This was posted 9 years 2 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 7.1kw Air Conditioner $1548.80 (+$150 Cashback via Redemption) @ Sparky Direct


Was inspired by the Good Guys current cash back offer to look around. Decided on the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 7.1kw due to good reviews.

Great price at Sparky Direct, then price beat at Bunnings brings it down to $1393.92 and $1243.92 after cash back. Listed at Harvey Norman for $1996 and some places above $2k so this is an awesome deal.

There is a $150 cash back at the moment through Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI). If you're in Queensland there's also a $200 Energex rebate which brings this down to an incredible $1050 or so (but given its only QLD I haven't put this in the headline figure).

Not sure how long it will stay there before Bunnings changes their price but even at $1548 at Sparky Direct that's a great price. Bunnings didn't seem too impressed and couldn't believe it but couldn't argue as it ticks all their policy boxes.

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closed Comments

  • You could get a manicure with the money you have saved.

  • -1

    Hopefully it's quieter than their pathetically dreadful fridges.

    • +9

      Pathetic at being dreadful eh …

      • +2

        Yes, pathetically dreadful. They are words. The meaning of mine are different to yours as I actually understand the usage with which I used them…

        • +2

          Yes, your articulation isn't lost on me :) although I tend to agree with the sentiments touting MHI as a different company, which could quite possibly make all the difference. This must be really annoying for you, but I (personally) would doubt that all Mitsubishi fridges have this problem. In terms of the issue at hand, perhaps you could try asking Dept of Fair Trade (or equivalent in Vic) to get in touch with Mitsubishi on your behalf? Because that may be better for you than waiting in line waiting to talk to call centre staff who are often not empowered to provide the level of help you need. Hope that helps. Cheers :)

      • +7

        I am seriously stunned at the utter hate on this site when somebody is honest. I bought a Mitsubishi fridge on recommendations. It is so loud that it can wake me up on arcing up from two rooms away. The company reckoned that its noise - which requires louder conversation or a volume upping on the TV to mask - was normal.

        In my personal experience they make awful (that's another real word, haters) fridges, and I have a right - and duty - to express as such.

        • +13

          Normal Mitsubishi is a completely different company from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and MHI only sell air-cons.

        • +1

          I recently bought a fridge from ME by checking out the reviews and it works amazingly - whisper quite. But I have to admit it is one of their most expensive fridges so that might be a factor.

          Also just a side note, this A/C is actually MHI which is apparently different to standard Mitsubishi, and according to the reviews I have seen, are much better.

        • I have no issues with my Mitsubishi fridge. love it - my best appliance by far.

        • @stupidmansuit:

          Good to know, But when they have the same name and same logo… ;)

          I am genuinely glad that you got a good fridge. Mine was ~$1k, and I couldn't be more disappointed with its noisiness.

        • +1

          @flumpf: They're actually two different companies loosely connected but with different management, made in different factories. They happen to be part of the Mitsubishi group. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries have awesome reviews on all their air cons and there is no reason to associate them with the downfalls of Mitsubishi products.

        • +10

          It's not hate on you for being honest or stating your opinion. It's just your experience with your Mitsubishi Fridge has no relevance to the actual deal or product in question. Two different products/companies producing different appliances. That is why you are getting downvoted.

        • Another vote from me for Mitsubishi fridges. I purchased the 420L model (model no MR420ESTA) in silver 6 months ago and love it. No noise issues.

        • @stupidmansuit: was this one of the fridges that are made in Japan? With the separate drawers for freezer, ice tray & veggie compartment?
          They are designed and made to a completely different standard (& price). But are great!

        • If you think it's a faulty design, then you're probably out of luck, but perhaps it's a faulty item?

          Why not test the noise level using a SPL meter - you can get free apps for smartphones. Then compare this to the specifications or to another of the same model.

          Also, perhaps it's worth speaking to someone at an authorised repair centre? only takes a phone call. They may be able to give you some advice….

    • I quite rate mitsubishi fridges. 5 year warranty.

      • -7

        Fine, but they sound like trucks. At least mine does. I get downvoted for being honest. Yay.

        • I didn't down-vote you for being honest.
          I down-voted you for commenting about a product from a different company/manufacturer

        • I spent 30 minutes looking for a history of problems with Mitsubishi fridges And couldn't find anything obvious. Maybe a recording of the sound may help motivate them. There should be a 5 year warranty.
          Interestingly, you complain about being voted down for an opinion, but the posting you replied to was voted down for expressing an opinion. I personally agree that sharing an opinion should not be given a downvote, but that's me. I also get annoyed when mygroceries gets attacked because s/he is "not the other guy" which is totally against the OzBargain spirit to me.
          I'm a Westinghouse user myself. Just being nice by researching.

        • Yeah. I got down voted too :/

          Agree with you that they aren't the quietest fridges though, but I would say mine is loud by any means, you should complain. Mine is far quieter than a dishwasher when the motor is running.

  • +14

    Mitsubishi heavy make the best aircons for the money and have excellent warranty service( usually)
    Very quiet, good for bedrooms and very reliable.

  • Wow great price, esp after cashback and Energex rebate too (QLD).

  • -4

    as an electrician I think these types of direct to public electrical shops kinda suck as im usually fixing some handymans work thats completely (profanity) and likely to burn a house down

    • +1

      I would have said that this one blows

    • +9

      Sure it's not the competition upsetting you ?

      Most people would buy this direct and get their local electrician to install.

      • +2

        nope its the fact that my neighbor died from getting some dipsh*t handyman to do the work because it was cheaper buying it direct n getting him to do it :(

        • +4

          I'm reading between the lines here. Did your neighbour get it installed without a qualified electrician?

          If that's the case then wouldn't your neighbour be partly responsible for not getting someone qualified? Of course anyone doing electrical work unlicensed should be going to court also.

        • +4

          Did the handyman kill him?

        • +2

          You can't get just anyone to install an air conditioner. They must be a licensed installer. "In fact, it's illegal for technicians or tradesmen to ‘handle’ fluorocarbon refrigerant gases – commonly used in household air conditioners - without a licence issued by the Australian Refrigeration Council."…

          One main reason for this regulation is that it is dangerous for an unskilled person to handle refrigerant gases. The main hazards are to the installers who work with these deadly gases every day.

    • deleted

      • +2

        apologies for the profanity - feel strongly towards the subject

  • +3

    Cool deal.

  • I'm looking around at air con at the moment. Allegedly (according to a sales guy from a reputable place I was at today anyway) these are re-branded Chinese built unit. The Chinese brand is Beaver. I haven't verified this just passing it on. I have no doubt it will heat/cool but I'm leaning towards a Daiken/Panasonic or Mitsubishi unit. The specifications look ok for the price might even read a few reviews myself…. Def a bargain for the size of unit.

    • +1

      Choice recommends LG and Mitsubishi Heavy. General vibe from Professor Google is that LGs seem good in the short term but don't last but MHI are solid, so it got my vote. I have also been agonising over what to get the last couple of weeks :) If I'm still cool in 5 years I'll know I was right. If not I'll know I was wrong :)

      • A mate of mine in the business reckons Fujitsu make the A/Cs. I wouldn't know, but he's a licenced installer.

    • +2

      Your contact is confusing products and companies. Beaver is a name sometimes used by Mitsubishi for some of the products they've manufactured.

      • I'm not surprised to be corrected. Thanks for the info.

    • -2

      Yes definitely stay away from this unit if your looking for a Mitsubishi airconditioner, nothing to see here.

      • got a reason?

    • Hi, I just bought this exact unit to replace my parents old Mitsubishi Electric. These units are Made in Thailand not China. It is a lot quieter than their old unit (15 years old).

      My parents are very happy with the new unit.

      According to my friend who sells and installs AC units, a lot of Fujitsu units these days are made in China and he would not recommend them. His personal choice is Daikin.

      • I have been warned by a few people about the new Fujitsu units. Mainly around reliability since they moved the manufacturing to China.

    • Just posting it here, I ended up with a Daiken 7.1 KW installed for $2700 which I was pretty happy with. good workmanship and finish. PM me if you want the details of the installer happy to pass it on. They managed to squeeze my in but a 3 week lead time was the general consensus I was getting when I got quotes…..

  • Daikon are very smart a/c's and work extremely well, but they are packed with very touchy and expensive printed circuit boards which like to pop if little critters run on them.
    Saying that, replacing an inverter board after warranty on most ac's is quite expensive.

    • +1

      I prefer eating my daikon… :)

      • +1


        • +1


        • @ms:
          That's cannibalism, gasp!

  • +1

    Last one I put in was made in Thailand. Same as daikin.

  • +4

    I posted this a while back in comments.
    Works on all MHI that Bunnings stock.
    Example 2.5kW:
    $769.95 at Sparky
    $693 at Bunnings
    Less $100 Energex rebate
    Less $50 MHIAA cashback
    Total: $543

    Then be prepared to pay double that for fully installed. About $1000 all up.

    • -1

      install a 2.5 kw split unit is 1000$, really?

      • +4

        I mean total price including the air con unit fully installed.

  • +7

    Winter is Coming …

  • $80 shipping.

  • +$250 shipping to WA :(

    • +1

      +$1200 shipping to SA!!! 1200!

      • +1

        Looking at other states, I'm assuming this was meant to be $120 - I mean, tassie is cheaper!
        If you're interested, I'd call them first.

    • +1

      Try Actrol in WA for good prices on mitsi's.

  • -3

    Everytime I see "Mitsubishi Heavy Industries" I hear it in a Japanese voice… reminds me of this video

    Whoops, just realised it was Fujitsu Heavy Industries

  • Looks like goodguys have a $250 eftpos card on this model … wondering if they'll do a price match with sparkydirect

    • They would if they stocked this model. Good Guys stocks a different model.
      They will match others who sell it cheaper, however. You just have to work out if the 250 gift card is worth 250.

      • deleted

    • Officially they won't. They have a list of who they'll match, and aren't supposed to price match anyone else.

  • +1

    I really would like to buy at this price but $250 postage to WA kills it :(

  • a bit of out of topic, I am in need to get an air con ducted system for 3 bedrooms and dining room, do you how much it would be?

    • You can get a ducted evaporative for around $4500 (probably less). We were going down that route but our land was zoned into a fire zone so we couldn't get it and ended up spending $4500 putting a 9.2kw MHI in the main areas and a 2.5kw panasonic in our bedroom (feeds into open ensuite and WIR). Ducted reverse cycle is somewhat more, I didn't look too hard but around $8000 for a small one was the cheapest I saw.

      • Ducted evaporative from which company. And the aircon installation cost

      • Haha we have a evaporated unit currently. But we really need a ducted aircon for next winter because our 3 mini heaters cost us $350 electric bill a month last time

        • +1

          You probably want gas ducted heating then.

        • @bluey47:can you explain further why don't I install ducted air con while we already have pipes installed, and install gas one? Can't we install 2 units using same ducted?

        • @ntt: If you are happy with your current cooling and only want better heating then gas ducted heating is more efficient/cheaper than using a reverse cycle AC to heat a home. Yes it will probably be using separate ducts, my current home has evaporative and Gas ducted through separate ceiling ducts.

          When we were looking at building (a few years ago, didn't go ahead) our options were gas ducted heating and AC through the same set of ducts at a cost of more than 20K. Or gas ducted and evaporative cooling using separate ducts for about 8K.

  • Damn.. missed it by a week… We just got Mitsubishi Electric 5 kW for $1450 after old "McQuay" unheard of brand aircon started playing up. Honestly these new aircons are whisper quiet compared to the older ones.

    • +1

      This deal has been around for probably over a year. However long Bunnings has stocked them.

    • +1

      Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are on par. Nothing to worry about as far as quality goes. All my research confirms this. I have ME and would never use anything else.

  • How much do these cost to install only usually? Can it be installed on any room? Tia

    • +2

      About $500-700 depending who installs it.
      Can be installed in any room but should only be installed in a room with adequate size for this air con otherwise you have under/overkill. About 55-70+ sqm for this one so not a bedroom, for example.

  • Panasonic 7kw currently 1699 at GG with $250 cash back - $1449…

    • This deal in OP is $1243 after cash back

      • If you look at the specs you'll see this pana is a much newer model stacked with features and the new r32 refrigerant. CS/CU-Z24RKR.

  • I have a ME 7.1, paid $1299 and it's excellent, MHI model was not worth the step up cash-wise in my situation but this price looks good too.

    I also purchased ME fridge (3 door) it had unique features including a narrow size and I reckon it's great too.

    The Lancer I got on the orher hand…. LOL

    • +1

      2010 CJ Lancer i own has been bomb proof

      One of the most reliable and best value Japanese made vehicles on the market, CHEAPER than korean lol

      • Ditto, my 08 CJ Lancer has 130kkm on the clock and hasn't had a single mechanical issue to date.

    • $1299 for an ME 7.1 is exceptional. They are normally $1700.

  • +1

    Highly recommend this brand of air con. We have an MHI running in a server room at work. It has operated non-stop for 6 years, and still going.

  • +1

    This is r410a I think the tide has turned a bit and most manufacturers are going to the new refrigerant r32 now. Might explain the price. Still great buying I think. Very minor efficency difference. Maybe only 5-10% more efficient.

  • +1

    I bought this exact Model 1 month ago and it's very QUIET and very powerful. Cools down entire lounge, kitchen, dining area of a 3 bedroom open-space home.

    Have owned 2 other smaller MHI units in the past and equally reliable and quiet.

    P.S. I got this model from Bunnings Altona. Rang them up and asked for a price match to Appliance Central prices ($1600). The lady at the counter looked up and she asked me does it have a physical store in NSW I said yes you can pick up after you buy and they priced match plus 10% off (Bunnings price match guarantee) so Total was $1,440.

    • Did you mean this unit cools off your entire house???
      How much for the installation fee?

  • by the way $1440 was before cash back so total would be $1,290 :)

  • Can someone explain what size house/room requires 7.1kw? There are cheaper ones around that have lower kw, but I dont understand what kw relates to

    • -1

      It's the power consumption of the a/c. The larger the figure, the more cooling power generally.

      • +2

        Incorrect - 7.1kw refers to the power output of the cooling cycle while consuming 2.16kw (input), making its efficiency (EER) 3.29.

        Edit: ycon, as per an above comment: good for 55-70+ sqm area

        • Sounds like a perpetual motion machine

          … or a marketing jargon machine

        • @Charity: It's not. It is simply moving the heat outside, meaning it creates more cooling than it uses in power.

  • -2

    I'm no expert. My layman understanding is the higher the KW the larger the volume area capacity the unit is able to cool. The KW rating is the maximum watts the unit is able to operate at full load per hour so 7KW means at full load, it will use 7KW of electricity per hour. My understanding is the unit will not always operate at full load at all times while in used. So you won't always be using 7KW each hour. Plus these days inverter technology helps keeps the power usage more constant hence more efficient.

    As a rough guide, the KW rating equates to the size of the room area it is able to cool/heat efficiently so 7KW = 7mx7m = 49SQM (49 Square metre) room. And 3K would be 3x3 = 9SQM room etc.

    Obviously will vary with number of windows and insulation properties and orientation of the sun during the day on that room etc.

    My personal experience is what ever you work out as the area add 20-25% and it will still work fine so 49SQM x 1.25 = 61.25 SQM if if a its a standard room with no exceptional factors that may heat it up.

    I have had a 7.1KW panasonic CS/CUE24PKR working in a 10mx15m =150smq area with 5m ceilings and still works fine if I turn it on early in the morning with blinds down and let it sit on 22-23 degrees celcius.

    Also I have to point out cold air should be blown downwards not up. Cold air does not go around corners of house easily so works best in open areas with aircond pointed at the largest open area you want to cool. It will bounce and deflect of walls and get to the rest of the areas in your house but will be slow to do so. Thats why on hot days turn on early and leave at 23-24 degrees etc so aircond doesnt have to work so hard.

    Hope this helps :)

    • Are you able to upload or PM your receipt or give me the name of the lady you spoke to at Altona so I dont get hassled. I might swing by Altona during lunch. Will it fit in a large sedan?

    • +1

      The KW rating is the maximum watts the unit is able to operate at full load per hour so 7KW means >at full load, it will use 7KW of electricity per hour.

      Air conditioners are heat pumps and are more than 100% efficient in their cooling (because they can dump the excess heat elsewhere i.e. outside), so at full power it would uses significantly less power than 7KW.

      We have an energy monitor hooked up to the aircon circuit on our breaker panel, when our 6KW Daikin is on its super-powerful setting it uses about 2.1-2.3KVA (and that's not accounting for power factor, so the actual 'electricity bill' KW figure would be even less)

    • +2

      Incorrect - 7.1kw refers to the power output of the cooling cycle while consuming 2.16kw (input), making its efficiency (EER) 3.29.

    • For 7kW air cons, the max capacity is usually around 8.5kW. Their rated (at 7kW) input power will be about 2.1kW and their maximum input power (at 8.5kW) will be about 2.5kW.

      Daikins are traditionally more under rated and will usually have a higher max capacity and input power. This allows higher 'rated' efficiency. You will note that the bigger units have higher efficiency at lower loads.

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