Hi guys, I am looking for an ADSL2 provider with no minimum contract (and no setup fee if they still exist) on the sunshine coast.
Do no contract/no setup fee offers still exist anywhere? they used to be popular a year or 2 ago.
No Contract ADSL2 Deals - Suggestions?

Belong are the only mob doing no contract, no setup
Internode were doing 3 month contracts for $79 Setup, but I think since TPG bought them, that's now gone.
Belong are $90 for 100GB in my area. Not going to happen! Looks like TPG is the best bet, 6 months + setup :(
Moved from Belong after they really messed up home move, terrible service
Went with spintel, quick response to questions before and after connection, less drop out than belongFree set up, no contract if on Urban set up (Optus?)
Unlimited, inc line rental $55get referral (see wiki https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/spintel_referral_links, or pm me) for $25 off each
I am nothing to do with them, they are not as bad as all the negative reviews would have you believe (in my experience anyway).
Have ended up going with Belong. no connection cost was the kicker, would have been expensive as no phone line at house for over 12 months. Regional plan 1000GB month to month $105. So much more expensive than along the coast only 20km away!