This was posted 9 years 1 month 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Specsavers $50 off Contact Lens Order & Free Delivery ($149 Minimum Spend)

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$50 off your Contact Lens Order ($149 minimum spend). Free delivery.

Though it's not as great as previous Specsavers offers there doesn't seem to be any other deals out there at the moment.

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closed Comments

  • Any recommendations what brand or type is comfortable for dry eyes? Thanks

    • +4

      Best to seek advise from an optometrist and most likely requiring a valid prescription from an Australian Optometrist to purchase from spec savers.

    • +1

      I have dry eyes and I've tried 6 different ones in the past few years and finally settled down with Focus Dailies Aqua Comfort Plus which was only released mid last year I believe.
      I have no problem wearing it for eveb more than 14 hours occasionally.
      I'd suggest seeing an optometrist and request some sample first before ordering large quantity(I've made that mistake).

      • I have done my eye tests already and also had lens consulation with them. Now thinking of buying contact lenses for the first time online. Thanks for the recommendation, I might try them

        • +2

          Johnson TruEye is pretty good. I have super dry eyes. This is the only contacts that I don't need to use eye drops throughout the day.

          Prob should ask for some trials from optometrist?

    • +2

      As others have said, see the optometrist first.
      Personally I use Acuvue TruEye, and pretty happy with them.
      I have also used Acuvue Moist, but I recommend against them because they are too thin .. sometimes if I inadvertently rubbed my eye, even just a little, the lens would come off and fold, and get lodged somewhere under or above the eye and I simply couldn't find it. After some hours it would then pop out.

      • Agreed with noz.

        And yes Acuvue TruEye! I thought Johnson trueye sounded a bit weird but I couldn't be bother going to the draw and check it. :P

        Acuvue Moist - I don't find them as good as the TruEye, not only they are thinner, I find my eyes feel dry with them on.

        Anyways go get a trial from the optometrist. Contact lenses has base curve, you have to try them on to work out what is best for you. Good luck!

    • Look for lenses made of silicone hydrogel, which most of the more expensive ones are.

      Specsavers easyvision Linarial are.

      Also see here:

  • +1

    Definitely see a Specsavers Optometrist before choosing one of their "Own brand" ones (or any new contact lenses for the first time) as there is really no way for a lay person to tell the difference between the myriad range apart from size and prescription. Really happy with the ones that were recommended to me by Specsavers when i went in and been on them for over a year now with no issues.
    Only problem is my eyes have different prescriptions so i have to make sure i pop the right one in or people turn into trees again…

    • +1

      Specsavers "Own brand" are identical to CooperVision, just rebranded

      • Actually, I think they have different manufacturers for different products.
        You can usually tell by looking at the specs (pun) and also referencing the (inner) lens case (package) design. (ie. The plastic container the lenses are packaged in).

        But they are all name brand, quality lenses, the best ones being made of silicone hydrogel, just rebranded.

  • +3

    Any SpecSavers Reps going to bring back the old deal we used to get? Would love to hear from them :)

    • +12

      Can't see any reps here?

      Should've gone to Specsavers.

      • Well played ;)

        • +1

          surely that comment deserves a special offer from Specsavers!

  • When does this offer finish?

    • -2

      Ummmm… when it's not running anymore.

  • I've tried a myriad of dailies and found no discernible difference in quality or comfort. Some were noticeably thinner but after I put them on they were just as comfortable.

  • +1

    Minimum spend gone up $50 from this, I'm guessing it's the new norm:

    • Hope not. It has been my favorite time to buy… Please Rep bring our deal back!

  • 5 boxes of Acuvue Oasys delivered for $105. Thanks OP.

  • Just what I was waiting for. Thanks.

  • Thanks OP, been waiting for over a week for this sort of deal. Wish the minimum spend was $99 though…

  • +2

    Hmmm, I still got two months supply left. Wonder if I should wait for a bit to see if our fav Specsaver rep Jack post on some deals.. decisions decisions :/

  • This isn't a new deal. I think it's the fitness first coupon. So it may not expire.

  • No Bausch & Lomb Toric. :(

  • +2

    If you don't mind waiting 10 to 14 days this mob in Singapore have a good range at a great price Most lenses seem to be $15.50 for a box of 6 plus $10 delivery per order.

    I ordered 4 boxes of lenses from them when my Specsavers B&M store said they could not order in my lenses because I was due for a eye-test which I had already booked. I asked the guy whether they got the Internet where he worked. My usual lenses which are not available at the Specsavers online store usually cost $80 a box at the B&M store (about $20 after health fund) so I ordered 2 boxes of the usual and 2 boxes of some I've been wanting to try out from Singapore for a total cost of AUD70.

    Standard price but still a bargain.

  • +1

    Thank you, I just saved $50, awesome!!!!!! =)

  • Thank you. Was able to use the code today and saved $50!

  • Thankyou, used the code today and saved $50

  • +1

    still works. cheers OP.

  • Me too! Cheers!

  • +2

    Still working for me.

    • Still working. I went up to just the last step before ordering.

  • +1

    Still working for me too.

  • thanks, also used it

  • +2

    Still works

  • Perfect timing. Down to my last pair of boxes (boxers :P)

  • Still works :)

  • Thank you, code still works.

  • Damn, tried the code on Friday and it was working but I didn't place the order. Go to place the order today and the code appears to have expired :(

    Edit: Ah, just saw the COOL50 code posted yesterday.

  • Doesn't seem to be working anymore. Please mark as expired.

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