• expired

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge (Gold, Green or White) $798 ($200 off) @ JB Hi-Fi ($598 w/ $200 Trade in)


JB Hifi $200 OFF Gold, Green or White Samsung S6 Edge $798 Gold Green White Only
Ends Sunday 17 January 2015

Outright, instore and online.

This coupon is unique and can only be used once. Offer valid for instore & online transactions until the close of trade Sunday 17th January 2016, offer cannot be extended. Coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupon offer. Coupon limited to one per transaction and valid for a gold, green or white Samsung S6 Edge 32Gb (Outright) only (SKU 728444, 728445, 706371). Offer while stocks last. Excludes delivery charges. $200 off will be calculated from the current ticket price. Offer can be redeemed through the presentation of coupon including the barcode contained within this email at any store in Australia or by visiting www.jbhifi.com.au, adding the specified product to your shopping cart and entering the coupon code number in the box provided at checkout. Barcode and numbers within the barcode must be legible when presenting instore.

You could sign up for the newsletter yourself and they'll send you a code:
Get your own coupon code here(jbhifi.com.au)

GENERIC CODE 92250501819
**Generic PDF copy for in store purchases - Just print it out. Thanks samehada

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closed Comments

      • +1

        i dont really mind the latest updates. i rarely find them to be too exciting… so for 598, i think it is a good replacement. Can always offload to mum if i find something better in the future. ;)

        • +1

          I have a Nexus 5 and looking to upgrade (screen still good! :))

          My Samsung Tab S is very clunky and unresponsive compared to the Nexus due to Samsung bloatware despite it being technically superior.

          I'll going to wait for the S7.

          Pity there is no good value Nexus phone these days.

        • Obviously S7 is coming out very shortly and that's why most retailers are trying to get rid of old stocks. I'm also waiting for S7.

    • Removed

  • I have a spare code. First PM gets it

    • hi could i please get it ? thanks

  • Got a spare coupon code. Msg me if you want it

    • Would be great if you can send it to me. :)

  • Thanks OP. Could someone kindly pm me a voucher code if they don't intend to use it? Thanks very much.

    • Noone's used the 2 I posted above. Let me know if you use one

      • Thanks haydent. Got one from JB (email). Thanks.

  • Great phone with a fantastic camera…just don't drop the bloody thing as screens cost a small fortune.

    • Yeah. Just don't drop it. Try not to hold it when you are outside. Get off technology when you are walking!

      • +2

        few weeks ago this guy on his phone with headphones on just walked right onto the street crossing the road not looking in any direction at any point (and not a crossing just a 60k street) i saw him and slowed down thinking he'll look up eventually, nope just kept on coming … i could have blown my horn to warn him but thought that'll probably scare him into freezing up and end up causing an accident .. so had to basically come to a complete stop so i don't run him over … didn't even register didn't even know i was there, it was seriously insane.

        his phone shattering woulda been the last thing he needed to worry about if i didnt notice him early.

        • +2

          He is lucky you stopped for him. It's very dangerous indeed. I see it all the time.

        • sorry everyone i know its off topic … :) the comment just reminded me of it…

        • I point them out to my 8 year old son and call them phone zombies it's worse when they cross in front of cyclists as there is no horn.

        • @garage sale: Yeh I have been trying to articulate it to my 6 year old daughter… Hopefully it sinks in through repetition…

    • I think that may have something to do with the screen/digistizer. I dropped my S4 on concrete 2 1/2 years ago, & cracked the screen. Still working well.

  • Great offer. If someone doesn't need their voucher code, could they send it to me? Cheers

  • +1

    I have a coupon pm me if you want it. first one gets it

    • Mini, may I please kindly have it? thanks.

      • +1

        You have it :)

    • Can I have it please?

  • Just signed up with the JB newsletter but still haven't received the voucher. May I kindly ask someone to send me a spare voucher if not used? Cheers.

  • +1

    Could someone please pm me a spare coupon? Thanks in advance.

  • why are people saying they need a new phone and then asking others for codes when they can just register for codes?
    i have a feeling gumtree will be flooded with samsung galaxy phones tomorrow

  • Hey guys im looking to pick this phone up also, can someone provide me with a spare coupon, thanks!

    Acctually just got an email, thanks in advance!

  • If anybody has a code or would be hugely appreciated.

  • Low memory and god awful colours. Pass.

    Here's my code if anyone wants it: 927Z1MFVX7YPM4

  • go for gold 92PTNT8KW8NQMD

  • 92ENNP6G6IH0NJ

  • Hi can anyone PM me with code?


  • here's my coupon if anyone wants it



  • does anyone have the link to the trade in offer? I had a dig around and cant seem to find any actual mention of $200 for an working phone.

    • +1

      Its basically a copy of the one 6 months ago, you need it emailed to you from instant deals

      Here is the old one https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/183/33947/jbexclusives…

    • +1

      This is the Ts and Cs:

      Mobile Phone & Tablet Trade-in

      *You must be over the age of 18 in order to trade-in your device. Photo ID (drivers’ licence or proof of age card) required. Additional identification documents may be required if photo ID does not show residential address. Trade-in offer is available-in store only. Only specified makes and models accepted for trade-in (to check whether your device is accepted for trade-in, please contact your nearest store). Value of your trade-in is determined by the make, model and condition of your device and is only valid until COB on the same day as quoted. Devices only accepted as a trade-in against goods purchased in-store (devices are not traded-in for cash or gift card). All devices accepted as a trade-in will be cleared of all data and cannot be returned. In W.A, all goods traded-in must have been purchased by you as new goods (i.e. you cannot trade-in goods that were originally purchased by you as second-hand goods), and if the trade-in value of the goods traded-in by you (as assessed by JB Hi-Fi) is $200 or more, then you must produce proof of purchase for the goods.

      All it said in the email was "Plus: Get an additional $200 off when you trade-in any phone in working condition"

    • ahh its in the email. Thanks very much gagiman and haydent

      • "any phone in working condition". So theoretically you could buy a $19 Alcatel trade it in and receive $200 off? I have an old iPhone 4S (with a broken screen but is still in working condition) it was purchased originally for around $600 can I trade that in?

  • feel free to use mine: 9258KK4TI7WUTK

    • I will take this. Thanks a lot pat320.

  • Wouldn't mind if someone PMs me a code, thanks.

  • Feel free to use my coupon code:


  • +1

    As others have said, I think they starting to clear them out early cause of G7.

    Most importantly because G7 will support external memory card again.


  • Can anyone Pm me a code please =)

  • +1


    • Taken tnx

  • +1

    Coupon code for those interested:

    • Taken. Thanks

  • By the way, if anyone is after a rubber bumper for the S6 Edge and you are in Sydney city - See Viana at the Vodafone store at Picadilly centre. They sell it for $10 and that is where I got mine. The Swarovski covers are $100!

  • Great deal!! I'm not a fan of the 'Edge' but for the price i'm sure most people could be turned…

    • The edge makes it more fragile. If you drop it.

  • 926LH8T05B2838 don't need mine

  • Can have mine

  • If someone wants my code, please PM me - first to PM gets it.

    • Please turn on your PM. Thanks.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, got one and traded in my mum's old, old nokia for $200, win win!

    • lol! how much would the nokia be worth?

      • do we have to show the receipt for the old phone? is it all phone = $200?

        • no, they just record the IMEI number and do a very basic test to see it works…

      • +2

        $0 haha…like other people have said, one can go to coles and buy a new $9 mobile to trade in and get the $200 credit…

        • Wow! cheers for that. I was thinking the phone has to be worth $200

  • Good deal, but I am happy with my Galaxy S5 with its extendeble memory and removable battery capabilities for $372 from the recent HN deal.

    • +1

      I got the same deal (less with amex) but I am somewhat tempted with this S6 edge

      • Well, compare the pros and cons (I've already mentioned the extendeble memory issue and you'll be stuck with 32gb) and most importantly the price difference. If you still think it's worth it then go ahead and pull the trigger. I've overspent in the last thirty days so I am content for now.

        • +1

          Indeed you present valid points and the fact the S5 is water resistant is another perk..

          It's certainly a better buy at the price we bought them.. More thought on the S6 Edge may be required…

        • +2

          Last 30 days spent was in last years buget. You should be able to spend some this year.
          See if this helps

        • @jbnz: Yep! With all the software that comes with the phone you'll end up with less than 30GB. Shooting full HD videos and taking massive pictures, no thanks. With the S5 I have the luxury to use up to 128GB of external memory, and to remove one when it's full and insert another one. There's no way I'm exchanging that for this.

        • @cisco: No, thanks. :)

  • Hi frnds. Anyone has coupon?. I broke my S4. Heaps of thanks!!

  • -1

    hi can some one pm me one or two codes than you very much

  • +1

    Anyone keen to buy..ping me for coupon code..

  • looking for a coupon I have a shitty iPhone 4S with a broken on/off button and a broken home button. Looking to upgrade. Someone please dm me.

  • +1


    • taken thanks

  • Please add how to get coupons in the description so people aren't spamming this asking for code

  • hey can anybody confirm today that they have traded a crappy 10 dollar phone with this deal

    • Why, the T&Cs clearly state any working phone.
      And others have stated they have successfully traded a $9 Coles phone.

      • The T&Cs actually state the exact opposite of that. It says it's limited to a list of specific phones, and that you can only get the list from the individual shop itself.

  • I also have a code that will not be used. First to PM can have it.

    • Code gone. That was really fast!! lol

  • Just got my cheapi phone from aust post for $14.50 on my way to get the edge for $570 thanks to 5% discount on gift vouchers through work :) thanks op!

  • Can someone please pm me their code?

  • I also have a code if someone wants it. The first PM that comes through will get it.

    • Code gone.

  • Coupon code. First to PM me with email address gets it. Have iphone 5 so don't need this.

    Taken by smarikoe.

  • Here's my coupon code if someone wants to use it:


  • Just a friendly reminder to subscribe to get daily emails from JB Hifi so you will always get vouchers.

  • Exeltek have them for $798 (regular price) Australian stock. It would be much better if they start with that price plus the $200 coupon off then another $200 off for the trade in which will bring it down to $398. If that's the case, I'll be all over this phone in a heartbeat.

    • +3

      wake up and stop dreaming

      • dreaming is free though :)

  • 92I2DUE1QGMYZJ here if anyone wants

  • I have one if anyone needs it. First PM with email address has it. Cheers.

  • Coupon code:92VCHXAFC3V0SC

    • Hi Merula, Thanks. Can you pls forward it to me

  • Just talked to jb hifi at kawana, guy working in shop said i can get 32gb for $598 or get 64gb for$698 if I want,

    I took 32gb one, but if anyone want 64gb ,worth to ask in store

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