Chromecast. Sometimes you can get more than your money's worth in the Chromecast (Google used to offer a $25 Google Play credit with a Chromecast, for instance).

      I think at the moment there's a 3-months membership to Google Play Music, worth almost $36.

  • I've got the v2, a colleague bought a few and brought back for us on his business trip to the US. Was going to flick it until I got my 6 months free subscription to Presto and 3 months Spotify.

  • Silly question - when I apply the discount code during checkout it says $30.40 so I proceeded. However when I look into the Paypal transaction it's telling me $38 is charged. Shouldn't the charge be just $30.40?

    • Yes but then down there it shows the actual payment which is -20% one

    • Yh that happened to me too and I panicked. I immediately send message to cancel the order, then I checked my bank account & it showed $30.40. I was like WTF. So I checked paypal in details and saw coupon amount being counted in total as well. Then resent a message not to cancel the order. Lol

  • I just want a damn hi-def solution for playing things from a Windows network (Samba) share. I wish I could get something reliable that did that off the shelf without messing around under $50 which I could update if a new codec comes out. I need it cheap because I want to put it on at least 5 different TVs without having to move devices around. I don't want a subscription streaming service, and that doesn't provide me with the ability to play family videos we've captured.

    DLNA sucks. Once the library gets large it grinds to a halt.

  • Dumb question, but can this be used to stream off an iPad?

  • I got a free v1 chromecast at Moore Park when I did this deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/231169. For the lazy here is a link to what I bought http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/161834376645. Might be a fluke though. Wasn't expecting it.

  • Has anyone got the 2nd generation? Is it better than this one?

  • I like Binnng Leeee……

  • -1

    I noticed these in officeworks today for $47

    • They don't match eBay.

      • -1

        yeah, just pointing out what a ripoff ow can be

        • +1

          Yeah well they ain't no chariteee…

        • +2

          I picked up 2 of these @ Officeworks about 6 months back for $22 each. However, any retailer can be a rip off at any given time, so be patient & wait for the bargains!

  • Do these only work on streaming from the 'net?

    I often play videos stored on my laptop using a HDMI cable (to the TV), could I use this (Chromecast) instead of the cable?

    And could I use this to watch videos stored on an Android tablet on a telly?

    • Check out Localcast(play.google.com) or BubbleUPNP(play.google.com) which support casting to chromecast from android.

      For laptops, you can use the Cast extension on Chrome to push local videos to Chromecast.

      • @prediff

        Thanks for the replies guys. I think I'll give this a shot :)

    • You should give Plex(plex.tv) a shot. If your TV is a smart TV that has Plex app, you don't even need chromecast. However, you need to setup the plex server on your laptop which isn't hard at all.

  • Sorry for dumb question - I'm going to New Zealand and will have fast internet in the rental house. Will this work in another country? I'm clueless…..

    • Yes it will.

  • +1

    Anyone not received theirs yet? I ordered with postage ($5) and it doesn't even look like they have shipped it yet.

    • +1

      Same here.. not happy

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