Was looking for a SSD for the ultrabook and new server build. $168.30 works out very cheap for anyone needing two drives. Even better after Cashback rewards - $160.38.
2x SanDisk 240GB SSD Plus $168.30 Delivered @ Megabuy Technology Superstore (eBay 15% off)

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SanDisk SSD Plus 240GB (Upto 520MB/s)
Edited and fixed, I think :/ Any issues edit away
ich bin doof.
aber nicht dumm
Awful Megabuy reviews on Whirlpool, anyone with personal experience here? A little tempted otherwise..
You should see there Productreview Page, lol…
As soon as i saw that name i avoided.
I Think its not worth taking the time and finding out your order has been cancelled or no items arriving and you wasted the 15% off in this time, Better to just buy a Sandisk Ultra on ebay from a reputable seller and not worry…
Thought so as much, but people seem to be upvoting this deal so I thought maybe it's more isolated incidents than I thought haha. Thanks :)
This is their ebay store though not their website so you could use PayPal dispute if not satisfactory
That is True, However as i stated above You will miss out on another deal because you bought this SSD deal and it ends up to nothing…
They're terrible. Atrocious customer service and regularly advertise products in stock, take and hold payment with no intention of shipping anything out.
Rep comes on here every now and then claiming one or two staff members were responsible for all the issues and now that they've left it's all good…but the bad reviews keep rolling in.
At least eBay and Paypal give you a degree of protection but it means missing out on a similar deal if your order falls through.
79 pages of Whirlpool feedback
They also run these sites with similar feedback
nswcomputers.com.auMajor issues with this retailer.
only 5 available?
Avoid it with a stick
I ordered a TV about a year ago, never got delivered as it wasn't in stock. It still shows in stock to this day on their websiteNevabuy still welcome on ozb after the whole proliant server fiasco?
no megabuy, their instore service are terrible
Serious question, what do you do with old laptops?
I mean you can't just chuck them out of your 10th floor apartment window
Just put a SSD in them and give them to relatives.
depends on how well off they are. Careful not to insult them
What if you have no relatives?
Got some old core2 lappies here and with a ssd in them they perform like new.
Our tip has free disposal for laptops, big pile of them there. I asked if I could poke around, see if I could canabilise some bits but they said no :(
I mean you can't just chuck them out of your 10th floor apartment window
I don't get it… why can't you just defenestrate them?
Cool, new word. Defenestrate.
throw (someone) out of a window.
"she had made up her mind that the woman had been defenestrated, although the official verdict had been suicide"
remove or dismiss (someone) from a position of power or authority.
"the overwhelming view is that he should be defenestrated before the next election"So rare that Chrome is saying that the word is incorrect!
fenêtre means window in french. I could guess what it means :) but I have never heard it myself.
It's one of the best words ever, I reckon!
sell gumtree, sold a 9 year old laptop for 50 bucks. It was actually still alright. Still ran windows fast and smooth.
Yeah, plenty of uses for old laptops. Word processor, browser, etc. Lots don't need more than that.
I almost gave up on selling a mac g4 on gumtree. But eventually a guy came that needed it for some old drivers for a printer or scanner or plotter that was not supported on anything else. Everybody was happy at the end of the day.
Officeworks has signed up to an e-waste recycling scheme. Cost is free. Check here for a drop off point: http://www.officeworks.com.au/information/about-us/our-envir…
Mmmmm I smell a delicious 480GB RAID-0 1Gbps Setup…
I cannot decide getting 2x 240GB or just one 250GB SSD. I don't think you need to install every software on the SSD while you can store files on other HDD storage as well. Hmm..
Not Ultra II, just the base model SSD Plus