Dishonored Definitive Edition PS4/XB1 $23 @ EB Games
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Dishonored Definitive Edition PS4/XB1 $23 @ EB Games
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EB returns brah…
This is on clearance at DS for $20?
guy i was chatting to on PSN over the PS4, had this game and had an issue with the PS4 making rather strange noises like it was chewing the disc
Both the PS4 and XB1 make a bit of noise when they are initially installing the game on the HD. nothing to worry about me thinks - I noticed the same thing over the holidays from Uncharted / NFS on the PS4 and Rare Replay on XB1.
Great game this - although I feel it will be on the PS Plus / XB Gold list soon….
A cat got ran over in the street by a car last week. This game was in a store - on that very same street.
Got run?
Was ran?
Got the runs. All over the street.
Picked up the PS3 version for $20 from Target.
Pretty bad review here