Hi all.
I am wanting to learn more about the stock market, wall street, bonds, equity and the likes.
Any websites, books or recommendations, documentaries etc ?
Wanting to learn about stock market and the likes

which is?
Get a subscription to Money magazine, or better yet, read if at the library. It covers everything, but has lots of articles on share investing. After reading it for a few months you will begin to understand the language, and where you can find more info.
Be cautious about any investment newsletters or 'systems'. Many analytical people see all the numbers involved and assume they can deduce the answer. Sadly, the stock market operates with the same level of mathematical rigour that year 9 girls use to decide relative popularity of their acquaintances - arbitrary, ever changing and often inexplicable.Thanks, real good answer i have gotten,
I will head to the library tomorrow, cheers.Thanks,
il order it from the library tomorrow :) if i can, if not il purchase cheers.don't pay retail!!!
The Australian Stock Exchange has an education centre with online courses for you to learn more and get some experience in (theoretical) trades.
Read Hotcopper and do the opposite..
Alternatively here are a few books/authors that I would recommendvaluation
something by brett steenbarger
http://www.amazon.com/Bond-Book-Third-Everything-Treasuries/…algorithmic trading
something by enerst chaneconomics
http://www.amazon.com/Day-Traders-Bible-Secret-Trading-ebook…quantitative investing
http://www.amazon.com/Quantitative-Value-Web-Site-Practition…accounting manipulation
http://www.amazon.com/Financial-Shenanigans-Accounting-Gimmi…Also consider reading advice given by big successful traders on how they think about the subject.
I've read a couple including Warren Buffett.
They mainly seem to emphasize commonsense and hard work researching companies etc. But there's a lot to the right approach.investopedia.com is good. has HEAPS of content and they also run a simulator that you can play around with. I haven't been on it in a while but I don't think they offer ASX stocks.
I started by reading Rene Rivkin's 'Guide to Getting Started in Shares'. http://www.investors.asn.au/resources/book-reviews/show/170
Also played around with the ASX Sharemarket Game.
Read books from Peter Lynch. One up on Wall street is a good one.
The last reply on this thread prior to today was close to 2.5 years ago
do the opposite of me