$32.95 Pickup or $35.90 Delivered Australia Post Registered
SanDisk 64GB Ultra Micro SDXC 80MB/s UHS-I Memory Card SDSDQUA-064G
The Best Price I can find in Australia at the moment.
$32.95 Pickup or $35.90 Delivered Australia Post Registered
SanDisk 64GB Ultra Micro SDXC 80MB/s UHS-I Memory Card SDSDQUA-064G
The Best Price I can find in Australia at the moment.
Isn't the one the OP posted faster?
during the xmas and new year holiday it's probably the same time, but either way you are still saving $5.90 for a delivery that may take 1-2 days slower.
By 'faster', I think FATKMZ is referring to the speed of the card and not delivery time.
@theone4u: No, they are different. Just like the computer memories, these SD/Micro SD memory cards also do have different speeds. The one the OP posted in this deal has a speed of up to 80MB/s (read speed) whereas the one in the eBay link posted by nicolaidism goes up to 48MB/s, though they're both the same class, Class 10.
Ok. I am not the expert but…..the card that Op posted looks exactly the same (image wise) as the one posted by nicolaidism?
@jeeg: I hope you're not trolling me, jeeg. As I've mentioned in my previous comment above, one has a read speed of up to 80MB/s (the one posted by the OP) and the other one that nicoliadism posted has a read speed of up to 48MB/s. Looks don't matter; look at the specifications of each card. I am an expert either but that's what I've gathered from reading the description that came with each card, as that info is written next to each memory card.
I've got SD cards coming out the wazoo so I'm going to skip buying any for a while - unless they are Samsung pro cards (64gb would be nice) or Sandisk Extreme/Pro U3 rated (also 64gb or more). I do have some co-workers who might be after some the new year so I might see if the prices are still available and let them know.
these new sandisk ultra 80mbs are MILES faster than the old 48mbs versions. They are only slightly slower than the extreme pro's and faster than the extreme plus
This was the first time they were released here. Crystalbench marks in the comments.
While the new cards are faster, my BMPCC (black magic pocket Cinema Camera) is quite particular about SD Cards and on the new Ultra's I can capture about 20 seconds in RAW format before I get recording alert saying the card cannot sustain the write rate.
I believe due to the non entirely sequential recording method used by BMPCC devices (writing each frame as an individual file along with separate audio stream) and the card must be able to do high random I/O's in a sustained manner (my assumption).
For cameras such as DSLR, mobile devices and camcorders these ultra's performance vs cost is quite good for general use.
the 80 mb/s might be for read, not write times …. so some of the numbers are great if you want to read content e.g movies, but not if you want to save content e.g recording video or raw photos. Will probably be a while before the market is mature enough to quote read and write times for cards like they do for SSD drives.
the 80mb/s is for read - the write speed is around 59seq.
the old ulta 48's were around 20mb write only thats the big difference.
check my link above for the exact stats.
Regarding the bmpcc - from what i've read its the camera that is VERY picky on what card it likes - nothing to do with speeds.
IIRC it likes cards spec'd with the newest UHS3 standard - doesnt matter the speed. (uhs3 cards are still expensive still btw)
From PC.Byte's ebay store, there is also a Sandisk Extreme Pro microSD and this is $80…
Is this Extreme Pro one better than the Sandisk Ultra one?…or should I be better to get the Ultra plus with the gold colour $71
Looking to get a microSD card for a surface pro 4.
Sorry but didn't they used to be $32.95 before?
Didn't the aussie dollar used to be higher before?. Every things going up in price.
geez pipe down mate. just realise i didn't read the post properly.
Wireless1 has the same card (I'm pretty sure it is) for $33 delivered.
is this good for GoPro Session 4? If not which one is? thanks
$29.95 free shipping. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Sandisk-64GB-Micro-SD-SDXC-Ultra-…