This was posted 9 years 1 month 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Myer Super Saturday Sale: $50 off iPads, 15% off Webers, 20% off TVs + More (Starts Now)


Copy/paste from nick123's post on TopBargains. Thanks nick.


40% off the original price of selected women's clothing
30% off the original price of selected womens clothing
30% off the original price of women's footwear, handbags and wallets
40% off the original price of selected children's swimwear
30% off the already reduced price of selected womens dresses, footwear, intimates & jewellery
25% off the original price of watches and jewellery
20% off the orginal price of sunglasses
40% off the original price of Intimate Apparel & Sleepwear
30% off the original price of women's hosiery, socks, scarves, casual hats, belts & hair accessories


30% off the original price of men's footwear
30% off the original price of selected men's casual clothing
40% off the original price of selected men's casual clothing
30% off the original price of men's underwear and sleepwear
40% off the original price of selected suiting
50% off the original price of selected business shirts, ties and formal trousers
40% off the original price of selected men's swimwear
30% off the original price of selected men's jeans

Miss Shop

40% off the original price of selected clothing from the Miss Shop Department
30% off the original price of selected clothing from the Miss Shop Department
40% off the original price of selected swimwear from the Miss Shop department


40% off the original price of selected boxed cutlery and glassware
40% off the original price of selected Sheridan manchester
40% off the original price of selected pillows, bath towels & towel gift boxes
50% off the original price of selected cookware
40% off the original price of selected kitchenware
40% off the original price of selected Luggage
15% off the original price of Weber BBQs and accessories

Kids and Toys

25% off the orginal price of selected children's footwear
40% off the original price of selected children's swimwear
40% off the orginal price of selected Children's clothing
30% off the original price of selected Children's clothing
20% off the original price of selected Toys


15% off the original price of selected small electrical kitchen appliances, microwaves, floor, garment & personal care, Weber BBQs & BBQ accessories
$50 off the original price of iPad Pro, iPad Air 2 & iPad Air
20% off the original price of selected TVs, audio & cameras

Offer available until midnight, 9th Jan unless sold out prior.

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +9

    meh no bargain here, same deal as every other time

    • +8

      Yeah, the words original and selected ruin it

      • +1

        exactly what i was thinking! Replace Original with 'already reduced' and selected with 'all' and we may have a deal!

        • Yeah, waiting for the 75 off pink highlighted products

        • @djones145: I was in Myer today (Friday) and saw a few toys that were reduced with a further 40% off the pink sticker price.

          Those sort of deals are still at Myer, just not as prevalent as they used to be. I traditionally get my Tommy H shirts on the already reduced rack plus an extra 30-50% off but I haven't seen them yet.

    • -1

      No deal, not worth posting unless your trying to keep your bargain post count up.

      • +1

        Noticed you haven't taken that approach.😉

      • Such a sad comment.

        • Sketchy black van? Weird stalking of my history? What are you going to do next, offer me some candy?

        • @stemcell: Real sad you choose to berate, rather than contribute in these forums.

        • -1


          You tend to use the word "sad" in many of your posts. Do you need someone to talk to, is work getting on top of you?, if so visit before it goes to far.

  • +15

    And I got massively excited there - thought it was 50% off iPad pros! back to work, then ….

    • +1

      Same here!!

    • I dont get it, doesn't this mean 50% iPad?

    • thought it was 50% off iPad pros!

      Wrong universe.

      • Me too ! Hahaha

  • dj's has the better sale atm, extra 20% off already reduced items when you buy 2 or more

  • what brands are excluded?

  • Saturday is an irritating day for a sale. I'm not interested unless it's Friday, saturday & sunday because I'm not going to plan my day around Myer (and therefore, with consideration of their high everyday prices, not going to shop at Myer at all)

    • +1

      Sale has already started.

      • +1

        Aha. Thanks. Will swing by on the way home.

    • Head over after work and they start to set it up in store. The prices are usually discounted already

  • I'm guessing 'audio' excludes Sonos. And anything else that isn't a microhifi from 2003.

    yup. But includes UE Boom 2, down to $199. Which is decent.

    • +1

      Haha exactly what I thought when I see those micro hifis ! They look like the same ones I wanted as a kid 15+ years ago

  • hmm wondering if it's worth going just to return my dress and repurchase, to save $19.50…

    • +4

      Of course return and repurchase! Spend the money you save on something else :-)

    • +1

      Call and ask…if u purchase 7 days prior u may just need to bring the receipt and not the merchandise.

  • -1

    $680 for a weber family Q….hmmm, wonder if it will get any cheaper than this soon..

    Wonder why Myer has the Black Q3000 at $687 and then a normal Q3100 at $670. Surprising they don't have the black Q3100. Anyone know the difference between Q3000 and Q3100?

    • +2

      The difference is Q100

      • +3

        That's helpful

      • +2

        Thanks Multiverse I was struggling there. phew now I can put the scientific calculator away.

        • That's quite fine serpserpserp. We all love a damn good sale at Myer, hell I bought shed loads last time round.

          I'm just glad I saved you the trouble of working out a formula!

    • +1

      Weber head office said that the Q3000 does not exist and they both are Q3100, just different colours. Although the black one looks better I have not been able to find one anywhere so bought the Q3100 titanium for $670 from the Ryde store this morning. I don't think that they will get any cheaper.

  • When they will have 40-50% off on reduced clothing?

  • Selected.

  • +3

    $50 off iPads

    This probably needs to be removed from the title. This Myer thing is not really a bargain on iPads.

    Link to Myer iPad prices (including discount):

    Some examples (since I need to buy one for kid's next school year), compared to Officeworks standard prices:

    iPad Air 2 WiFi 16GB Space Grey MGL12X/A now $649.00 -vs- OW $645 = $4 DEARER
    iPad Air 2 WiFi+ Cellular 16GB Space Grey MGGX2X/A now $809.00 -vs- OW $827 = OK, $18 CHEAPER

    iPad Air 2 WiFi 64GB Silver MGKM2X/A now $779.00 -vs- OW $687 = $92 DEARER !!
    iPad Air 2 WiFi+ Cellular 64GB Space Grey MGHX2X/A now $939.00 -vs- OW $947 = ONLY $8 CHEAPER

    iPad Air 2 WiFi 128GB Space Grey MGTX2X/A = MYER now $909.00 -vs- OW $917 = ONLY $8 CHEAPER
    iPad Air 2 WiFi+Cellular 128GB Space Grey MGWL2X/A now $1069.00 -vs- OW $1027 = $42 DEARER

    Too time consuming for me to check them all, but Myer Buyer Beware!

    • +2

      Use it to get a further 5% off

      iPad Air 2 WiFi+ Cellular 16GB Space Grey MGGX2X/A now $809.00 -vs- OW $827 = OK, $18 CHEAPER

      Becomes $768.55 @ OW

      iPad Air 2 WiFi+ Cellular 64GB Space Grey MGHX2X/A now $939.00 -vs- OW $947 = ONLY $8 CHEAPER

      Becomes $892.05 @ OW

      iPad Air 2 WiFi 128GB Space Grey MGTX2X/A = MYER now $909.00 -vs- OW $917 = ONLY $8 CHEAPER

      Becomes $863.55 @ OW

    • +1

      Save yourself some dosh and buy second-hand from eBay. The kids will likely smash/scratch/drop it at school.
      EDIT: Officeworks 20% price beat if iPad is on the schoolist link

    • I thought all Apple products were price fixed by Apple? Ie you'll never get a "sale", best you can hope for is an eBay voucher…?

      • +1

        Common misconception, you should have seen some of the $500 macbook air (11") and stuff that has happened around here before.

  • KDL65W850C seems like a decent price, rest of the TVs is meh

  • +2

    Thought it was 50% off ipads.. damn

  • man just bought some glassware for 30% off bastards

  • For those interested in the genuine Nanoblock, it seems to be doing quite okay prices (~25% off RRP).

  • I've been eyeing the Essteele range of stainless steel cookware after it went on 40% sale since before Xmas. Good to see that it has now been further disciunted to 50%. At this price it's a steal!

    • its not further discounted. 50% is of original price

      • further discounted to 50% was what i said so your comment was superfluous.

        • -4

          Go back to school, your mathematics is very poor or go back to school may be your English is poor. 50% of original price.

        • @sakg:
          lol i love it when people resort to insult because that means they have lost the argument. not my fault that you can't comprehend the sutleties of English sentence structure. btw if you knew anything about analytical reasoning, you'd realise that this has nothing to do with maths. unfortunately your attitude in this matter leads me to believe you plainly refuse to accept logic or reason so let's just agree to disagree. i have nothing more to say on a false distinction that nobody here (excluding yourself) gives a rat's ass about. flame all you want!

        • @sakg:

          Lol give it up. He was pointing out that it's gone from 40% off to 50% off, so therefore a good deal. His English is fine,your comprehension is not.

        • @Spackbace: i don't have a problem with anyone. He can't even spell discounted so my reason of english and also further discounted means 50% on top of already 40% off. Lets forget it, can't change anyone.

        • +1

          aaaargh… can't resist!!

          I mistyped ONE single character and you accuse me of lacking in good English education?? Your ENTIRE post was written in mangled English. Just walk away and stop embarassing yourself any further!

        • -1

          @obenihk: i have not responded to you. oooooooobbbbbeeeeennnnnniiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkk. I have left this and you better leave it.

        • @sakg:
          there is a big difference between "further discounted BY 50%" and "further discounted TO 50%"

        • @sakg:
          or else? u gonna throw the Oxford Dictionary at me???

        • +1


        • +1


          just when i thought you couldn't embarass yourself any further…

    • further discounted to 50%. At this price it's a steal!

      Does that make it a Stainless Steal?

      Perhaps an Stainless Steel Essteele Steal would be pushing the limits?

  • -8

    It's misleading for iPad prices.
    First time disappointed with this OP whilst I appreciated previous posts.

    • +3

      I'll try a lot harder next time, I promise. We can't have you being disappointed. In what way did I mislead you may I ask? Haven't quoted prices, just a discount off Myer's normal selling price.

  • Does this end tonight? Or also running tomorrow?

    • Looks like midnight but who really knows? its Myer!!

      Currently overseas and have a gift card sitting in Sydney. Decided to bite the bullet for now in case it does end midnight and purchased online despite having my last two online orders were bad experience.

      Hopefully 3rd time is a charm.

      • I stand corrected. Got my luggage and they left the security tag in which I can't remove. I now have to lug a suitcase back to Myer. Grrrrr..

  • Anyone know if they have gopro's on special?
    I'm looking at getting a gopro 4 silver

  • +1

    If you are in luggage department and don't see the bag you want on sale get the sales assistant to scan it to double check.

    I made him a Crumpler bag which he was kind of adamant wasn't on sale, but he reluctantly did and it came up 40% off.

    I'm sure the staff aren't 100% sure exactly what has been "selected"!

  • Got the 128GB iPad Pro wifi for a total consideration of $1027 :P

    $1449 sale price
    $300 funded by iSelect
    $100 funded by AGL Rewards
    $20 funded by Woolworths (2x EDR Cards)
    $2 funded by Citibank

    Shop like a Professional!

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