Should I Buy a VPN Subscription for Europe Trip


We are going to Europe and will be taking our Android Devices (Phone & Tablets). Will be either purchasing a local sim over there (Probably need to buy several when we move countries) or probably most of the time using Free WIFI in hotels, cafes etc.

Most of our connections will be the usual suspects Facebook and email but will also need to transfer money between accounts an do some bill payments.

So is it a good practice to use a VPN or is it unnecessary ?

If a VPN is needed can anyone suggest a good service (Most time will be in France, Italy, Spain).

Will a VPN allow multiple devices at the one time or do you need a separate subscription for each device

Thanks for any help



  • Yes, can use Google Play credit too
    Also install HTTPS Everywhere

    PIA I think has a limit of 5 devices, but I've never hit it.

  • -1

    Internet and data protection in Europe is much better than in Australia. No VPN absolutely necessary.

    • Free WIFI in hotels, cafes etc

      • -1

        Data protection is still safer than in Australia.

        Example: time of data and private information storage: in Australia: forever as no penalty for doing that, in Europe: ranging from 7 days(!) to some months but definitely limited - severe penalty if not complied with.

        Obviously a VPN cannot hurt but not absolutely necessary.
        In fact,the the best way for doing sensitive things on the internet is to buy a sim, then use your mobile phone as access point. That way you have control over it.

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