This was posted 9 years 2 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Steam PC Game] Watch_Dogs Complete $5.44USD (~ $7.48 AUD)


I am not sure if this is a price screw-up or intentional but they have the complete version of Watch_Dogs for just over $5USD. The standalone base-game is selling for over $16.

Items included in this bundle:

Watch_Dogs - Access Granted Pack

Watch_Dogs - Bad Blood

Watch_Dogs - Conspiracy


Watch_Dogs™ - Season Pass

So, yeah… Have at it.

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closed Comments

  • +19

    It's an underrated game.

    • -1

      I don't know why you got negged for saying it's underrated.

      • +1

        He said it was underrated

        • +1

          I think someone initially read it as overrated and negged it by mistake.

    • +2

      It really is, most likely due to the bad press when it was first released on how shitty it was optimised and how the developers purposely gimped the game for PC just so it doesn't look as bad on consoles.

      • +2

        It's really just not that good. There's no conspiracy about its score. It's let down entirely by characters and story cos the gameplay isn't that bad.

  • +7

    Thanks! Just bought it :)

    It'll be the last game I'll buy for 2015! :P

    • +6

      Oh but there's still time for more!

      • +18

        You've heard the man. He said that it'll be the last. Stop bullying him and leave him and his family alone!

        • He's just one good deal away from buying more.

  • This is a pricing error, but has been a couple of hours now. US is still standard price.

  • Definitely must be a price error? Hope we get to keep the game still. I hear it has its problems, but definitely worth it for this price. Definitely appreciated for the share!!

  • 62% positive reviews on steam…hmm..

    • +7

      Can recommend it if you're into 3rd person open world style games, a lot of hate is probably from the fact that it launches uplay from steam.

      • +15

        a lot of hate is probably from the fact that it launches uplay from steam.

        Thanks - you just saved me from spending $7 on another steam game I'll probably never play! :)

        • +3

          Legend. Thanks for the heads up about uplay! I was about to get it, but as soon as I saw that, I noped right out of there haha.

        • Thanks for the headsup about uplay. You just saved me $7

      • +1

        it launches uplay from steam.

        Ah shit. I forgot my rule - never buy anything by Ubisoft ever. I regret buying it now, remembering what Assassin's Creed 2 put me through.

      • +1

        Appreciate the heads up. Uplay is horrible

    • The gameplay is fine but the story is garbage. I regret continuing to play it.

  • Good price. Get it asap. Steam is bound to catch on.

  • Cheers OP :)

  • Not offline game?

  • +2

    I believe its price error according to

    AUS & CIS regions got dat cheap price glitch

  • +1

    May be - they wanted to give just 70% off on the complete package, but as all item in it itself are discounted at 50% - total discount is 70% on the 50% already off items… very very good offer.

    • +1

      Works out to be ~87% discount off the individual prices after the 50% discount, or ~94% off the original prices. Damn good deal!

  • Awesome, I was looking at this yesterday, but was deterred by the price.

  • Thanks OP!

  • Just bought the game - thanks OP!

  • +5

    All the reviews seem to say its crap?

    • I know - that is what is keeping me away till now.

    • +2

      There was a bunch of controversy about it because the trailers and so on made it look way better than it actually was - plus stacks of issues with the PC port.

      Made it a huge disappointment for a lot of gamers.

      But apparently if you weren't there for all that, and buy it cheap and just enjoy it, it's still a pretty great game.

    • Don't know about the pc version watched my cousin play the PS4 Version which he was hyped for and it sucked both according to me and him.

    • +3

      It's a Ubisoft open world game, and it follows their formula to a tee. If you're not bored of their production line-style game development yet then you'll like it.

      The reviews are bad because Ubisoft badly overpromised in terms of both gameplay and graphics so people were quite disappointed at release.

    • Just finished playing on PS4. Can confirm it's crap. Gameplay is repetitive and story is mostly uninteresting.

    • I finished it on console whenever it came out, the gameplay is OK but the story and characters are boring. I would give it like 5/6 out of ten.

  • awesome bought

  • Still works, thanks OP!

  • +4

    Thanks OP! Have added to my forever growing steam library of unplayed games…. steam sales get me every time!!

    • +2


      I've stopped getting free books and udemy courses, why can't I stop buying games???

      • It's an addiction sad to say…

        • +1

          A hobby collecting things.

        • +1


          I happen to have an addictive personality, so for me it's an addiction :P

    • What game are you going to play next?

      I've got Kotor 2 in mind :D

  • Thanks, grabbed it, and voted.

  • Thanks! Just purchased as a gift for my cousin :)

  • Never finished on ps4 and now have a new pc. Great price :D

  • Fantastic, thanks for listing this! Purchased.

  • Thanks, the price is sick, even playing it for an hour guarantees the value :D

  • Great find. Thanks.

  • -1

    I almost never play games, so this is great to have another 5 :)

    I purchased as gift, so I figure I could sell it or give it away if I never get around to using??

  • Pretty sure it is price error. Bought 2 to trade in the future. Not really interested in the game itself though :P

    • -1

      Any idea what you would like to trade it for?

      • -1

        Haha, not sure. I have a bunch on my wishlist… Just going off my head: Shovel knight, South Park, Renowned Explorers, Undertale, The Talos Principle, Metro series etc.

        • -1

          PM me your list. Maybe I have something on it.

    • Holy shit, I didn't know you could do that…

  • Brilliant, thanks OP! And yes it is a friggin awesome game, I still play it to this day. Anyone who says otherwise are just noobs that kept getting hacked by other online players and rage-quit :D

  • +11

    I come to OzBargain to get steam games I won't play and sign up for Udemy courses I won't start.
    OP delivered.

    • +2

      What about free ebooks you'll never read?

      • +5

        and free music you'll never listen to.

        • +1

          And eBay vouchers you'll miss out on.

        • +1

          and the eneloops that are sitting in storage

        • +1

          My eneloops are sitting at DSE. jackasses. I checked thier website to ensure they'd be open tonight. Nope - just a sign posted at doorway. sheesh. this is australia post all over again.

  • +2

    I wouldn't normally consider the game, but for that price, it's definitely worth a shot, even if it's average. Thanks OP!

  • $14.99 for me. :(

    EDIT: I take that back. Logging into Steam, I get the $5.44 price. Strange, but I'm happy! Buying it! And probably never playing it.

    • At least you've supported the developer and helped the PC gaming industry.

      • +4

        Supporting Ubishit isn't helping the games industry. It's holding it back.

  • Nice find OP.

  • Already finished the main mission on PS4 (but not expansions), picked it up for PC, thanks!

  • +5

    Wow. This got more attention than I expected.

    For those of you wondering about the reviews: I think there was some backlash on release because the promotional footage of the game was much better than the end product which lead to a lot of negatives reviews.

    • I think I've seen it for $5 before, but not the complete edition and not on Steam, which is most people's preference. =)

      PS. You aren't up to 261 votes on a previous price error yet. :P

    • +1

      Probably because the steam sales this year have bugger all bargains like yesteryear, so something half decent at a cheap price stands out

  • Picked it up on PC.Thanks Juddy

  • is the DLC content worth it? already have the base game somehow in uplay.

  • Great deal.
    Thanks OP.

  • which platform this game is on ? xbox one?

    • +8

      First word on title might give you a hint.. ;) - that is if you know what that platform is.

      • Steam on PS4?

        • Steam might not do proper damage.. I say put water on that damn thing.. lolz!

  • +4

    Sold! To the gentlemen with the overwhelmingly large pile of unplayed games already in his Steam library!

    • +2

      I'm winning? :3

  • Awesome find!

  • Awesome deal, just the original game is still $16.47US and the complete pack comes with all the season pass and all the add-ons are another $16.86US. What a steal! Will probably never play it, but hey if you get it for half price its a bargain.

  • the only pc i have is an ultra book. if it is mac compatible, i would like to try.

  • -4

    It isn't a pricing error. The Definitive Edition which contains all 24 DLC and which has been "reworked, rebuilt and re-mastered for the new generation" is $7.49 US. So the older version has to be cheaper than this.…

    • +3

      Watch Dogs dude, not Sleeping Dogs

      • +2

        Ooops, my bad. Sorry everyone!

  • +1

    Charge a decent price for the game, get decent sales. It's that easy.

    I heard that you can get Watch_Dogs Uplay gets on g2a for cheap, but g2a is quite dodgy I rather avoid it.

  • Still works - price is on the Australian Steam site. I use a VPN to America and it is $16+ dollars there.

    Turn off your VPN and the price will change.

  • Bought it, thank you. Have my + vote OP.

  • Great price!! I would of picked it up but I've already spent quite a bit on this sale.

  • Thanks for the post, bargin too good to pass up on … :)

  • Guessing cant play this on mac? bring on the negs

    • +3

      On a WHAT?

    • +2

      For using a mac or for being too handless to google for yourself?

  • Thanks a lot, just got the game :)

  • Thanks OP - first ever game bought on steam, and 25th game in steam library :)

  • Thanks for the heads up, great price. Bought it with steam money from selling cards, so happy. And now, the circle is complete…

  • Bought it just now. Thanks OP

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