I'm sure everyone secretly wants to see who negged them. Well I certainly do anyway…
Bring this feature to ozbargain?
I'm sure everyone secretly wants to see who negged them. Well I certainly do anyway…
Bring this feature to ozbargain?
Life must be really hard if you place so much stock in what other people think….. Move on - it's just a neg from some random tightasses on the inter-webs.
Have a neg and a wonderful day my good sir…. tips fedora
Didn't neg you for it this time.
There's still time for this to become the most negged comment of 2015
Wonder what the record is? The mods have already told me that im one of the most reported on his site, and im regulalry banned coz some people take random internet commenters way too seriously…. so its probably quite fitting that im up there with the most negged comment
Neg away at your pleasure
haha. you get a lot of plus's too. Lets just say your are divisive. :P
ps i just reported you and asked mod to ban you so that you an enjoy christmas.
PS the record is 131
Your not even half way there yet.
Here's a neg.
Have a neg.
because we all care what you think of the situation….
An anonymous neg from me.
Wait, what?
I call this the "negging bandwagon" phenomenon where a post receives so much negs that it encourages other people to neg it too when under normal circumstances, they usually wouldn't care enough to (neg).
Yes, the snowball effect.
Have a neg - but ive run out
your username say it all
Nice try negger
that would total not create needless personal attacks while adding no real benefit
Have a neg
One benefit is that it would avoid confusion when someone who replied to a comment wasn't the person who negged them. If the neg came first, the replier might say "btw I didn't neg you", but a neg after the reply was posted often results in what seems to be a retaliatory neg and treating the reply as hostile.
(Just highlighting a benefit, not endorsing neg-transparency)
Here's my neg for today.
Bring this feature to ozbargain?
These were visible at one point which lead to a increase in fights between users. Hiding them reduced/eliminated most of these issues.
I was gunna say the same, all it will cause is fights.
It would probably discourage genuine neg voting. Which is obviously an important part of keeping things on track.
How can I neg a Moderator's post :)
There are a couple of reasons to select our comment as a moderator or just a regular user. Moderator comments are important and shouldn't be hidden if people choose to negative vote the comment. This feature also works on rep comments where we can flag the voting to not remove the comment from view.
But the second reason is that we want to use and enjoy this site without having to be flagged a moderator.
Feel free to neg this comment. It doesn't bother me. :)
Haha. Hey you could see that I didn't neg you.
I agree with you Neil… but thought it only polite to Neg as it appeared to be your wish;) nah couldn't do it:)
I actually think if you are that worried about who negged, you most likely be the first to cry over cyber bullies, leave it as it is!
@MMM: yes, agreed - in my experience sooks like that then hide by their anonymity and run to the mods and report you when they lose a disagreement. The mods then appear to oblige such behaviour and warn / ban the reported user for seemingly trivial comments that are neither inherently nasty or offensive
Last time i was banned, after being warned i sarcastically called someone altrusitic. The comment was deleted and marked firstly as off topic. Then it was changed and marked as trolling and i was banned for 4 weeks.
I wonder how some of these people get on in the real world - i mean you cant just dob people in to boss / teacher / police / coastguard etc every time someone annoys you…if you do it too much, you may find yourself on the outer at work or school / ignored by the police when in need / left to drown at the beach etc
Sorry, that is a false and inaccurate statement and I don't think this thread is the right place to air dirty laundry.
We all know it's JV doing the begging.
JV is begging? I would like to see that.
Thanks autocorrect for failing me.
Still works. Some of JV's comments are begging for a neg.
Spare some change… will dance for a dollar… help please…
jv dancing for a dollar
Is that a bargain?
What's the normal price??
If i could i would neg this OP.
We all know it's JV wearing the leggings.
Have a neg
Mod cant be negged? Just saying.
Not sure if it was your intention but I can't see any neg against your comment as a user examples.
I don't recall the context but something happened a while ago where one of the mods were actually negged into oblivion.
Ah yeah, I just found any comment by the mods where you can actually neg them. The examples taken just didn't have any votes against them.
If negging is to remain anonymous, then how about requiring users to justify their negativity?
Some examples:
Vote given to post: Negative
Reason given: Because he made a factually incorrect statement
Vote given to post: Negative
Reason given: User used "appeal to emotion" and "appeal to authority" logical fallacies
Vote given to post: Negative
Reason given: Unfunny and unoriginal pun
Vote given to post: Negative
Reason given: Because he was anticipating downvotes and I'm just giving him what he wants
Vote given to post: Negative
Reason given: Because it's fashionable to downvote jv.
Vote given to post: Negative
Reason given: Because she identified as a Jew, and I am a true Muslim and I hate Jews.
Vote given to post: Negative
Reason given: Because he made fun of Apple iPhones and people who make fun of Apple iPhones must DIE.
Why not turn negatives into a positive? How is a user supposed to improve their posts if they don't get any meaningful and constructive feedback? After a job interview, do you ask the interviewer what you did well/didn't do well? Same shit here.
PS. I'm anticipating downvotes for making this post.
PPS. If you downvote this post, you're probably an Apple iPhone fanboy who has more money than financial sense.
PPPS. If you downvote this post but you're not an iPhone fanboy, then you're a [insert group here] that I offended.
PPPPS. In before "Vote given to post: Negative, Reason given: Too many uses of post scripts"
PPPPPS. Last post script. I promise.
Have a plus
Have a minus for your pointless comment.
EDIT: Wait someone actually gave you a neg. Was not me :(
Lol i couldnt care less about negs mate - maybe it was one of the many who i have had a disagreement with, and then totaly outwitted and put to shame - anonymous internet folk tend to hold grudges….but thanks anyway.
Have a merry christmas and happy new year
This ain't Reddit but have a pos anyway!
More dramabargain!
there are sometimes when it would be nice to know why, but then i'd hate to have to explain why I negged someone if they were just rude or really ignorant somehow..
it would just bring all the nutters out of the woodwork seeking retribution…leave it anon and let them work out why their posts are unpopular :P
You probably get negged for so few grande a sales lately at a Brunswick and a Foot as cray …
Talking of which. Have any of you been on the Hot Copper (ASX) forum. The negs on there are bizzarre. You get all these folks talking themselves into belief that their stock is going to boom and they hate it when someone knowledgeable comes in and points out facts and home truths to them. They are so hooked up patting each other on the back and praising each other about their stock, that as soon as an opposing opinion or particularly a short buyer puts anything negative up, the knives are out. Funny as hell!
I've been up to some real mischief on there lately and reckon on one particular share, my factual comments wiped tens of millions off the value. Needless to say I am shorting that stock!
It needs to be explained to you why they have their 'knives out' ?
People don't like their research/ "biased" evidence been debunked as they have a vested interest.
I'm on hotcopper regularly because I own a few specs. I think a lot of the posters there are 60 year old blokes with some chip on their shoulders from all the money they've lost and are now hoping to make it all back and more through group jerking threads and ramping posts. It's crazy.
No amount of logic or reason will sway the mind of a person who already had $10,000 in sunk costs.
I think it's only right that the identity of the negative voter be revealed.
Perhaps after a suitable period, say 25 years.
lol, a ozbargain freedom of information act?
No thanks!
By hiding negs it encourages people to do it more I reckon.
A lot of the faceless people who neg, would crawl into their corner.
Not many have the guts to give an answer why they did it.
I negged u. Fite me.
I'm glad you owned up to it, but see the other person curled up into the fetal position.
Fite them m9.
Have a neg for disrespecting the fetal position, its my favorite way to drink
lol at the other people who don't have the guts to post why they negged.
Gutless people have no guts. Hopefully they aren't parents.
haha the 'anon' email to their kid to criticize them.
And Sir or Madam, you seriously need a LIFE!!
What the (profanity) did you just (profanity) say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Bargain Professionals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Tricky DIcky, and I have over 300 Brodens. I am trained in gorilla bargainfare and I'm the top swiper in the entire OZB forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the (profanity) out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my (profanity) words. You think you can get away with negging me over the Internet? Think again, (profanity). As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're (profanity) dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can outbid you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed shopping, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Shopping trolley Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your (profanity) tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're (profanity) Brodened, kiddo.
u wot m8? :P
You messed with an Paramilitary ozbargainer. Prepare for a life of always missing out on deals and paying normal retail price for your wares.
You missed censorship on the first line.
Probably cause I Was swearing too much. Nothing meaningful.
Hi John!
I didn't expect this thread to be so funny! :))
what for? can i neg you now?
I thought you were a hapy boy?
I have actually been private messaged by a user asking why I negged their comment even though they could not see if I did or not. I felt pretty offended at the time and wondered why they were so concerned going into the time and effort to message me about it.
I think it's great that negative votes on comments are kept private as it would only encourage arguments, trolling and silly behaviour. There is a cap on how many negative votes you can give per day anyway.
If it really concerns you that people are not going to agree with you or you don't like getting negged, make your comments relevant, funny and with a good pun! Else it's the Internet and everyone is different at the end of the day. Accept it and move on :)
Are you gutless and afraid to stand behind your thoughts? I hope you aren't passing these traits onto young ones. That'd be pretty shameless ;)
Yeh I had the same thing once. Some standard users must get additional privileges???
tightarse on Thu, 06/08/2015 - 12:53
Hey chill. Welcome back from the penalty box! Missed you bro! And thank you for neg'ing my comment. Expected nothing less :)
I think your last paragraph contradicts the middle one.
Why the big deal? Open the negs, unlimited, public and none of this silly nonsense of other users undoing you neg by anonymously neg'ing a neg.
Some standard users must get additional privileges???
Only moderators can see negative votes on comments.
Then it will just lead to revenge negging when it isn't justified.
I disagree. I disagree so much I just negged all your comments from the last month.
u heed to post!
cant neg a topic!
gave ur other comments some negs :P