EB are having a boxing day sale that's already live online.
Some items are for store pickup, like the Playstation for instance. The console prices are decent for anyone who didn't grab a cheaper deal previously from Target. Prices on Fallout are not bad (by EB Games standards at least):
500Gb PS4 - $398
500Gb Xbox One + Gears of War or FIFA 16 - $398
500Gb Xbox One White Sunset Overdrive bundle - $398
Fallout 4 - $57
Assassin's Creed Syndicate - $57
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate - Charing Cross Edition (with statue) on PC/Xbox/PS4 - $57/$68/$68
Rainbow Six Siege - $57
Assasins Creed is smashed straight away - are people bored of this franchise now